Hawkins Lab

I see Hawkins Lab as being the worst map in Dead by Daylight. It seems unfun for both killer and survivor but fairly killer sided seeing as how almost every pallet is unsafe. The portal room is cool and all but it is kind of a let down. I think there should be a rework down the line but the devs haven't said anything about doing so. So idk : /
I rather like Hawkins both as a Killer and a Survivor. The trick to looping the Killer on Hawkins is to use the up and down stairs and catwalks inside the various rooms. There are are fewer safe pallets because there are so many long loops and vaults you can utilize effectively. However, many Survivors don't think about it in those terms and are used to just running on one floor at a time. Let me stress, Hawkins can work very well for Survivor, but ONLY if you maximize those loops and vaults. Think about it as the opposite of The Game which has very few vaults and effective loops but LOTS of pallets. Does that make sense?
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I like Hawkins. Everyone thinks I'm an idiot for it. But I like it.
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I mean yeah, it does. I just think they half assed the map.
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You would think that, but it is the opposite. More time and thought went into creating that map than many others. The goal was to create a map that would:
- Reflect the look and feel of the labs from the show Stranger Things.
- Play entirely different than the maps already in rotation.
- Implement a new type of heights structure besides just hills.
They didn't half ass it, they gave it a crazy amount of thought and and hammered statistics to decide about the pallets. The DEV do have a formula (and you can reverse engineer it by studying certain variables in the maps) for deciding pallets, vaults, drops, etc. When they start with a non-standard map they make the call of what type of terrain will dominate it. They put those in first, and then they follow their general building rules to fill in the rest as the formula will allow. Thus when they did The Game they wanted lots of pallets to fit in with the warehouse theme. They filled in their pallet spawns first which told them the min and maxi pallets (safe, unsafe, god) and then knew how many vaults and/or drops, etc. they had room for using their rules. The same happened earlier at Hawkins. They had the idea for those catwalks which were going to be vaults and drops. Think about all the windows/vaults spread out through Hawkins (there are a metric ton of them). Heck they even put in a rolling set of stairs near the ugly room which throws a casual vault in at the top. After putting all those in and counting up the total loops (that many people don't understand) the room for safe pallets was tiny. :) I don't see this as a bad thing. Different maps just cause us to adapt and make sure we play to the strengths of the given one we pull.
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Yeah that map is straight ass
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Ngl I got a headache reading that all. But still, the map comes off as boring. Cool at first glance but sick of it after playing the second time. Same with Midwich. There are hardly any windows or vaults in the map. A few on the cat walks but every smart Killer wouldn't bother wasting time having a wild goose chase on that s**t. A couple windows upstairs which is the most disappointing part of the map. It is a death trap. There are I'd say 3 somewhat safe pallets. I don't think you've been in a high rank Hawkins match
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To each their own. You will have an unfun match on it eventually.
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I never have an unfun game on any map. Fun comes from us, not the the game. It is all mindset and love of a challenge. I play on Hawkins all the time.
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Oh I've had plenty of unfun matches on every map lol.
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This. This and some good old W holding (killers can't really risk cutting you off in a chase like they can on most maps).
The central room with two staircases leading up to the catwalk and the drop into each? You can run a killer there without using the windows at all. It's like having old Balanced Landing.
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So you think that hawkins is worse than haddonfield, or lerys? Ummm, no. Hawkins does need a rework which will happen here in a chapter or two. I find hawkins to be fun as is with the catwalks and thinking of creative new strategies to loop or find the survivors.
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I much prefer Hawkins to The Game, as both killer and survivor.
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I dont really like Hawkins for either killer or survivor but i don't think it can really be any better.
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the map just needs a complete visual overhaul like the rest of the maps, the lighting is ass and textures don't look right in some places, floating objects in places, and it doesn't look too accurate to the places we've seen in the show.
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True lmao. I wish they just didn't do a map for the dlc if it was gonna be so bad. I think they could have done a sick map for the trickster but of course not.
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I like Hawkins an I prefer it over the other indoor maps.
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Well its a licensed DLC so they would have to do a map. Trickster is not licensed but yeah i hope they at least do one for him in the future.
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you can't say its killer sided if most pallets are unsafe. If most of the pallets are unsafe, its fair and how it should be.
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I like you
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How does that make sense? Survivors have few vaults on the map and more than 70 percent of the pallets are unsafe.
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You need to use the verticality of the various catwalks to loop effectively, and they have plenty of vaults. Taking those into account, Hawkins is actually one of the largest maps in the game by square feet.
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No, you just aren't looking in the right places. Hawkins is CHOCK FULL of vaults.