Avoid hook farming survivors

Happened quite often in lots of games that other survivors farming other survivors from hooks eventhough killer is literally in front of you.

In my opinion you should be able to kick the those guys away while being on hook to avoid those farming people. Since you're the one getting punished for them farming hooks.


  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I would prefer dealing with the challenges that require survivors to unhook sloppily. Seriously, unhook someone in the killer's terror radius? WHY?!

  • Id0ntlikey0u
    Id0ntlikey0u Member Posts: 2

    Even without challenges there are enough people greedy for blood points ruining other people's game. Just to farm hooks

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Change the requirement to safe-unhooks and make them give more BP. Then make the unsafe unhooks give less BP

    Safe-unhook requires the survivor to be unhooked a certain distance away from the killer AND after 6 seconds, neither survivor are hit by the killer.

  • mike2835
    mike2835 Member Posts: 83

    that would be great hit the kick button and down goes insta save survivor lol