Wraith still needs a nerf AND buff

So this problem is SO consistent that it makes me believe Wraith still isn't balanced properly for killer players.

100% of the wraith players I go against tunnel the hook. I started to ask other players if they experience this as well and all of them overwhelmingly agreed. They said that wraiths will leave their current injured survivor to tunnel the hook.

The reason I say tunnel the hook and not 'unhook' is because it's 50/50 on who they pick. This is identical to my experience and it happens for almost EVERY unhook in the match against wraith.

So is wraith not strong enough in chase? Can he only verse stationary survivors? Why do wraiths struggle with their current chase so bad? Why is there no variety in play style with this killer?

I believe the devs need to nerf his speed and buff his uncloak.
