[SUGGESTION] A New Non-Horror Movie Killer: The Predator!

Tzeff_NL_YOUTUBE_0 Member Posts: 31
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I present to you a killer that could be fun to play with or against...although he's not from horror movies:




The Netgun, from which Survivors have a few seconds to *escape from the net...without taking damage. (*unlike the movie, ofcourse, but it's for gameplay sake!) If they escape out of the net and the Predator is very close to punch them, the Predator gets stunned for a few second. He can also use his Shoulder-Mounted Plasma Caster to shoot trapped survivors but it's firing rate is significantly more slower than when he uses his Wristblades!

And if the Survivor doesn't escape, the Predator can punch the Survivor to wound the survivor, who should continue to struggle to free himself from the net before the 2nd blow/blast comes that puts the Survivor in a Dying State. But if the wounded Survivor manages to escape the net while the Predator is nearby, the Predator gets stunned for a few seconds, enabling the Survivor to run to (temporary) safety.

And the Predator can become partially invisible, but you can still hear his heavy footsteps and vocal sounds. He also shrieks loudly every time he hooks a Survivor and laughs when he kills them with Memento Mori.


It has a slow firing rate and the Predator can NOT run when charging and firing the Plasma Caster. It's useful when invisible but the 3 red targetting beams/dots are visible and players should pay attention to spot it. This weapon also has a wide blast radius to compensate for the slow firing rate. This means that the Predator doesn't need a direct hit to wound survivors or to put them in Dying State. NOTE: The Plasma Caster has a lock-on feature for each shot but it takes a few seconds for a lock-on..unless the Predator takes a shot before locking on! Once Locked-ON the target, the Plasma caster won't miss..unless there's an object in its direct trajectory! So after each shot, the Predator's Plasma Caster needs a few seconds to lock on to a target again.


The Predator can switch from "Normal Vision" to "Thermal Vision" which enable him to spot and target survivors much easier and quicker, in the thickest or darkest fog, making a loud wipe noise in the process. Survivors can "escape" this Thermal Vision by hiding near heat sources such as fires and working generators.

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