No Network Connection at the end of the game

Bane_of_Games Member Posts: 92


This is the second time it's happened and I saw it happen to Paulie Easter once on stream quite a while ago so I'm guessing it's a known issue but since I've had it happen twice in as many days it may require a look. The first time was yesterday while I was opening the exit gate and a Wraith decloaked and grabbed me off of it (thought I let go in time, but so it goes) and I immediately got the "No network connection" error as I got put on his shoulder. I then watched the Wraith walk me over and put me on the hook so yeah, I was definitely still connected but when I clicked OK it took me to the main title screen. It didn't think anything further because I noticed it was Tuesday and Steam was doing it's normal downtime so I figured that was the problem. But when it happened again today I took screenshots. Again, the killer was a Wraith but this time I was running toward the exit gate past the Shack. This time I didn't hit OK until after I had been sacrificed (second screen shot). In that time 2 other survivors came up and healed me, I got 2 stillness crows and the Wraith came over, hit me twice and put me on a hook in the Basement. It took me to the "post game lobby" and when I clicked OK it showed me the completed Daily Ritual (Blood Dance). When I clicked claim it took me to the title screen. I clicked to log back in and it took me to the main menu screen, showing the Blood Dance still incomplete.

No idea how to reproduce other than play against a Wraith on either Hadenfield or Badham as those were the maps I was on and the killer I was against when the issue occurred. I vaguely recall a trial yesterday where I was playing against a Wraith and he disconnected after sacrificing a survivor while the rest of us were at the exit gate on a Swamp map but I don't remember anything beyond that.

To me, twice in the last 48 hours. As I mentioned, possible issue yesterday with that other Wraith but I don't know that one for sure.

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  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Also play on PC and I get this message at least twice a night.