Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Freddy Add ons

Yes i know the chance of any add on changes that i may suggest to be put into the game are slim but i thought why not do it anyway no harm and who knows maybe it will happen lol.

So Freddy as mentioned in previous posts the rope add ons and black box are underwhelming and are not viable in higher levels and argubly mid levels of play. Which leaves freddy with very few viable add ons that arent regelated to meme status this leads to one kind of playstyle which is gen def freddy so the idea of this add on pass is to make more add ons viable and help encourage different playstyle of freddy for all levels.

So lets get started with:

(Iri) Black Box:

  • One obession survivor in dream world no escape.
  • When the exit gates are open the obession survivor unable to leave through the gates for 45 seconds.
  • Any other survivor in the dream world when gates are open unable to leave through the gates for 30 seconds.

So bring back the obession part before 4.7.0 but combine it with the current black box and boost up the numbers plus something for the other survivors.

(iri) Red Paint Brush:

  • Stays the same it's a strong iri and great to combine it with other add ons.

(V Rare) Z Block:

  • Survivors who trigged the snares or pallets are inflicted with the Exhausted status effect for 6 seconds

Z block is one of the most weakest add ons in the game and since we seen huntress keeping her exhaustion add on with a much shorter duration i see no reason why we couldnt have more exhaustion add ons especially as spam snare freddy is no more basically.

(V Rare) Class Photo:

  • When Freddy completes Teleport he can see the auras of survivors that are 16 meters from the teleported gen for 7 seconds.
  • All Gens spew blood when teleporting and no husk of freddy will appear until freddy has channel the teleport for over 50%

Got rid of the locked teleport as it takes away way to much of his mindgame potential with teleport. But keep the surprise element of the add on and give it a bit more vaule with the aura reading.

(V Rare) Pill Bottle:

  • Survivors will see The Nightmare intermittently at a reduced distance of 12 to 16 metres.
  • The Nightmare is invisible to Survivors beyond 16 meters.
  • Reduce lullaby range to 24 meters while survivors are in the dream world

Got the idea of this add on to make freddy more stealthy so basically just a number changes and got rid of the carrying surviviors are invisible to awake survivors to replace it with the lullaby change to keep the idea of a stealth add on.

The next few add ons are grouped together as they will have the same effect but different vaules but will do the strongrest variation of the add on:

(V Rare) Swing chains (Part of the Rope Family):

  • Considerabley decrease the immune sleep timer from the clocks

So the rope family will affect the clocks and reduce the timers of the immunity the swing chains will knock 10 seconds off so 30 to 20 and then the other rope family will have smaller vaules e.g 5 seconds off

(Rare) Blue Dress (Part of the dress family):

Most part they will stay the same but will have two main changes:

  • Increase skill check chances and diffculity
  • Increase Aura reading 6 for rare and 4 for uncommen

Simple changes just to give them a bit more vaule also reagarding the wool shirt that will stay the same as is since its a common add on.

Dream Pallets add ons (since they all have different names lol):

  • Keep 7 tokens of dream pallets
  • 3 dream pallets already placed around the map at start of trial
  • Reduce number of pallets in trial by 2 (can not be stacked with the same type of add on)

Main issue of dream pallets is at the start of the game there's very few places to put them and you need to to break alot of them and pray that survivors cant remeber what pallets were used. So these changes will help with start of trials with a few already placed pallets and gives freddy more place to place some more dream pallets. Bit added the conditions that the removal of pallets can only be done with one add on so no 4 pallets removal if you use two pallet add ons.

Nancy Masterpiece ( the painting add ons):

Stay as is very good add ons no need for changes

The Block family (bar the z block)

Stay as is as even though blindness and haemorrhage arent strong all killers should still have access to them in case they get buff aswell (Blindness to hide red stains please ;P)

also Kids Drawing stays the same as it always been a trend to get a add on that severaly weakens you for 200 extra BP :/

Phew that was alot of add on changes hopefully you all like them and also hopefully some of them may come into the game but let me know what you think :)

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