Billy has been way to neglected.

TrollToll Member Posts: 77
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

Like idk if I’m the only person to think this but this killer feels like he’s in such a state of dis repair it physically makes me sad.

I will never understand why he has been left in such a sad state, maybe it’s because he’s a free killer so he doesn’t get fixes but idk really I’m just ranting at this point.

im just hoping one day he gets something, just something and isn’t forgotten until this game dies.



  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529
    edited May 2021

    I think most frustrating is that all skillful play with billy is punished. If you are basic billy who uses chainsaw to move around the map and then just walk behind a survivor and use chainsaw to down them cooldown doesn't hurt you much. But if you try to be curve billy around loops it's punished A LOT, even faking the chainsaw is punished now if you try to bait survivor to take another loop

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Yeah, I find that part to be the most frustrating thing about Hillbilly as well. Ive always liked curving on survivors because of how satisfying it was but with how Hillbilly is now its not only incredibly frustrating witnessing your overheat meter build up so fast but also really unfun. My favorite addon to run on him was doom engravings but whenever I use this addon I always have to use either the brown addon for overheating or the yellow one, otherwise my chainsaw overheats super fast.

    Ever since his rework Hillbilly has just been drained of all the fun he had and now is just a soulless husk of what he used to be. Every time I play Hillbilly I always think "man, I could be playing Blight or some other Killer that is 10x more fun and stronger than Billy." Its really disheartening to see how far Billy has fallen.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    No he doesn't, there was nothing skillful about spamming his chainsaw, especially right after missing a survivor plenty of times and still be able to use his base one hit down attack with zero consequences.

    What other killer enjoyed to move around the map that fast, with a one hit down attack as his base kit and still get to enjoy to use his ability right away.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Personally, I would like to see the initial overheat you gain when tapping the rev button completely removed. You should not be able to place your Chainsaw on cooldown in literally 3 seconds by repeatedly spamming the power button.

  • TrollToll
    TrollToll Member Posts: 77

    Most of his issues just stem from overheat, it’s best to either rework or remove it tbh.

    I also love when people use the arguement that they never overheat so it’s fine when you can just stop sawing before the overheat and then are forced to wait for it to cool off so there arguement is then just completely moot.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Old billy was con cindered by many what was strong but balanced killer. Billy still got punished with chainsaw cool down if he missed you which allowed the survivor to take another loop and even some cases get to stronger looping position. Right now Hillbilly got stripped with most cool and fun stuff and what we have left is rank 10 hillbillies who are the least effected by his nerf. Curve billy needed a lot skill to get the timing right and i would like to see you try to down me with just chainsaw around corners as you said it takes no skill at all.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    Old Billy even with the sweatiest of Insta-Saw builds was nowhere near a spammer, if you screwed up on the saw you were screwed. He was not a killer you could just pick up and dominate with there was a ton of mechanical skill, map and looping knowledge needed to perform well with him. He had one of the highest skill ceilings in the game, if not the highest since he doesn't ignore mechanics or just be lame like Nurse and Spirit respectively

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Billy's overheat mechanic is the biggest mistake they could made.

    If we try to mindgame using chainsaw sound by powering on, 4 times and its overheated, is just ridiculous, the only posible way is to hold the bar Next to the end and try to flick ASAP, or It also overheats.

    My favourite killer is just a shadow of what he used to be.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    There is nothing skillful with spamming his ability, the distance that the survivor gained when he missed was insignificant, especially because he can move so fast while using his ability.

    Clearly he wasn't balanced after all given the change that went through. He was deserving of that cooldown, finally people must consider when to use it instead of spamming it all the time.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Yes he was, from getting across the map to downing a healthy survivor with one hit, there were many people that would spam his attack for that one hit down even when the survivor was in their face and it would be more convenient to just go for the hit instead.

    Now people must better consider when to use his ability, he had too much going for him to be left without a cooldown to his ability.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Very rarely face him, he's been replaced by Oni it seems. Used to be a formidable face camper but also a dangerous opponent when bolting it from gen to gen

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    "even when the survivor was in their face and it would be more convenient to just go for the hit instead"

    Why go for the m1-hit when you are playing a one-hit-killer? That's like Bubba m1'ing someone instead of using the chainsaw. Of course the Billy is going to use his chainsaw when right behind a survivor, why wouldn't he? I don't understand.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Sometimes the survivor is about to vault yet the killer is adamant about going for the one hit down. When Billy did not have his cooldown this was all there was. He shouldn't be able to spam his one hit down attack. Now he is required to be more selective about it.

