Billy has been way to neglected.



  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    Fix the animations and camera issues on Billy, make chainsaw overheat less and give back charge addons but don't make them stackable. You know its possible since they made huntress iredecent head addon unstackable with infantry belt. Right now you have to put in so much effort for a small reward and if you miss you get overly punished. Before the rework, Hillbilly would get punished if he missed a chainsaw or bumped into things. The only way survivors would not gain distance was if he had double chainsaw oils to reduce missed swing cool downs or double bump addons. This is also solved with making the addons unstackable.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Notice how I started off calm, it's due to telling you the same thing over and over again that caused me to start insulting you. You don't argue, you just completely ignore what I say and tell me I'm wrong without providing anything new. Also wow, just wow, you think you're right because you don't share the common opinion, ever stopped to consider it's the common opinion because it might just be right. Also didn't you know, it takes Ghostface 2.5 seconds to mark a survivor if he's leaning from a corner, the exact same time as it takes to charge up Billy's chainsaw, except with Michael and Ghostface they both have the element of surprise, leading to scenarios where the survivor is given no time to react before going down.

    I'm just gonna start saying this, if you think Billy could down people from a difference without it being a curve, then you are simply bad at playing against Billy. The only time Billy could down a survivor who wasn't brand new from a distance is if it was a well placed curve (something that is now a pain to do due to the overheat system punishing a good Billy). Also Michael is similar to Oni, both are killers that have to charge their powers, and are both stronger than Billy when their powers are activated, wow what a surprise that is. Once again, no, there was no reward to spamming it because if you did the survivor could just dodge if they're more skilled and now they're give a few seconds to run away, if the Billy continues to spam and miss, that's just free gens for the other survivors in chase. Your quote against me doesn't go against any of my arguments because simply put, a good Hillbilly isn't spamming their chainsaw, that doesn't change from before the nerf to after.

    I'll end it here because of ironically a fellow named TrollTroll has brought me new insight, you're just one person. You're wrong and proving you wrong is near impossible because you simply refuse to think about other's points, then get super defensive when someone insults you because of it. Changing your opinion will have no noticeable difference to me, many share my opinion that it was a bad change (simply because it was) and if you didn't know how to counter Billy so instead you turn to explaining about he was broken and needed to be nerfed, that's fine. Everyone will just tell you you're wrong and you'll ignore it like always. So I'm just gonna end this here, you refuse to provide any new points or actually attempt to counter mine so we're going in circles.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Sorry to say, but your second response to me is where the insult is at, which you made before I ever replied back to you.

    So perhaps be more believable, no offense.

    I've already given you my opinion, you just don't like it.

    Billys' change is justified, and I am glad he's where he is now. It was a good call given the little drawbacks he had.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    No I didn't insult you, I asked if you were stupid, there's a difference. Sure you gave me your opinion, your opinion is that it was a justified change, you just never provided any good reasoning to back that opinion.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Emphasis on the believable part. Ask that to anyone and I'm sure they won't take it as an insult.

    That's because you didn't like my answers, but I'm fine with that because I'm not here to meet your standards of "good reasoning".

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    No, they'd probably call me a smartass. The time I asked you a fair question was because you provided an example of what you thought was proving your point when it was really proving the point of those who disagree with you. Also you should just stop talking if you don't want to debate then? Like what was your purpose then, I was trying to be reasonable and give you opportunities to counter my points and not only did you never even try, you kept saying the same thing I countered many times over. You really shouldn't share your opinion if you think you're some genius for not having the common opinion but lack the skills to back it up with logic.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I already did, I brought up Oni and used him as a comparison to Billy.

    You however, thought is was "good reasoning " to compare Billy with stealth killers.

    You're also assuming too much of me.

    Btw, no they wouldn't call you that, LMAO!

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    I already showed how Oni was both a good comparison to Billy but not in the way you were claiming. I was comparing him to other one-shot killers, Michael and Ghostface just happened to be stealth killers. You said it was broken how Billy could one-shot, I showed how Ghostface and Michael both had the potential to one-shot a survivor without them even being given the chance to react, or how Leatherface one-shot was much harder to dodge.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Spamming his one shot ability is what was broken, clearly if my problem with him was the one shot alone then I wouldn't have settled with a simple cooldown & instead argue for a complete change to his ability.

    I'm satisfied on where he is right now, I've already said that plenty of times.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045

    i believe engravings are the same, but I do think there could easily be 1 charge time addon and it would be fine.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited May 2021

    Been playing DBD for years (survivor and killer), hillbilly was and is still one of the killers i put most of my hours in.

    The insta saw addons were op, it was good that they removed them. The overheat mecanic was completly unnecessary. New hillbilly is basically a m1 killer against good survivor. You can't use your chainsaw unless in deadzone (won't happen against any decent survivor) and most tiles are not curveable against a good survivor. He can still get good results in solo q against red ranks (but only because your average red rank survivor is really bad).

    To be honest, bubba with double chilli is more fun and stronger then hillbilly nowadays, you have to time your stacks properly and take tight curves around a loop without bumping into them, can down multiple people, and you get through pallets very fast.

    The guy thinking you can and could spam hillbilly chainsaw to get easy downs, you are a funny guy and have obviously no clue what you are talking about., its best to ignore people like that.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    youre not even a billy player,stop lying. It took me 2-3 months to be an ok player with billy,keep in mind i played only him every day to be used to his power. You CANT learn billy in 2-3 days,thats bs and STOP IT. He was strong and very hard to curve. Nowadays he is very hard to learn and extremely unforgiving.

  • Brambles5
    Brambles5 Member Posts: 41

    I find him a fun killer to play against. 

    plus there's outplay(window or board) to him unlike the Nurse and Spirit. And yet, I don't understand why He was nerfed more than they were. I want to see Billy more.

  • BigBall
    BigBall Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2021

    but keep every non overheat based add on, i love lo pro and his iri's together

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Btw guys, keep in mind that Billy is the most map-reliant killer in the game.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Having your two best killers free cuts into DLC revenue. Something had to be done.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    He would be fun to play as and against. I don’t know what they were thinking, but whatever. He most definitely needs some serious love.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    Billy has not been neglected at all. he has recieved fairly recent changes.....

    He is also still pretty strong.... but he has a high skill cap or takes some serious time for aiming to learn well... much like nurse.... huntress... etc.

    It is all in the hands of the user, understanding maps, and how to dictate game pace and end chases. I play billy and regularly kill 3-4 survivors.... he still has one shot downs and great mobility. learning to 180 chainsaw on loops is very important and it DOES take time. He is not easy to use if you do not understand his power or how the game plays at a high level.... but he was a top 3 killer for the majority of the time the game was out.... without the attention he got you would be reversing this post to "Billy OP, please nerf"

    Regardless he has definitely gotten attention and not been neglected and many long time killers would agree that he is still solid middle-to-top tier for killers.