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Since there are no killers that climb walls or ceilings...

Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Here’s one:

The Beast:

Name: Keira 

Height: Short

Speed: 115% | 4.6 m/s

Ethnicity: Amazonian (South American [Native])


The Hunt:

Ability: Scale 

Press and hold the Power Button while against any vertical or horizontal (upside down) surfaces to attach to and move/climb across it in any direction. While scaling, the Beast is able to vault through vault points to reach points of high elevation.

When reaching a corner for a wall or ceiling automatically change direction to scale the proceeding surfaces.

The Beast is undetectable while scaling.

Any where the Beast scales are covered in orange scratch marks visible to all survivors when within 12 meters of them. When the Beast is scaling a horizontal surface, glowing saliva droplets will fall from the Beast onto the floor; creating pools that linger for 5 seconds.

If the Power Button is released and the Beast falls on a pallet it is broken and the Beast is stunned for 1.5 seconds. 

Additionally, if the Beast falls on a survivor, the survivor is injured and becomes broken for 45 seconds; after which, the Beast is stunned for 3 seconds.

While scaling, move at 6.0 m/s or 150% movement speed. 

Special Attack: Death Stalk

While scaling, press the Attack Button while aiming in any direction (besides the wall which the Beast is clinging to) to perform an large pounce attack. Successfully landing this attack will result in the survivor put into the dying health state and the Beast is stunned for 5 seconds.

If the Beast pounces onto/into a breakable wall or pallet, it is broken and the Beast is stunned for 1.5 seconds.

While pouncing, the Beast moves at 16.0 m/s or 400% movement speed. If the Beast touches the floor during a pounce, the Beast is stunned for 4 seconds.

If the Beast is still pressing the Power Button while pouncing, the Beast will automatically cling onto any touched surface (besides the floor). 

Special Ability: True Awareness

After collecting 45 blood lust charges, True Awareness is available. To activate, press the Secondary Power Button to reveal the location of all survivors outside your terror radius through killer instinct for 10 seconds. After, you become undetectable for 24 seconds.

Gain one blood lust charge for each second in chase. While scaling, gain an additional charge per each gained during a chase.


•Hex: Blood Crazed: 

The thrill of tasting blood, festers and creates a power that is both primordial and addictive. This hex roots it’s power in the blood split in the hunt, growing in intensity as your prey continues to bleed. 

For each successful injury inflicted onto a survivor while in a chase, Hex: Blood Crazed gains a token. 

For each token, gain a stackable 2% haste effect.

While out of chase, gain a stackable 5/10/15% haste effect.

Hex: Blood Crazed has a 25 second cool down between receiving tokens.

The effects of this hex persist as long as the related hex totem stands.

•Death from Above: 

Your prey stubble under the canopy of darkness, as you watch from above in dreadful anticipation.

After falling a great distance, all survivors within your terror radius are exposed for 60 seconds and scream revealing their location for 6 seconds. Death from Above has a 120/100/80 second cool down.

•Hunter’s Folly: Those who attempt to prowl in your domain, meet their end. Their hubris will be their downfall.

When a survivor falls a great distance, receive a notification and become undetectable for 12/14/16 seconds. Survivor fall recovery and grunts while falling are increased by 25/50/75%.


A nimble and ferocious monster, Kiera, inhabited the wild and dense forests of the Amazon. Her village was secluded and without many outside connections. On a dark and quiet night, she was born. However, Kiera was not normal, she had an abnormally lithe frame and long arching fingers, each with a sharp nail. Her feet were bent awkwardly making them seem more animal like than human. 

However, she was abandoned for her feature and then mutilated by the various creatures that stalked the forest; Kiera learned to survive by remaining in the trees and attacking her prey from above while scavenging for food that she could not get through hunting.

After years, she moved moved up the food chain becoming an apex predator among all the animals. The locals called her the Beast. One who will kill for food and mane for sport. Her deep hatred for humanity place them high on her list of killing priority. None could peaceful pass through her territory without a great chance of death, of which there were many. 

Eventually, a mob formed to hunt the Beast. Of the group of 30, Kiera was able to kill 23. However, in the end, they were able to capture her; pinning her down and prying open her chest to watch her bleed out. Finally, believing her dead, the remaining villager mob dissipated leaving the supposed corpse ready to rejoin nature. Until a black fog began rolling in.

The body of Kiera disappeared and when the villagers returned to collect the dead, only skeletons remained of the 23 dead. With the supposed 24th gone.


