Slug simulator against twins
Delete or change twins power please. I've come to absoultly hate going against twins. Every time I find out I'm going against twins I will ask to be killed and leave the match.
Playing against twins 99% of time turns into slug simulator. If it's not me as the slug it's my teammates that are slugs.
Why did the devs think its a good idea?
They let their game turn into slug simulator when it's against twins because they all play the same.
Let's be honest, I feel like most people cannot avoid Victor's pouce, im a solo player and I'm sure most casual players probably don't know how to avoid his pounce. I have a hard time avoiding his pounce too. But thats no my issue. It's the consistent slugging.
I cant find it fun to pick up my teammates throughout the match and if im not doing the saving then I'm the slug.