    So yes, because going for the one hit down will always be the better option, he would spam his attack when there was no cooldown.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    He has the best mobility around the map and one of the best chasing ability. The problem is, that chasing ability took little to no skill to get full value from. Back-revving was so easy, I could do it with no problem just after 2-3 games with him. He was my favorite killer because of it: strong and easy to learn to a decent point. It basically gives you insta-down on anyone who you found in a dead zone. So the only thing he lost was this easy to learn ability of back-revving, he even can traverse the map as easily as before. If you can't play Billy without cheap tricks like back-revving - you are bad with this killer.

  • TrollToll
    TrollToll Member Posts: 77

    I played billy for curving and flicks which is the enjoyable part of him and those were nerfed harder then back revving.

    hell going across map was nerfed worse then back revving to, the nerf is completely ass backwards in almost every way.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    he isnt weak, he is still low A to high B Tier, he is just super unfun.

    whoever came up with the bright idea to actively punish players for using his ability doesnt seem to fully grasp what makes a game fun.

  • TrollToll
    TrollToll Member Posts: 77

    Yeah he’s painfully average/mediocre and isn’t fun anymore which was his whole reason to be played which was he was very fun for both sides.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    There are too many assumptions about me in your post to take seriously. I am rank 1 as both killer & survivor. Billy had too little draw backs ( if any) to justify not having a cooldown.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Curving still works as it did before the nerf. The same goes for traversing the map. You just don't have so much free space for mistakes anymore, that's it.

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83

    Ok, maybe you can farm a teammate twice in a game and do a gen, big deal. Regardless, if you think "Billy had too little drawbacks" you didn't know how to play against him.

    If he misses a saw go to a new loop, if he bumps you get even more time. Billy already had a cooldown but you think he needs 2?

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Sorry, but if you want me to take you seriously then you'll have to back your argument with more than poorly made assumptions about me.

    He didn’t have enough drawbacks to justify having a spammable one hit down ability that could also make him travel a great distance in a short amount of time.

    So I ask again, what other killer enjoyed those benefits besides him?

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83

    5.5 seconds of time to gain distance isn't enough for you? Actually having a power you have to aim isn't enough? This is exactly what I mean when I talk about rank 10 players, they aren't abusing his cooldown, they aren't dodging or sidestepping, they are just whining they can't pre-throw and hide against him to win games.

    You act like billy gets free hits like they are m1s, which shows you don't play him, or if you do then not very well. If you can't make it to another loop after he misses a saw you poorly positioned yourself. These aren't issues with Billy but your own playstyle.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Your missing the part where the animations got bugged during his rework and never got fixed. One of the buggy animations he has is his transition from charging his chainsaw to sprinting with it, and instead of being smooth before is now incredibly janky. It's an unintentional nerf and one that screws up with the muscle memory of Hillbilly mains that played with him before the nerf.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Where is the skill in spamming his ability?

    You act like he is incredibly difficult to use, more than he really is.

    You also underestimate how powerful his ability is, he can one hit down survivors which can cut a chase short and he can also travel the map at a great distance. An ability as powerful as that cannot remain in a spammable state.

    He now requires more thought than just spamming his chainsaw away, so if the cooldown is too much of an issue for you, consider when to use it for a change. It's not a difficult judgment to make.

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2021

    Where is the skill? You don't hit anything just by spamming it, he doesn't have auto aim like wraith spirit etc.

    "If Billy uses his saw I go down" The kind of thinking the people who didn't like Billy had.

    1v1 me if you think he is so easy to use. And we can do it without overheat.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Spamming takes no skill, I'm sure if you keep at it you'll eventually land a hit.

    As someone that's good as him and can land hits, this cooldown should be of no inconvenience to you, yet you act like it is.

    He's more balanced now than he ever was before his needed change.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Hillbilly went from S+ tier to S tier with his nerfs, and people want him buffed back up. lol

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    The punishment was that he had a cooldown animation after each miss, giving the survivor another chance to position themselves. The pig can go for unlimited ambushes, doesn't mean it's a good idea. Same thing applies to Billy, just because he used to be able to endlessly go for chainsaws doesn't mean it was a good idea to do so. He also can't use his ability right away, there's a 2.5 second delay before he could start. His saw is also easy to dodge when Hillbilly is going for a snipe so it's unlikely he'll consistently land a saw after a sprint, meaning he has to stop near a survivor he found, wait for the animation to end, then began chase. That gave the survivor enough time to make it to the nearest loop.