Token of Humanity [common]: A small toy meant for the young of her village, it was left with her on the night of her abandonment.

  • Slightly (10%) increases scaling movement speed

Sugar Sap [common]: The main source of the Beast’s sustenance while in her youth, it stinks but tastes sweet and savory.

  • Survivors who are harmed by Death Stalk are injured instead of dying.
  • Gain 100% bonus blood points for Pounce score events.

Rotten Tooth [common]: A baby tooth, it’s covered in blackened mold and cavities.

  • Slightly (50%) increases pounce speed

First Prey [common]: A small bird that was mistakenly crushed to death while it was caught. The blood it exudes never dries.

  • Slightly (0.25 second) decreases stun penalty from missed pounces (includes destructive pounces [pallets and breakable walls])

Best Prey [uncommon]: A weasel like creature that the Beast spent weeks stalking, it was a tricky thing that required the most time to capture.

  • Moderately (15%) increases Death Stalk charging speed

Leafy Poultice [uncommon]: A earthy mixture that is used to stop bleeds and speed up recovery.

  • Slightly (0.25 second) decreases stun penalty from successful pounces (only survivor downs)

Irritating Vine [uncommon]: It’s spines cause massive irritation and rashes, however, for the Beast, the pain and discomfort is invigorating.

  • While our of chase, gain a stackable 10% haste effect.
  • Injuring a survivor before a chase initiates extends this effect for 30 seconds.

Precious Rock [uncommon]: A sharp stone that was used to butcher her prey, it stands a testament to her survival.

  • Survivors revealed by True Awareness are revealed for an additional 3 seconds.
  • Slightly (-10 charges) decreases blood lust charges require to charge True Awareness

Harden Nails [uncommon]: Tough and bloody, broken off in an attack that resulted in many scars.

  • Moderately (20%) increases scaling speed

Ritual Stick [rare]: A staff that is covered in ritualistic carving and paints. It was taken from the corpse of a shaman that wondered too close to the Beast’s territory.

  • When a survivor is revealed by True Awareness, they are revealed by aura instead of killer instinct.
  • Moderately (4 seconds) decreases reveal duration

Poisonous Sap [rare]: When collecting sweet sap, the Beast found a poisonous version. It’s virtually indistinguishable from the sweet version but is extremely dangerous to handle.

  • Survivors injured from the Beast falling on them, are hindered by 15% until healed or put into the dying health state.

Floral Poultice [rare]: A sweet and earthy mixture that heals deep wounds and speeds up recovery.

  • Breaking pallets and breakable walls with a destructive pounce or destructive fall grant the Beast a 30% haste effect for 5 seconds after the stun recovery.

Thorny Bramble [rare]: Razor sharp and numerous. It cause extreme pain when take out; much more than it did going in.

  • When stun with a pallet, the pallet is instantly broken by the entity.
  • Stun penalty for all actions are moderately (30%) increased 

Traveler’s Sack [rare]: A bag of random trinkets, a sketch of a small child lies in inside.

  • The undetectable status effect given by True Awareness is increased by 20%

Villager Machete [very rare]: A blunted and rusty weapon, taken from the corpse from the mob.

  • While charging Death Stalk, all survivors within a 32 meter radius are revealed to you through killer instinct.

Villager Necklace [very rare]: A foreign jewelry piece made of silver and obsidian, taken by a slaughtered mother with the mob.

  • The Beast no longer leaves scratch marks while scaling.
  • Slightly (20%) increases breathing volume while scaling

Villager Shoes [very rare]: Weaved and matted, the blood stains leaves it permanently darkened. 

  • Survivors harmed by the Beast falling on them suffer from the incapacitated status effects for 60 seconds.

Villager Toy [very rare]: Pristine and freshly painted, it taunts the Beast with a life denied to her.

  • The Beast remains undetectable for 16 seconds after stopping a scaling action.

Last Prey [ultra rare]: A final dinner before her demise, savor it for it is your last.

  • Falling on a survivor reveals the aura of all survivors for 4 seconds.
  • Survivors put into the dying health state via a successful pounce attack, cannot recover and move 20% slower.

Obsidian Shard [ultra rare]: A piece of a chieftain’s treasure. His fixation with it intrigues the Beast.

  • The Beast is no longer stunned from pouncing into the floor.
  • The Beast can pounce outside of scaling by pressing and holding the Secondary Power Button.
  • The Beast cannot use True Awareness while not scaling.
  • Slightly (15%) decreases stun penalty for all actions


  • Addons
Post edited by Shymare_11 on
