Lucky Break my S*** up

Allright, boys, ruin is overused so let us just make this quick little change and make this perk into instant red rank meta.
- 3000 IQ bhvr.
Imagine removing Ruin from the game (that actually was a bandaid to a decapitation of a level design), a perk which no one liked to use but had to, in order to have a good chill game with 10-12 hooks, where everybody had fun, laughs, teabags and yada yada - so then you can add a JUICY little perk that makes the poor old trappy boy - that has just lost 2 gens by having to WALK from one side of mother's dwelling to the other - to waste one minute in order to get a hit just so he could completely lose his chase, lose his pressure, lose the game - because of LOLZ.
That's it boys, I couldn't believe it myself until I've read the notes on steam, but it actually went live. Have fun playing Killer, cus I sure won't 🤣.