    Sure there was nothing skillful about spamming his chainsaw, the real skill came from landing any hit you went for and knowing when it was a good time to go for it, using his speed and maneuvering so that you dodge all obstacles and get to the area you need to pressure quickly. Randomly using it only lead to getting punished. To sum it up, yes, the changes should be reverted and you clearly didn't play Billy.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    You're stupid aren't you? You just showed an example of how being able to spam the chainsaw didn't benefit Hillbilly in anyway. That survivor just gained a lot of ground because the Billy went for a chainsaw he wouldn't be able to land, and you're complaining about it? Also overheat doesn't effect good billys in this scenario whatsoever, because they actually know when and when not to go for saws, so yes, they would've just simply hit the survivor in the example given, making your point useless. Also overheat doesn't even prevent new Billys for going for the saw in this example, as they still could both before and after the nerf, only in the after nerf he also has some heat built up after the mistake.

    You keep saying "one-hit down" attack over and over like it requires, especially after the nerf to his hitbox and the removal of aim-assist, the chainsaw isn't easy to hit. It requires preparation and prediction of where the survivor will be going, knowing whether they have something to dodge your chainsaw with. Even after all that there's still a chance the survivor will just spasm out in a skilless attempt to dodge it and the game will reward them because of the inferior hitbox now.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Sure eventually you might land a hit, same thing with Nurse, brand new nurse players will eventually hit someone. I mean it'll cost them the whole game but you know that's just broken if a hit is landed right? Your argument is stupid.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Preventing Billy from spamming his ability is a good thing.

    The pig cannot one hit down survivors with her attack, nor can she travel the map at the same distance as Billy can, that is a poor comparison.

    It's good that you realize that the overheat mechanic shouldn't be much of an issue for a good Billy, perhaps tell that to the Gargle guy, I already recognized that.

    Also, yes I believe that he isn't as difficult to maneuver as you and the other guy suggest. It comes off more as something you said out of convenience for your stance.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    With skill, it becomes more map reliant to determine whether or not it's difficult to traverse the map with the chainsaw, on some maps I'll never be forced to end before I want to, on others, it's impossible to use the chainsaw to get meaningful distance. However, my main point is that a charging Billy is easy to dodge, and it's hard to land. Also it's not a bad example, I wasn't comparing the map pressure part, as pig puts pressure on gens, Billy puts pressure on the map (if it's a map that complements him). My point was that both characters can spam their power in chase, Pig actually gets rewarded more for spamming her attacks, as it's easier to land them (so it only makes sense to have less of a reward). However, despite having no cooldown on it either, no one complains about that. There's already a cooldown involved on these powers, adding a cooldown on top of a cooldown just makes them unfun to play and is a poorly way of balancing anything.

    Your argument is horrible and that's putting it lightly. You try to claim he has no skill but then don't provide why, having a one hit down power is not a good example, a good quarter of the rest can one-hit down in their basekit so why are you singlin out Billy, especially when his is one of the hardest to land?

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    At most, he was around Blights level (S) and even then that was assuming the Billy was not only using really powerful addons but an incredibly skilled player. With his nerf it dropped him down to maximum low A tier and at worst low B tier. With overheat being a thing Hillbilly players have to be extremely wary of overheating when mind gaming with their chainsaw at a loop and even then it leaves very little space to make mistakes against good players who know how to run a Billy around. So that means not only do you have to be careful of overheating but you need to play damn near perfectly against a good team.

    Also nearly forgot to mention but his hitboxes are also bugged, sometimes when your chainsaw dashing to survivor and they go to a right beside you literally slide right past them.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I've already said this, but since you need to hear it again, spamming his ability takes no skill and he is not as difficult to maneuver as you conveniently say he is.

    His cooldown was necessary, an ability as powerful as his cannot be left with so little drawbacks.

    I am also only talking about him because this thread is about him.

    I personally would compare Billy to Oni, that's a much more appropriate comparison.

    Oni is a good example of having a powerful ability with the limitations to keep him from spamming his ability. Oni, at the very least, must injure a survivor and take the time to accumulate blood orbs so that he may fuel his power. Billy on the other hand, with his cooldown, must simply wait for it to come back on its own.

