Jester outfit for Trickster

We probably never get a Jester Killer so why not have one for Trickster since his personality fits it and will look better on him than Clown.
Set would be called The Art of Laughter
Head: He brings the laughter and then he brings the slaughter
Torso: Never underestimate a fool that has tricks up their sleeve even if those tricks are knives.
Weapon: The Punchline is that they will never see it coming
Not my Art just using this as an example of what his outfit would look like
Like an outfit similar to this since he does have a long jacket and maybe a smiling mask.
Red and Black pattern with trimming of gold.
a Buttoned Jacket since almost all his cosmetics are shirtless and felt like had to mention that because would look better as a full costume instead of one showing his entire chest.
The weapon could be a walking cane like one in the art competition from not too long ago or maybe a bat molded into a strongman hammer.
The Trickster laughs every so often and just emits Jester vibes so probably won't get another killer similar to a Jester so might as well make it an outfit.
If they do make a jester outfit happen I hope it's not a linked set.