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Rebalancing Nurse

Vulgun Member Posts: 439
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions



  • Buff: Movement speed is now increased to 100% (or 4.0m/s)

Power: Spencer's Last Breath

  • Buff: Chain Blink amount is increased to 2 (from 1), granting Nurse 3 total Blinks.
    • Indirect Nerf: Due to this and the unchanged recharge speed, the total amount of times to recharge all Blinks is increased to 9 seconds (from 6 seconds).
  • Buff: When performing a Chain Blink, Nurse's red stain will disappear.
  • Nerf: Nurse can no longer Chain Blink through walls and solid objects.
    • However, she can still perform her initial Blink through said objects.
  • Nerf: Initial Blink maximum distance is reduced to 15 meters (from 20 meters).
  • Rework: The Fatigue mechanic is now rebalanced for the new Nurse Blink system. The Fatigue duration is shown below for each Blink value:
    • 1 Blink: 2 seconds
    • 2 Blinks: 2.25 seconds
    • 3 Blinks: 2.5 seconds
    • +Basic Attack: +1 Second


  • Buff: Nurse can now charge Blink when a flashlight is shone upon her; however, the speed at which she can charge is reduced by -50%.
  • Buff: Nurse will now only enter the Fatigued state when a flashlight is shone upon her for 1.5 seconds while charging.
  • Nerf: When a flashlight is shone upon Nurse for 1 second under any circumstance, she and her red stain will be completely visible while Blinking for the next 5 seconds.


  • The Torn Bookmark and Matchbox add-ons have been reworked.
  • Torn Bookmark
    • Removes 1 Chain Blink Charge and tremendously increases Blink recharge time.
    • Considerably increases Nurse's Blink Fatigue.
    • Grants Nurse the ability to go through solid objects with her Chain Blink.
  • Matchbox
    • Moderately increases Nurse's movement speed to 115% (4.6m/s).
    • Moderately reduces Nurse's Blink Fatigue.
    • Removes Nurse's ability to Blink through objects with her initial charge.
  • When using a combination of Torn Bookmark and Matchbox, the following changes will apply:
    • Removes 1 Chain Blink Charge and tremendously increases Blink recharge time.
    • Moderately increases Nurse's movement speed to 115% (4.6m/s).
    • Slightly reduces Nurse's Blink Fatigue.
  • Using the combination will not grant or remove Nurse's ability to Blink through objects in their respective categories, so using a combination of both grants Nurse a completely new playstyle irrespective of the combination.


  • Nurse now has her own menu and chase music.


Now why do I suggest this massive laundry list of a rework to Nurse?

To put it bluntly, Nurse is considered one of, if not the, best killers in the game in the game's current state. This is due to her incredibly overpowering and overwhelming ability to simply cross parts of the map in little time thanks to the ability to go through objects to reach her destination. Thus, I took it upon myself to think of changes that could really rebalance Nurse to make her more fair, but still be fun to play and still challenging to Survivors.

Each change in this rework is made to really compensate for every change; one buff will compensate for a nerf and vice-versa. That way nothing is too powerful and nothing is too weak.

The rework also doesn't outright remove the old version of Nurse, either, as now the add-on Torn Bookmark is reworked to be similar to (but to a lesser extent) the old version of Nurse. So if you still want to play old Nurse, the add-on will do that just for you; this also means you have to earn the old Nurse if you want to play her again.

What do you guys (especially the Nurse mains or survivors that go up against Nurses that just absolutely whack you) think? Are these solid enough changes to Nurse? What would you change out of all of these?

Let me know in the responses.

Update I: Changed many things in regards to the new Nurse that takes into account some feedback. This includes reworking the add-ons, making a combination of them that would work together and also still allowing Nurse to do her job in countering loops, but making it slightly more counterable itself.

Post edited by Vulgun on


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495

    I just feel like this would be a case of like Trapper bag where everyone would just run the torn bookmark to get old Nurse.

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    Which is why I thought ahead of time and added the major nerfs to her. Old Nurse, but now with 9 second full recharge (instead of 6) and visibility/predictability when Lightburn is applied, as an add-on.

    I'm also going to add as an addendum that the Torn Bookmark add-on also removes the effects of every buff that Nurse receives without it. This means her movement speed, the Fatigue buffs, the Lightburn buffs, etc. do not apply to Torn Bookmark. This would incentivize playing the new Nurse to get all of those wonderful buffs instead of playing old Nurse, while also making her a very versatile Killer in all regards.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    I think nurse is fine, I'm pretty sure if they just reduced the forced downward rotation during her fatigue I'm sure there would be more players, and then gradiation between good and bad nurse players wouldn't feel as jarring. I think the most significant problem is that the skills necessary to counter nurse can only be learned by playing against her, thereby passively increasing the oppressiveness survivors feel when going against a very good nurse. Simply because they are not prepared adequately for the challenge.

    The forced downward rotation obstructs the most basic of killer skills namely tracking and awareness, so you basically already have to be intermediate-good as a killer in general before you can even attempt to play nurse.

    A lot of people get caught up in the fact that traditional defenses against killers don't generally work on nurse, little recognizing the fact that if you understand how her power works and the following pattern of movement to deal with that, that she is also the only killer you can just run in the open and never be touched.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    So how about no? Like just because she's the best killer in the game doesn't mean she should be nerfed? It's really annoying to think about how people have spent an absurd amount of time mastering her so that they could reap the reward of her true potential only for people like you to say she needs to be nerfed. Also your balancing is just plain bad, adding a buff with every nerf does not make a balance killer. Lightburn is so unnoticeable on nurse that I didn't even know it existed until recently, and you're saying it's a fair trade to make it impossible to get stunned with lightborn at the cost that the charge speed of blinks on nurse is reduced? That one more blink makes it fair to completely take away her ability to go through walls?

    Nurse already has an add-on that basically does what you're saying, and it's considered to be an add-on that makes her worse, not better. She would feel horrendous to play if this was basekit and she would no longer give the reward for the struggle it takes to get good with her. You know what would happen if this was how she started being played? NO one would ever go for blinks unless it was outside of chase and she's doing for distance, and while in chase it'd only be for survivors stuck in animation (unless you're saying "walls" includes pallets and windows in which case she'd be even worse). You're taking a cool power that rewards players for struggling to learn them and effectively making them a worse blight with the one pro being that they can go up or down quickly.

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    Alright then, I'll make a couple of changes to the original post with this feedback in mind.

  • djwolf15
    djwolf15 Member Posts: 6

    And people where mad when I suggested she goes from 96% speed to 97 or 98% speed.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,042

    I think devs will not touch nurse because a small poeple know how to play nurse, even knowing playing with her, she can get destroyed by a competitive swf, soo, maybe in the future, when she gets a own chase music and a lobby, maybe she gets changed?