What I'd Change on Demo, Slinger and Twins

NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I quite enjoy these killers and I wanted to give my two cents on what I think could be changed about them. I'd be interested in hearing anyone's thoughts on these.


-Victor will stumble and have a 5 second cooldown after a missed pounce.  

-A pounce that lands will have a 2 second cooldown (was 5). Crush time reduced to 0.3 s (was 0.35)

-Bloody Black Hood default, meaning switching to charlotte takes 2.5 seconds (was 3)

-Victor hears all survivor sounds 10% louder. However, when a survivor has Iron Will, they should still make no injured sounds, there's no need to make Victor counter Iron Will like that.

-Charlotte can now do any action 1 second after waking up.  

-Victor explodes if he is within 16 meters of a survivor Charlotte hooks. He gets the same cooldown as if he had been crushed. 

-Victor can now be recalled after 10 seconds, either while idling or while on a survivor. Charlotte can only see his aura on a survivor for 5 seconds after the initial pounce, and after 30 seconds that he’s on the survivor.  

-Survivors can no longer remove Victor while running.  

-When Victor shuts a survivor in a locker Charlotte has 15 seconds to grab them (was 10), if another survivor comes to help timer goes down twice as fast. (Could maybe reuse the Clock grabbing animation from Freddy) 

-When Victor is recalled, he has a 5 second cooldown. When Victor is kicked he has a 10-12 second cooldown. 

-Make Victor start chases. Dunno if it’s possible to do that keeping the fact he doesn’t affect Spine Chill. But survivors running him for a while and not getting points for the chase is BS. 

-A survivor downed by Victor will be marked somehow. Charlotte will pick up that survivor 15%faster, she will move 18% faster (Agitation speed) while carrying that survivor and she will hook the survivor 15% faster. This is to encourage Charlotte to use Victor to down survivors but also to encourage her to hook survivors that are downed instead of just leaving everyone on the ground. 

Edit: The sound thing may not be necessary, since Victor doesn't have chase music. I think when I conceived it I thought of adding some chase music to Victor since the abject silence is weird. The cooldown for Victor could be increased to 7-10 seconds when recalled and 15-20 seconds when kicked, I'd be fine with it. Biggest problem I see is, these changes still make them pretty much 100% countered by competent survivors pairing up and kicking Victor immediately and healing, but I don't see how to fix it without breaking the killer and making them too strong.


-Brown reload addon default 2.5s (was 2.75). Change addons to compensate.

-Survivors that are within 1 meter of a breaking chain get the deep wounds status applied to them by the shrapnel. They get an injury speed boost as if they had been hit.

-If the chain is broken, Deathslinger takes 2.75 seconds to reload.

( This is to prevent survivors from safely and casually deciding to body block a survivor from a distance with ZERO risk involved. It will create a mindgame where if the Deathslinger has chain durability addons, the survivor may leave too soon and not get the save, but if they take too long they will be hit by chain shrapnel. 

Rewards attentive survivors, gives risk to body blocking for a teammate and gives a tool that Deathslinger may be able to use in certain situations to injure and pressure multiple survivors, like if the DS body blocks 2 survivors he may force the chain break to injure both of them.)

-Deathslinger cannot aim again, vault, attack or do any other action for 1 second after lowering his gun, but he does not slow down. 

Edit: I think it wouldn't be too terrible if he slows down to 4m/s for like 0.25 seconds after ADSing plus the 1s action cooldown.


-Portals can be reset like Hag traps, this gives the killer more control over his power. Survivors have no business having that much control over it.

-When the Demogorgon exits a portal, he will walk on all fours for 3 seconds or until he initiates an attack. During this time he makes almost no noise, he'll move 0.2 m/s faster and is harder to see by survivors. The exchange is, his FOV is lower to the ground.

Edit: Cool idea from replies. The only portals he can reset are portals he hasn't used. I think that would be a good QOL change that will give him more control, without being too oppressive.

Post edited by NekoTorvic on


  • Thr_ust
    Thr_ust Member Posts: 481

    I don’t play much twins or slinger but I absolutely love the idea of demo crawling on all 4s. Undetectable is great and all but it doesn’t do much when he sounds like a god damn T. rex

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I adore all of these changes.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I love the Demo idea. It does feel weird seeing it as a humanoid all the time and it gives a reason to for his basekit Undetectable to exist