Wraith still needs a nerf AND buff

So this problem is SO consistent that it makes me believe Wraith still isn't balanced properly for killer players.
100% of the wraith players I go against tunnel the hook. I started to ask other players if they experience this as well and all of them overwhelmingly agreed. They said that wraiths will leave their current injured survivor to tunnel the hook.
The reason I say tunnel the hook and not 'unhook' is because it's 50/50 on who they pick. This is identical to my experience and it happens for almost EVERY unhook in the match against wraith.
So is wraith not strong enough in chase? Can he only verse stationary survivors? Why do wraiths struggle with their current chase so bad? Why is there no variety in play style with this killer?
I believe the devs need to nerf his speed and buff his uncloak.
"I believe the devs need to nerf his speed"
You mean his speed in general or just when he's invisible?
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If they tunnel the hook then why don't you blame your teammates for not farming with BT?
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Re-read carefully.
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They need to nerf his invisibility speed and make his uncloak faster.
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So the players who play him are the problem and not Wraith, correct?
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I mean... that's not a reason for a killer nerf. That's just people playing in an unfun way. That's like asking for a bubba nerf because a lot facecamp
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No I think the devs overly buffed his speed which means he can easily tunnel low hanging fruit.
Unhooked survivors being the most vulnerable. Their location is stationary, they are injured, and the killer is notified.
I think if the devs buffed his uncloak it would make Wraith players more confident in staying with their current chase.
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That... that makes no sense. Blight can do that. Billy can do. Both are much faster and can do the same thing.
It's not a Wraith thing. Actually, Wraith could do that before since Windstorm was a requirement back then.
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As others have said this is a problem with the people who play wraith not wraith himself. I play a lot of wraith and I think he's a ton of fun in chase getting to a loop then mind gaming with the survivor about which way I plan to use my lunge as well as faking out when I'm uncloaking or any other mind games. Not everyone plays like that nor should they be forced too.
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I'm not saying they shouldn't be forced to. I'm saying they should be more incentivized to stay in chase. A lot of these chases already have an injured survivor involved but for some reason they choose to abandon chase and go back to hook. I think slightly lower speed and quicker uncloak will nurture a more healthy game experience for all players. That's why this post isn't about nerfing. It's about balancing.
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What exactly is the issue besides "killer isn't playing in a way I approve of "
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There are already plenty of great chase killers in the game wraith just isnt one of them he's meant to have a different playstyle that you can play into or not completely up to the person but if they wanted what is essentially a chase oriented wraith play spirit.
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Wraith is required to be touching a survivor before they uncloak to barely get a hit on survivors so catching a survivor in a stationary position is the only way he can get hits. Once a survivor notices wraith it is tremendously difficult to get a hit. That is the reason that most wraiths abandon a chase after one hit. Wraith is a stealth killer that must declare his presence before he can attack. Good in theory but not in practice.
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I'm not asking for players to change. I'm asking for the game to change. The easiest things for killers reap the biggest rewards.
Where the hardest part for survivor (being able to route and loop) is what rewards them.
I want the game to REWARD killers for going for challenging gameplay over easy.