    The cooldown is needed, I am glad that his spamming days are over.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    You truly are dense if you can't grasp what I'm trying to shove down your ears, IT DOESNT MATTER IF A KILLER CAN SPAM THEIR POWER IF THERE WAS NO REWARD TO DOING SO. Once again I said his traversal is dependent on the map (literally any map that's indoors effectively neuters this part of his kit), what I said was actually hard was landing a hit after a charge, as unless you're specifically running a stealth build you won't land a hit against any experienced survivor (even with the add-ons that increase turning speeds). There were plenty of drawbacks already to his chainsaw before, you have to spend the time charging it up, which if you're using it in chase it's now a risk of losing a health state that you would've gotten if you didn't take the chance to get a saw. If you miss the survivor now has more time to get to a new loop, more so if they dodge a saw and cause you to hit a wall. I play both Oni and Billy and I'll tell you this, their powers are very similar but my entire point of comparing him to pig was that having the ability to spam a power doesn't equal overpowered. The difference is that Oni's power is many times stronger than Billy's, at the cost of needing to build it up to use it.

    Oni's charge is much more useful in chases and you can easily get downs with it, even if it's not a charge, the charge up is much quicker than Billys and easier to hit. Plus the additional benefit of having some tracking on Oni when he's not using his power as the blood orbs can give you an idea of were survivors are or what they were doing. So yeah, they're very similar, Oni is better but can only use his power every once in awhile (though later in the match it'll almost always be available) while Billy is weaker at the benefit of always having access to it (or should always have access to it).

    You're seriously missing my good points because you can't counter them. So to prove me wrong, answer these two questions with genuine GOOD answers. How did being able to use his power at anytime make him broken in the past? What about him separates him from other one-hit killers that is so broken?

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Well that's your mistake, I won't let anyone "shove " anything in me. So perhaps reconsider your poor phrasing.

    I've already answered your questions, you just didn't like the answers.

    He is capable of crossing the map at a high speed and can one hit down survivors with his power, being able to spam that is what's wrong.

    What separates him is his speed while using his power, the only other killer that enjoys such a high speed and a one hit down ability is Oni, a killer with the proper drawbacks to keep him from spamming his power.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    No you haven't, you haven't answered them at all, I've been repeating it over and over, hence why I said "shoving down your throat" and you still haven't been able to put two and two together. My phrasing wasn't poor, you just have no clue what you're talking about so you can't understand the counterpoints others and I have given you. Map pressure is his entire thing and was never overpowered (multiple other killers can also traverse the map quickly, you're ignoring that of course though). Once again, what separates him from other one-hit killers that makes it so broken? You haven't answered this. I don't see the being able to traverse the map quickly as a good answer, as I've already said multiple times, it's almost impossible to get a snipe with Billy against a good survivor. Meaning you have to traverse the map, all while being extremely loud, stop near a survivor, giving them a few seconds to run to the nearest loop, then he has to catch up and start looking for an opportunity to get the chainsaw for the down. That doesn't seem broken to me in the slightest.

    In comparison. Both Michael and Ghostface can put you in a situation where you're one-hit with little to no time to react being available. Leatherface lacks the quick travel but makes up for it with it being many times harder to dodge his saw. A good Oni is impossible to dodge, so once again, much stronger in exchange for not always being able to use it. Also Billy had the proper drawbacks to using it power, you're still not seeing it.

  • TrollToll
    TrollToll Member Posts: 77

    Don’t bother with people like him, if they can’t even deal with a pre nerf billy they were obviously quite trashy at the game.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I understand just fine, you just can't take dissent well, which was clear to see the moment you tossed an insult my way, I just didn't bite.

    You are not entitled to demand anything of me while calling me names.

    Michael & Ghost face cannot one hit down you from a great distance, the only similarity they have is their one hit. Despite lacking Billys' speed, they still need to charge their power.

    The most proper comparison with Billy is Oni.

    I will also quote you here "IT DOESNT MATTER IF A KILLER CAN SPAM THEIR POWER IF THERE WAS NO REWARD TO DOING SO" , the reward is to have a survivor go from a healthy state to the dying state, that reward is still there, you just can spam to get it anymore & that is a good thing.

    This isn't that complicated to understand,

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    I'm quite prideful and petty, but you're not wrong, I really shouldn't be bothered since he can't understand what I'm trying to explain. They do say “It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person” after all. I just don't like the state he's in right now, and it pisses me off to see people praising the devs for this clearly poor decision.