What do you guys think of the update so far ?

One or two good changes here and there but, overall, this new update is a huge disappointment.
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i think theyve done a PrEtTy GoOd jOb sO FaR
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Most are fine but some I really dislike.
Freddy add-ons changes make them worthless to use. I doubt people would ever use them.
Hundreds iri head should be remove it it kept in the state it in and the soldier puttee is the worst ultra rare in the game. No idea why they thought it was a good idea to make it an add-on.
Coldwind farm might be smaller but I just only played two game on it so it hard to tell yet.
Victor changes might still be bad unless we know what movement speed he's at while in the successful cooldown.
Doctor looks nice and the new reverse skillcheck caught me surprised.
The demo changes look nice but I wonder why they didn't decrease the time it takes to open a portal but that just me complaining.
All in all I think the chapter was fine
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Very disappointing. Was hoping the survivor perks changed would result in a meta shift but it just looks like a subpar niche perk for lucky break. The rest were just quality of life changes that don't qualify as potentially good/bad.
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Although I won't be able to try it out right now, from what I'm seeing it looks pretty solid, and maybe one of the best patches we've ever gotten.
Freddy's Black Box should either be a green add-on or reworked entirely. Also pls put his dream pallet count back to 10
And Twins nerf is kinda meh tbh
Nonetheless, an 8/10 rating from me!
Post edited by glitchboi on9 -
A couple things suck (Twins change is better than PTB, still #########).
A lot of things are incredible (new Demogorgon, Obsession every match, Lucky Break adjusted after PTB, OoO gutted)
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A good, solid, unironic pretty good job so far.
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They killed the Twins. Like, I understood why the slugging mechanics had to be toned down, but it was severe overkill.
You cannot even switch back to Charlotte until the 5 sec stun is done. Ridiculous.
Rest of the update is a bunch of survivor buffs and a new meta perk to replace the one we JUST nerfed. Wee.
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They did nerf keys tho, they're working on the BIG key rework.
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Years of changing the infamous Iri Head addon from 3-1.
Took them that long lmfao
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Update gooood.
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Doc got changes?
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They made it so the hatch takes 10 seconds instead of 30 to close after being unlocked by a key.
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only visual, but they make him look so much better it's unreal
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I got a skillcheck that was reversed (both in rotation and the skillcheck itself)
Don't know if it me or they changed it
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Good enough for me. He was already hot 🥵 🥵, but now he’s even better
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Hey everyone! ❤️
Thanks for leaving us your feedback. We've been reading your comments both here and on our social media channels all day. It's been great seeing so many of you voice your thoughts and concerns!
As always, we'll be passing your feedback - both positive and critical - along to the team, and we'll continue monitoring all of these changes throughout the update, as well. If we have anything new to announce, we'll be sure to let you guys know via our official channels. ❤️
Thanks again for being such an active community, and hope you all have an awesome day! 😊
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Hey, well done on the update, and thanks for the work you lads put into balancing in this update!
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Wait Doc got changed anyone mind telling me what happened I have not been home to check it out yet.
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Nevermind Its only visual
still love the changes to him
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only cosmetically. he got a visual overhaul.
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Loving it so far.
Coldwind looks amazing. It was so nice getting to use BT against Freddy without needing to wake up first. The skill check struggle mechanic is SO much better.
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I have only played 3 games and so far I love the new coldwind. Small game and BT buff are both probably my favorite part. And I'm pleased that we now have an obsession every match regardless of whatever builds both sides bring. I don't know how much this will impact tunneling, but so far I think this update is great.
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Wait I've never seen you here, you new?
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@DeathByGiggles who are you identify yourself ?
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I've poked my head in a few times, but yeah - I'm a new Community Manager on the team! Just joined BHVR at the end of February. 😊
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Awesome, I was wondering, is not_Queen still around?
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Yep! Not_Queen, Peanits, Pat, and I are all still on the team. ❤️
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Welcome to the family! Its always nice to see new people stop by!
Hope you enjoy your stay here!
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More good than bad but I still won't be happy about the bad. Nerfed pallet Freddy? Really man? Who the fck complained about pallet Freddy, he was always a meme at best but okay we're nerfing Freddy so we gotta make sure we nerf EVERY part of him. But on the flip side Demo changes and Huntress add on changes are fantastic.
