Legion Changes

The Legion is not the worst killer. They perform quite well, and they have a good amount of tracking and game delay that allows them to have some footing against survivors. However, they are far from perfect. They have been through design redoes so many times people are probably just sick of seeing them change. They have addon's that are borderline useless or straight up useless. With these changes, I hope to change them into a much more healthy and pleasant state.
Base Legion changes:
Remove power drainage on basic attack.
=== The power drainage on basic attacks is a weird stat. I don't even know why it was added if I am honest. It didn't even seem like it did much with the first version of legion, let alone the new ones. It's a vestigial part of the power that needs to be removed.
Gain the ability to break pallets in feral frenzy. It would have the same button press as the clown's reload or pig's crouch. When you start breaking the pallet, Feral Frenzy stops.
=== One of the most frustrating things a survivor can do against a legion in Feral Frenzy is camp a pallet. If the legion vaults it, the survivor can usually vault back or just run to the other side while they are in cooldown. If they want to break the pallet, they would have to sit though a stun in which the survivor can run away before they can even break it. Giving them a way to at least break a pallet and get rid of the stun between would make those uncommon situations much less annoying.
Increases movement speed during Feral Frenzy cooldown to 3.6 m/s (90%).
=== Many people dislike the cooldown when you end Feral Frenzy. Many people want to decrease the time that it would take to get out of cooldown. I play a lot of legion, and scarcely use any of the cooldown addons, and can say that the 4 seconds cooldown is just fine. It's enough time to let survivors react to you ending your power and entering a state of lethally, while not to much that they can run to the other side of the map. Increasing the speed you move, however, would still give survivors time to get to a safe place, but you will be much more on their tail when they do.
Replace the break action for breakable walls while in Feral Frenzy with an animation of the legion shoulder bashing through it. This animation only lasts 1 second, and is affected by perks that change break times.
=== Having to sit through a 2.6 second break animation while using your power just feels sludgy. Without addons, that is a quarter of your time in Feral Frenzy wasted on a door. You should never do it, but the option is there, so making it less damaging to your overall time in Feral Frenzy would make it much more appealing to use. It also would look pretty cool.
Addon changes:
Feral Frenzy Cooldown replaced with increased action speed.
Julie's mixtape: Slightly (15%) decreases vaulting and breaking speeds in feral frenzy. Performing the break action or vaulting a pallet or window while in Feral Frenzy pauses the Feral Frenzy meter for 0.5 seconds.
Joey's mixtape: Moderately (20%) decreases vaulting and breaking speeds in feral frenzy. Performing the break action or vaulting a pallet or window while in Feral Frenzy pauses the Feral Frenzy meter for 0.5 seconds.
Cold dirt: Considerably (25%) decreases vaulting and breaking speeds in feral frenzy. Performing the break action or vaulting a pallet or window while in Feral Frenzy pauses the Feral Frenzy meter for 0.5 seconds.
=== Removing the effects of the cooldown addons may sound insane to some people. However, the current iterations of them have such small percentages (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 seconds) that they only make a noticeable difference when stacked. However, with the changes to the speed during cooldown, keeping them at their current level could make them too strong. Increasing them would defiantly make them to strong. So instead, they are complete changed. I have personally used Bamboozle and Fire Up many times while using legion, and have found that while maybe not the most effective addons, they do feel much smoother. Adding on some additional time to compensate for vaulting would help a slight bit to catch up in very clustered or vault heavy maps.
Feral Frenzy detection range replaced with aura revel.
Friendship bracelet: When you hit a survivor in Feral Frenzy, you see their aura. This effect persists for 6 seconds after you end Feral Frenzy. Does not stack.
Never-sleep pills: When you hit a survivor in Feral Frenzy, you see their aura. This effect persists for 7 seconds after you end Feral Frenzy. Does not stack.
Susie's mixtape: When you hit a survivor in Feral Frenzy, you see their aura. This effect persists for 8 seconds after you end Feral Frenzy. Does not stack
=== The increase in Killer Instinct detection range is interesting in concept, but ultimately useless. If someone is at the tip of your Killer Instinct range, you have almost no chance at catching them. It does add some level of map knowledge, but not enough to notice. To replace it, you would be able to see the aura of a survivor you hit during Feral Frenzy and for a short while after ending it. This would allow for great map knowledge that must be earned, or an ability that would help you in the chase.
Purple and Red addons.
Stab wound study: While a survivor is in deep wounds, they suffer from tremendously from hemorrhaging, and become colorblind.
=== By 'suffer from tremendously from hemorrhaging', I don't mean simply normal hemorrhaging. They would produce pools of blood so fast that even while running they would stack on each other. This could be very useful during the chase. By colorblind, I mean the effect that old borrowed time used to have where it was completely black and white. I'm sure they could bring it back, or simply put it back in if they needed to.
Frank's mixtape: Performing the break action, vaulting a pallet or window, or hitting a survivor while in Feral Frenzy pauses the Feral Frenzy meter for 2 seconds.
=== This would allow for much more time during Feral Frenzy when used correctly. 2 seconds while moving at 130% speed is 10.4 meters. This could theoretically be used to make Feral Frenzy infinite if you were able to chain it to enough people, and go between them back and fourth.
Fuming mixtape: Considerably (2.5 seconds) decreases Feral Frenzy duration. Tremendously (+40%) increases movement speed in Feral Frenzy.
You make no noise during or while ending Feral Frenzy.
=== Ultra rare addons are supposed to greatly change how you play a killer. Current fuming mixtape doesn't do that, so reworking it into something unique is needed. Increasing the speed to such amount but decreasing the total amount would make it so you realistically travel the same amount of distance, but reach it much faster than survivors would expect. On top of that, the addition of silence all noise while using or ending your Feral Frenzy would allow you to end your power out of sight and surprise survivors with your now lethal state. Note: This would increase the speed to 170% or 6.8 m/s if I did my math right. Might not have, that stuff is annoying.
While maybe not perfect, these changes could possibly make legion much more fun to play and play against. Maybe they would feel terrible, both against and as. I don't know, but I hope that they would improve that state of my favorite killer in the game.