Game is unenjoyable!

LordWack Member Posts: 21
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I was truly excited when I watch the stream about the new update. Iam an old school player who loves Resident Evil.

but I have to say up playing the past few days.

I have really not enjoy playing this game.

Very disappointing.

I grinded down to rank 3 in hopes of better matches only to find out how disappointing the matches have been.

I then joined this form to see what’s going on with the game.

The chases don’t last.

The killer is way to fast and some just absolutely unbeatable when you get down to lower level players that have EXPERIENCE with the game.

I mean nobody starts 1 gen because everyone is just hooking each other with short to no chase.

I find that I enjoy games that give me a feel good excited experience.

Even playing as the killer I don’t get that experience because it’s so easy to get everybody.

This is the true reason why the wait times are so long and I’m sure majority of the community feels exactly this way.

I mean honestly whenever you have back to back games where you get one maybe two generator started and the whole team gets killed off how is that even slightly enjoyable.

This is experienced players i’m talking about.

This game maybe gives me in 1 out of 10 matches or so that The killer actually is doing a variety of things within the match to make points in everybody is making points and doing stuff in an even at the end everybody dies I actually got a feel-good moment because the chases were good we started some generators we unhooked each other even though everybody died we were still able to do these things and these matches are feel-good matches and again even if we die.

But they’re literally 1 in 10 matches.

The Show on twitch about what’s to come and changes must be all talk.

I mean really. I have absolutely no problem with people and their views.

Adding a rainbow charm like really people.

How could you not think it would bring toxicity to the community?

Again myself I could care less how somebody lives.

To me it’s just another charm that looks like a rainbow.

Iam just So disappointed in what could be an amazing game. If it was only engineered better.

Hope all is having a happy Memorial Day weekend.

I will enjoy it without playing this game against online random killers.

I guess custom matches it is.

Makes me very sad that my friends and I can’t enjoy this game as playing as survivor.

Iam just wowed.

After playing against these killers.

Id rather not even play against the nemesis.

Its just gonna be another disappointment.

As in no chase and nobody escapes.


Yes please give us bots with custom matches that friends can join With a variety of bot difficulty levels.

Now this Will give my friends and I the feel-good game play.

Hope y’all have fun with this busted online gameplay.

LordWack is out.✌🏻


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,981
    edited May 2021

    If you don't enjoy playing the game then that's fine, I'd take a break if I were you.

    Besides, it seems like you're only making it unenjoyable for yourself.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    then don't play it

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,998
    edited May 2021

    The problems you listed sound more unusual because I don't run into these sort of problems as much as your claiming to so I think you might just be cursed. Also again bringing up the charm. I thought we were past that

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    "I grinded down to rank 3 in hopes of better matches only to find out how disappointing the matches have been." dude- come on. these are complaints that no one experiences. your also taking about a charm that lets people show their pride and their sexuality in a very fun approach; how would that bring toxicity? Also instead of pressing "enter" to create a new line.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Nice post, almost took it seriously.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    I think you covered everything you need to say in the title, the part where you say you aren't enjoying the game. I can help you there. With the thousands of games at our fingertips these days, I'm sure you will find some you do enjoy. Go, fly, seek your bliss

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Here's an outstanding move: *play a different game, for gods' sake.*