Lucky Break is still too niche to be useful

3.4 - 4.6 Lucky Break:

Whenever you are in the Injured State, Lucky Break activates:

Bleeding is suppressed for a maximum of 120/150/180 seconds, after which Lucky Break is disabled for the remainder of the Trial.

Lucky Break deactivates when you are Healthy or in the Dying State

While not literally useless, there was never a reason to run Lucky Break in any build. Hiding blood isn't useful as blood tracking is by far the least used tracking method that any killer will use.

Survivor moaning / breathing and scratch marks are by far more useful than blood pools so blocking something that most killers even in red ranks didn't bother trying to use doesn't make sense to do.

Whether intentional or not, this perk also refreshed it's duration whenever it deactivated due to the user being healed or downed. This was probably the strongest part of Lucky Break simply because you could use it to hide and then refresh the duration whenever you got healed. 3 minutes to find a heal isn't unreasonable in the slightest, if anything it's overkill.

While not useless, Lucky Break was easily the worst perk of Yui's kit as it wasn't even good in any meme builds and doesn't serve any use outside of very fringe hiding builds.

PTB 4.7 Lucky Break:

Whenever you are in the Injured State, Lucky Break activates:

Bleeding and Scratch Marks are suppressed for a maximum of 90 seconds, after which Lucky Break is disabled for the remainder of the Trial.

Lucky Break deactivates when you are Healthy or in the Dying State.

This is when Lucky Break turned from a very boring, effectively useless perk into a powerful tool in a survivor's arsenal.

For 90 seconds a survivor could eliminate 2 tracking methods that a killer could use, combined with another perk like Iron Will, a survivor can effectively be invisible and a killer would have to use their own intuition to find the survivors.

I played with this and against this on the PTB and while annoying at times, I didn't think it was overpowered in the slightest. In this version I don't believe the duration refreshed when the survivor was healed so effectively survivors got 1, maybe 2 chases if they were quick about it of leaving no scratch marks. A killer could just leave them be and go find another person to chase down while Lucky Break ticked down.

While I agree that it could've been toned down a bit, Lucky Break was not overpowered and could be played around by a competent killer.

Live 4.7 Lucky Break:

Whenever you are in the Injured State, Lucky Break activates:

Bleeding and Scratch Marks are suppressed for a maximum of 35/40/45 seconds, after which Lucky Break is disabled for the remainder of the Trial.

Lucky Break deactivates when you are Healthy or in the Dying State.

This in my opinion is absolutely an overnerf. While having a general strong effect, 45 seconds is nothing. If a survivor doesn't have an immediate source of healing, they will get only one use out of this perk for the entire trial and then it's gone.

Killer mains can just smack the Lucky Break survivor, leave them be and go chase someone else. Chances are if the guy doesn't have a medkit, Lucky Break will just expire and then you don't have to play around it anymore.

Even then, if they're good enough they can easily track the survivor anyway as you don't necessarily need scratch marks or moaning to follow a survivor, Iron Will has been a perk since day 1 and killers have been playing around it no problem.

Just like before the patch, there's no reason to run Lucky Break simply because it's too niche to be useful, 45 seconds doesn't accomplish anything vs a good killer because they'll just move on.

I think a good change would be to reintroduce the feature of the perk's duration refreshing whenever it deactivates by healing or getting downed. Like I said, 45 seconds is nothing. Should a killer choose to abandon the chase, the survivor can rush to heal themselves and save the perk. If the killer continues the chase, the perk is exhausted but the survivor can use it's power to do shenanigans during the chase.

Theoretical Lucky Break:

Whenever you are in the Injured State, Lucky Break activates:

Bleeding and Scratch Marks are suppressed for a maximum of 35/40/45 seconds, after which Lucky Break is disabled for the remainder of the Trial.

Lucky Break deactivates when you are Healthy or in the Dying State.

When Lucky Break deactivates before it's duration ends, the duration will reset back to it's maximum.

It becomes a strong perk again with counterplay. Potentially ending one chase and not having a 4th perk for the rest of the trial is a steep price to pay when exhaustion perks effectively do the same thing and are reusable. Giving this perk a chance to be reusable should the killer choose to abandon the chase lends the perk some utility and encourages a hiding playstyle from the survivor.

With this effect, there are choices that can be made with the perk being like this and I hope that something like this is considered as right now there is still no real reason to run Lucky Break.


  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    45 seconds is still suffisant to lose the killer during your first chase. The objective of this perk when you have it, is to be hit somewhere you can easily break LoS, so, thanks to Lucky Break and the speed boost, the killer won't be able to retrieve you. This is how you play it, by doing this, you would need in the best case 10 seconds to completely lose the killer.

    Each time I used it, I managed to hide from the killer, and get away from the first chase. This perk is a time-waster single use if you can heal yourself after that.

    If this perk offers to survivors multiple free chase-escape, it would be game breaking, as it was during the PTB.

    A single use perk is not always a bad or a niche perk, there is Unbreakable, Deliverance, DS, Adrenaline,... Lucky Break is slightly less powerful than these perks, but the fact that you're wasting the killer's time during your first chase is huge, and that is more true if you're the first chased, plus doing a long chase : the first hook must be quite fast if the killer wants a good game.

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Combine it with syringe for instaheal OR green medkit with some addons and botany knowledge for fast healing speed and you have 2 chases broken if you know how to run out of killers sight

    Can also combine it with Quick and Quiet, very effective too.