Wraith has been Overbuffed and is now meta
Tony is the Sluzzy of SWFs.
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it literally doesn't make any sense to call for a wraith nerf.
he isn't even in the top 3 of killers.
or even the top 5.
If by meta they mean 5 people play wraith now instead of 0.
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I agree that Wraith doesn't need nerfs but you insistence on relating everything back to "sWFs R Op!!!!!!" is just... embarrassing, because at least Sluzzy is actually trolling.
Just... stop.
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so swf isn't OP?
Do tell.
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Fellas is Tony actually trolling at this point too?
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are you implying the 5th free perk known as comms is not OP?
Sounds like you're trolling.
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I know its not complete because it glosses over the add-on change information. I'm sorry my memory isn't perfect for everything in the game after all these years.
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The change logs on killer pages generally do not address add-on changes. That doesn't make them incomplete though, it's just not where the wiki people put that information. Wraith's page will only feature changes to him. For add-on changes, you must go to the add-on pages themselves.
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Are you suggesting BHVR somehow removes people's ability to communicate with each other outside of their game? Sounds like you're the one trolling. This topic isn't even about SWF and everyone one of your replies is crying for them to nerf something they have zero control over.
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He has been in half my games the past few weeks. How are you going to argue Wraith is not meta? Regardless of what you think of his power level, the huge amount he is played right now literally makes him meta...
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Goddamn, people went from "Windstorm should be base-kit" to "Wraith OP"? Basic M1 killer man.
The only OP things about him is All-Seeing and silent bell. Sloppy Butcher is scuffed on him but that perk shouldn't even exist to begin with, lazy design.
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BHVR openly admits they balance killers based on their addons, the fact the addon change information is not apart of killer changes makes them incomplete by its nature. I've pointed directly at a very obvious reason I know the list is incomplete that is visible to everyone. I've already admitted that I've possibly conflated PTB changes that may have never gone live in other comments, if thats what happened, then oh well I guess my memory isn't perfect.
I'm going to assume that you have nothing constructive to add as you completely ignored the other 6 paragraphs I wrote.
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He's still JUST an M1 KILLER that continuously gives you a warning he's near with the bell. If anything, he needs to be buffed EVEN MORE. Survivors can EASILY smash him... IF THEY WANTED TO!
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His addons need a bit of a change and his add on that shows survivor auras needs to be deleted.
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Feel free to assume whatever. My goal was to explain why the wiki doesn't list add-on changes on the killer's own page.
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I think Wraith feels great to play and doesn't seem too oppresive considering what the current top-tier killers look like.
I think if Wraith need a little dialing back it should be in the form of dialing back his post-decloak speed-burst/lunge a little bit, or raising the distance he can be seen while cloaked to let you run a little earlier. But if he went unchanged I don't think I'd lose too much sleep over it.
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I do think Wraith has been way overbuffed. Anyone that thinks otherwise hasn't played against one. His lunge from cloak is so great that even a sprint burst can hardly outrun it. That is wrong and it feels like a bug it is so bad. His map traversal shouldn't be so strong either. He needs to lose one or the other because he is like Freddy where he has two powers in one 1) instant map pressure 2) a free hit after uncloak
He is brokenly overpowered.
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That's fine but survivors aren't exactly getting buffs. Also current Wraith is way stronger than most other killers.
Ideally all the killers should be powerful, so they can start buffing survivors too. That's not what happens though.
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LOL Spinechill is not a counter to wraith.
The issue with Wraith right now isn't his invisibility. I don't think you understand how this game works.
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Literally every other match I play these days is Wraith.
Maybe it's an Asian thing and people in NA don't know how to use Wraith, but I doubt it. More likely you don't play survivor enough to even know how the meta has shifted to Wraith.
Why do people who obviously don't even play against Wraith feel like they need to keep talking? You obviously haven't played against current Wraith enough if you really think that. He is ridiculously powerful in chase right now.
Has nothing to do with being free.
You obviously don't play Survivor enough to notice. Wraith is literally everywhere these days 50% of all my survivor games are Wraith, and they all run the same build with Swift Hunt and Windstorm. It is ridiculously strong in chase. This is not a matter of newbs using a killer just because he's free. Usually Trapper has that honor by the way.
These are experienced killers who know what they are doing (I am a Red Rank survivor) and they all choose to use Wraith with a very specific build and he is really strong right now.
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He's buffed to C or at best B-tier. I hope he gets another smaller buff soon also because he deserves to be one of the better killers after being trash for so long.
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Not according to this post, they want him to be trash
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Talking to Tony is like talking to a brick wall tbh.
Although I agree that Wraith doesn't need nerfs as well.
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Wraith is the same as ever, all they did was make a yellow add-on base-kit for him. All they need to change for him is silent bell and All-Seeing.
He's a basic M1 killer with lots of counterplay.
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Pretty sure they made old purple windstorm basekit
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Awesome move from BHVR tbh.
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What do you mean? Survivors literally just had lucky break buffed, and small game buffed, finding/learning spawns/destroying totems has never been easier basically annihilating an already gutted class of killer perks. Just because they are not buffs to your direct playstyle does not mean survivors aren't being buffed.
Just because other killers are weak does not make that Wraith's fault or problem. At a certain point the problem is that the skill floor to play survivor is too low, so any amount of resistance feels extremely uncomfortable.
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Wraith is fine. Use your eyes and get off that gen one second earlier. Wraith is easily smashed If survivors choose to do gens.
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Wraith has better map pressure and a bit of counterloop but he will never be above midtier with his actual kit and counterplays
He is not overpowered.