Random disconnects

memysLOL Member Posts: 5

I get kicked from matches randomly with this message at least once in a few days and can't understand why does it happen so often. I'm playing from my own account. My internet connection is stable and can't be blamed for this.

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  • Essenmir
    Essenmir Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2021

    This is happening to me for the passed week now at least once a day and no it's not "MY NET". I get penalize 12 min lose points and pip's for dbd mistake, this last time just did 3 gens, was looping a campping bubba all to no avail points lost pip lost gen didn't count.

    no error coder and when I did click went to reload there was no menu just a screen with a empty camp fire

    oh it's on a pc


    Fix your ######### ! ๐Ÿ˜‘ [more bad words]



  • Essenmir
    Essenmir Member Posts: 2

    well I think I know what is causing the random disconects it steam that resetting it self

  • MaggotCorpse
    MaggotCorpse Member Posts: 17

    I'm having the same issue; in addition, while searching for a match, I get another error randomly that says "Could not connect to the host", and I need to ready up again.