Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Proposed key changes

Member Posts: 446
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Some changes that could make keys a little more balanced:

  • Add an animation like opening chests
  • Make animation of jumping longer, so it takes longer for multiple survivors to jump in, maybe adding a delay from one jump to another
  • Trigger a loud noise notification to the killer (maybe with a distinct sound) when hatch begins to be opened
  • Purple key can only open hatch to one survivor
  • Decrease frequency of keys in the bloodweb and chests

This way they can keep the achievement "Where did they go?" and decrease the annoyance of constantly lose matches to keys or the stress of wondering if the survivors have a key and are tracking the hatch.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2021

    Maybe this sould be posted in feedback and suggestions? I'm afraid of posting it there now and break the forum rules by double posting.

    Edit: Thank you guys for the advices, I'm just new here.

    Post edited by tesla on
  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Too complex, just make hatch spawn at 5 gens or at 1 survivor left.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    A mod will likely move it. It will then get no further notice by players. That's why we all post in General.

    If a post is moved, it's dead.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    And yet, if it gets moved, it'll get attention from the devs. If the goal is to suggest things to the devs, then having it in the right place is good. On the other hand, players can just go and post there. There's nothing stopping them.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Didn’t they reduce the hatch opening from a key from thirty seconds to ten? If the killer doesn’t close the hatch and waits out the ten seconds, EGC does not prompt.

  • Member Posts: 446

    Yes, I would love if they increase range for allies (64 meters would be nice) and could have more duration too, but the one of viewing killer's aura seems too powerful, maybe that one could drain more power from the key (I know it already does, but you can still make many insane plays in the same match and it doesn't have the same penalty of OoO).

  • Member Posts: 446

    They still nerfed DS in the most complex way when they could have just nerfed the timer. But your suggestion is good as well nonetheless.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Key are equivalent to mories which were changed by just increasing number of hooks needed from 1 to 2 and it did wonders.

    Same should happen to keys. DS has nothing to do with this.

  • Member Posts: 370

    My idea is to make the Hatch like a hook. They have to fill a power gauge thing, and if they don't fully complete it then it restarts itself like the current hooks. Since I don't recall when having a key touch a lock equals the lock instantly undoing itself. So make the keys more realistic. Neuter them from what they once were.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    People don't post ideas here for the Devs... There are far too many for them to look at. They post them for the community to see what players think.

    Having it in "the right place" is bad. The mass majority of the community doesn't look beyond General. They should honestly just do away with the subforums and just add flairs. Everyone knows that once a post is moved off General, it's dead. No one new will see it and the discussion will only continue for people getting notifications for the post.

  • Member Posts: 446

    This nerf is slight at the most, ten seconds is plenty of time to all remaining survivors just jump in the hatch in less than 3 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    An unlocking animation would be nice, 30 seconds preferable

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    How about this:

    • Make it so keys ONLY appear in chests and only after a certain requirement. Like, how the hatch only spawns when there's a certain survivor/gen ratio or something, have ti that keys onyl appear in unopened chests once so and so many gens are done. if no chests are left, no keys this round
  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I was in a situation recently where three survivors remained. One gen left and a key. Found the key holder by hatch and forced them out. I sat there waiting for hatch to close because two survivors with doors open is much more difficult then one.

    I could still defend the gens from two survivors if hatch was out of play. But thirty seconds is a long time.

  • Member Posts: 2,070
    edited May 2021

    A 2 second unlocking animation would be adequate for giving killers the chance to stop a survivors escape if they are chased to the hatch, but I always felt that survivors should Earn the ability to use the key in the first place, and that it should have a greater consequence for using it:

    For earning the ability to use the Key/activating the key, the key bearer either needs to have completed 3 gens with another survivor, or 2 gens themselves. It's easily doable, and the idea is to promote rewarding survivors/teammates for completing the primary objectives, instead rewarding an unhelpful turd hiding in a corner all trial with a free escape mechanic.

    As for Consequences, Using the key and successfully escaping should remove the hatch from the trial grounds for the remainder of the trial once it closes on its own, if the killer closes it, it'll remain in the trial. That way survivors will want to ensure that they get as many survivors out with with them as possible, or just say "Screw em, I've done my part!" and leave any remaining survivor(s) with no alternative way out. This could make coming into a trial with a key become seen as potentially toxic to the other survivors, but on the other hand, it still has the potential to getting everyone out, and they know you'll have to help them complete objectives in order to use it, so one could argue that if anyone gets left behind, It's their own fault for not paying attention and following you to the hatch.

    Just some thoughts on how Keys should work to be more of a risk and reward mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    The frequency of keys in bloodwebs is already tiny. In fact, you're more likely to get an ebony mori on every single bloodweb, than 4 survivors are to be likely getting a key on their 4 seperate bloodwebs. So the frequency is fine

    Chest rarity should be higher, agreed. BUT I feel like the chest in the basement should offer a higher tier of items in general due to it's location. Survivors being able to get a key from non-basement chests without running Plunderers should not be a thing.

    Hatch animation shouldnt be added, using a key is already a rare occasion and the person holding the key should essentially have a free escape. Nor do I think multiple survivors jumping in is the issue, as survivors gathered together to make a hatch escape and if the killer is close enough he can close it before they escape.

    Conceptually, the key isnt an issue, the real issue is that keys remain in the game when the person holding a key dies. If you kill the person with a key, the key should no longer remain in the match.

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    Yes, this definitely a post for Feedback and Suggestions, because these are some very constructive suggestions that deserve to be looked at! I went ahead and moved it over (it will have a redirect link in General, its not "dead", as it were)

  • Member Posts: 235

    I think after keys and hatch get nerfed the key should be buffed by opening chests instantly. Doesn't that make more sense for their use?

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