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Please pass some Feedback along that this update massacred The Twins.
They feel so awful to play now, and getting punished for using your power successfully is overkill.
There are many ways to nerf the slugging problem, but this was the worst way to do it. Small add on changes do not balance this out.
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Maps look nice but are badly balanced.
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Welcome. Hope to see you around more.
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Great update. There are a few things I'm not a fan of but overall I think it's one of the best updates in a while. Coldwind and Doc look great, Iridescent Head finally nerfed, no more spamming X to struggle, good changes to Small Game, OoO and Open Handed, some major bugs fixed, changes to Demo and Freddy, obsession every match, etc, etc.
My favorite thing is the reduced rift grind. I feel like I'll actually be able to enjoy the rift and not stress about completing challenges and such.
Overall 8/10 patch for me.
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The only disappointment I have, is that the devs did the thing again where they come up with 2 good ideas, and instead of choosing 1 of the 2(less traps OR less speed), they did both.
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Heya! Thanks for your honest critiques. ❤️
While I myself am not part of the Design or Balancing teams, we do gather a TON of feedback from the forums, Discord, Reddit, content creators and their communities, and our social media channels. As you can imagine, it is a lot of feedback to go through, but we do our best to make sure your concerns are heard by the team - both good and bad.
That said, not all changes can be made instantly. There's always so much going on behind the scenes that it isn't always possible to implement changes as quickly as you all would like. We always have to define priorities and that is up to the team's discretion when taking into account everything from bandwidth, partnership agreements, unforeseen obstacles, and more!
I know that isn't a ton of helpful info, but I do hope that it gives you a little bit of an idea as to why some changes take longer than others.
As for unpopular changes, I'm no expert and won't claim to be, but they are often made with good reason or intent. That said, we will always continue to bring back feedback about how you are all responding to balancing throughout every update. Sometimes that means the team can adjust quickly (like with the Demo add-ons) and other times it means changes will take longer. It's really dealt with on a case by case basis!
Again, I know this isn't super helpful, but I hope it gives at least a tiny bit of context. ❤️
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Very dissapointed in the Twins gutting.
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i think this is one of the best updates we’ve gotten in a long time, minus the lucky break buff
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Absolutely unnecessary Soul Guard change. Wasn't OP at all, was only good for certain uncommon situations. The cooldown is completely unneeded.
LMAO at nerfing Lucky Break like that, now you NEED a healing build to make IW + LB work at all.
Don't think I'm fond of new OoO either, I'm okay with it being gone but needing the Killer to specifically read your aura for the bonus speed seems bad and being the Obsession with this perk gives the Killer free aura reading on you while you can't see them. Doesn't seem very fair for the Survivor. This perk is pretty much deleted, it's C or D tier now.
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Only played one match (ps4), was on new Coldwind. Was survivor and it felt super sluggish moving around, hoping it was just that one match and doesn't continue. Also, too bright to see survivors auras when they get hooked. :(
I think it's great they made Rift grind better, hopefully we don't lose out on fragments from challenges to make up for it. Will need to play more to see how the other changes are but if game runs like it did that first match not sure I'll play much to really see the changes in effect.
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I’m really disappointed in how lazy and sloppy the new Claudette cosmetic is. Nothing felt original towards the winning design and that’s sad. A lot of pieces are missing (beanie and etc.) and the overall hair work seems bland and messy where the design art was cuter and fluffier. What was the point of having a design contest if you were just going to ruin the design and not commit to it?
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I don't think we're reading the same perk- new Object shows you the Killers aura whenever they see yours + your aura is shown to them for 3s every 30s if you're the Obsession. It's like a better version of Distortion, with the speed buff of Spine Chill.
SG will be the same, the 'nerf' only affects a specific spammable issue that only SWFs could do. Lucky Break seems like a harsh nerf though, maybe make it reuseable each time you get injured in exchange for a shorter time (~20s).
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You brought back bodyblocking basement entrance in the new coldwind maps @DeathByGiggles
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I only played killer and survivors kept seding me to coldwind every game. Coldwind maps are still huge and cornblind seems even worse than before. I won only one game out of five, and only because survivors died like lemmings trying to bodyblock the hook while I had iron grasp.
