Dead Hard no longer has I-frames

xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

The description of Dead Hard includes the following:

”Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward. During the dash, you avoid damage.”

This is not how the perk works now, you can take damage mid-dash and can no longer dash through a killer or another survivor like you previously could. So it seems that the perk is bugged.

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  • Squrix
    Squrix Member Posts: 9

    ive been having the same issues so ive stopped running the perk entirely lol but i dont think its soley a perk issue i think its more of a client relaying info to server issue because ill get downed using it and itll say "Dead hard exhausted" but ive gotten picked up right away and had it still so its very likely a client relaying info to server issue