And I would like to have an option to remove motion blur. I despise this effect and I turn it off in every game if it's enabled. But in this game devs often add new stuff without option to turn it off.
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You probably haven't seen videos about SWF abusing Soulguard + WGLF. That cause the change and it actually was necessary.
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Hello. I dont see the skill check when killer hook me second time. Because i dont see it, i miss the skill check and lose health.
Edit: my mistake, i see it, No problem.
Post edited by Pharmacandy on0 -
Best change:
Every trial will now start with an obsession, regardless of player loadouts.
Shame this happened so late in the game's life cycle though. With DS dead, Killer's gonna focus You and instapick You after unhooking regardless if there's obsession in the game or not.
Love Small Game and Open Handed changes.
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It's ok. Nothing amazing...i'm annoyed Ashy Slashy is still bugged and has been for about 6 months. I noticed I had a weird chaser emblem bug at the end of one game against a Doc too but not sure if that was just random as i escaped and didn't get a emblem when i ran him for the amount of lucky break which he didn't lose track of me, not sure why lucky break buff was nerfed before we even got some proper testing.
The maps kinda suck with how bright they are, still getting frame drops on a series x on some maps too...seem like some of these little bugs in the games are just never going to go away, they may be little but they're annoying when they occur. Plus protection hits are still wobbly
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My thoughts:
Obsession change great. It removes a bit of the information game (you could generally tell whether you were facing DS or STBFL), but it'll remove the security to tunnel and it'll also make some challenges a lot easier now that they don't rely on perks other people are bringing.
Black box change bad. It's extremely situational whether it will have have an effect on your game at all (depends on too many factors - do you 4k before the gates, is the survivor asleep, is the survivor healthy, does the survivor have exhaustion perks to dodge you, are you close enough that 15s makes a difference, is the gate next to a tile) and I'm not a fan of the design trend where addons focus on a killer's base perks - because players tend not to run base perks once they have other options available. It's situational at best and redundant at worst. This isn't a bad addon in and of itself (unlike the likes of Black Grease) and it has great synergy with Blood Warden, fishing you out a survivor to lock the rest in, but 15s of maybe gate delay is not worth an iridescent. Feels more like a green.
Freddy nerf good. He really needed hindered mobility when placing snares. Pallets probably didn't have to be changed. The alarm clock change is kind of eh, I'd have preferred to see a weakening of his passive sleep rather than an immunity that's unlikely to come into play, but it does save you a bit when he finds you right at a clock, so that's nice.
Twins nerf feels like it goes in the wrong direction. My main issue with Twins is that they're not punished for using their power improperly - Charlotte can spit Victor right back out after a kick, giving survivors no respite for successfully cornering him. Punishing them for successful plays shouldn't be the aim here - the punishment should be for unsuccessful plays. The addon changes are great, though.
Demo buff is glorious. He's got so many more viable addons now and I love that the community was listened to on Rat Liver.
BT change is great - punishes killers that are camping and doesn't affect anyone else.
OoO change turned the perk from a rage-inducer to an actually fun perk to play against. I haven't had a chance to use it myself, but I'm loving it from the killer side. It can hurt the survivor as much as help them, and it can't be controlled to the extent that it was with SWFs.
Not liking the Coldwind rework. It's very bright and cluttered, which makes it hard for me to track survivors. The corn went from tricky to impenetrable. I don't think the daytime feel suits DBD and it's harder to see than in the old map anyway. That said, aesthetically it's very beautiful.
The survivor models all look fantastic, especially Jake! Though I miss Dwight's nervousness. His eyes just look bored now.
Struggle skillchecks are going to save my keyboard (there's already a divot in the finish from where my nail would tap the key), but I miss the struggle timer bloodpoints.
Nervouscited for the rift tomorrow. (I love the cosmetics and the sense of purpose to the grind, but as a Plague main, I'm very afraid the archives are going to give her the Nurse/Legion treatment and turn previously sympathetic motives into outright malice. I liked that some killers were tragic figures where others were psychopaths and I'm dreading the inevitable dissonance that'll come from turning her into a religious inquisitor.)
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Not really liking how bright now cold wind farm is now :( the game is called dead BY daylight not dead at daylight :( its too dark and i cant see anything through those corn stalks and where is my scarecrows :(