Why Is This Game So Toxic?

Dead By Daylight has to be by far one of the most toxic games I have ever played and although people say you "can't blame the developers" don't you think it's partly their fault because of how it's designed? I see a lot of people blame the developers for this game's toxicity and I wanna know what other people think. Personally I feel as if they are part of the problem when they don't nerf things like NOED and Iridescent Head as well as when they say that face camping is a "legitimate strategy" which lets face reality it isn't.
Nothing in game is toxic. The word is overused.
The only thing toxic is the endgame chat.
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they are part of the problem when they don't nerf things like NOED and Iridescent Head
Did you not read patch 4.7? They nerfed Iri head.
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Most of the pvp games I played are full of toxic people but I see people calling everything toxic nowdays.
If the killer is not bm'ing a person on the hook, just staying near it doesn't make them toxic. If you don't like something it doesn't automatically makes it toxic.
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Really so you would say a Huntress using NOED and Iridescent Head camping basement isn't toxic? Or a Ghostface who sits in basement T-Bagging you just because your actually good at the game isn't toxic? Or a survivor who sit's t-bagging at every single pallet they can find on the map isn't toxic? Look your entitled to your own opinion but I would call doing stuff like that toxic.
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Iri Head is still insanely overpowered I think personally it should only 1 shot someone if they are a certain distance away so you can't just walk right up to the survivor and throw a hatchet right in their face. Same with NOED a tiny speed decrease is not nerfing it it's just pretending like you give a ######### about what your community is telling you.
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Yeah and I fully agree with that if your entire team is right next to you while your on hook I don't expect the killer to run in opposite direction like a complete idiot I expect him to try and kill my team. This is honestly one of my biggest issues in Dead By Daylight though because there is always that rank 20 that sits there not leading the killer away and getting me face camped.
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I disagree. When you specifically choose builds or characters only because they are overpowered and don't care about having fun and just want to win that's toxic to me.
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Yeah, how dare people use things the devs added to the game. Truly toxic behaviour. It's as bad as the people who buy guns in counterstrike. Stick with the stock pistol you toxic, toxic people.
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Obviously you have a right to use whatever is in the game. Just accept that you are supplementing skill for unbalanced killers/builds just to ruin other people's days. Stop giving yourself as much of an unfair advantage as possible.
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Those things are in the game for a reason. Stop getting salty because players use the options available to them. If a player not handicapping themselves is ruining your day, it sounds like a you've got some problems to work through.
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Its toxic because people are way to entitled when it comes to this game. I've never played another online game before where one side feels like they can dictate how the other side plays to make the game fun for them.
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Like I said, you have a right to use whatever you want because it's in the game and that's fine. All I'm saying is that people are toxic if they want to inflate their ego by being okay at the game but winning constantly because they're using overpowered builds/killers. The same can go for survivors like being a 4-man and spamming BT, DS, and all that.
But I bet you think a 4-man SWF using OP perks and flashlighting is toxic but a rundying tinkerer nurse is just fine.
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Is it toxic or just a lot of really thin skinned people as far as gameplay goes? I think it's the latter.
In my opinion the developers did encourage the toxicity initially by not providing filters in chat but mechanics will always be abused regardless.
An example is there isn't a good/friendly reporting system i'm aware of. Overwatch was toxic when it first came out, devs there added a mechanism to easily report game chat and took it seriously, now it's not as toxic or so i hear. I haven't played in awhile.
Early on in Dbd it just felt like the devs here encouraged that toxicity and here we are. So for me, that is where their responsibility for this atmosphere lies.
I played Friday the 13th which is similar and shamefully now dead but it's community was fun. The atmosphere was different, it was actually enjoyable for everyone. The difference with that I think is it wasn't competitive, no ranks, no consequences per se, just a group of gamers having a good time.
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And I'm saying that calling using add-ons and items toxic makes you more toxic than the players using those things could ever be
And now you're just making assumptions. Why would I think it's toxic for survivors to use what they have available? Again, those things are in the game for a reason.
I'm sorry, but players choosing to use things that aren't on the gendoss-approved list doesn't make them toxic.
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It's not my approved list lol there are just some things that are more overpowered than others. Freddy for example has a 75% kill rate in the average red rank game. Meaning that even an average Freddy will get 3 out of 4 kills in a typical red rank game. Most people don't play Freddy because he's that fun, he's objectively unfun having an uncomplicated kit, they play him because they know they can get 3/4 kills every game especially with builds that make it even harder to play against. Those people are toxic, specifically going out of their way to ruin games and not even have any fun in the process, do you not agree with that?
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Ok i didn't think this was a bait post until you said, and i'm paraphrasing here, 'Most freddy players are toxic because they are playing freddy"
Nice job with the post though, you got me for a sec.
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If you've simplified it to just that I don't think you've been playing the game long enough to understand why people actually play Freddy.
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No, I think you're making a lot of assumptions to call things toxic. Someone playing a killer that they want to play is not toxic. Survivors using meta perks is not toxic.
You obviously have a personal list of things that are not okay because there's definitely not an official list.
If something's in the game, it's not toxic to use it. I don't get why that is so hard to understand for you. Just because YOU think something is overpowered and YOU think using that thing is toxic doesn't mean it is
Stop making excuses. Accept the game for what it is, not what you think it should be.
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Couldn't agree more with things such as Moris, Keys, NOED and Iridescent Add-Ons they are to some degree a GOOD idea but fact is they can be abused far to easily. It also doesn't help when developers come out and make ridiculous comments such as "Camping is a legitimate strategy" The developers should encourage players to get better at the game while also making it enjoyable to do so but I don't see how loosing pip points when some 9 year old camps you is fun for you or the killer. I feel like I am missing the point? Obviously it's there game and they can do whatever the hell they like but to me it just seems stupid that you would encourage players to make the game worse for other players.
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Trying to win is toxic. Okay gotcha. ๐๐ป
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Look lots of people are going to say "(insert killer here) is overpowered because of (insert reason here") just because they can't loop the killer I mean when I just started playing I said Michael Myers was overpowered but these days I just see a Myers and laugh with my Spine Chill, The point is your going to think something is overpowered and has no counters if you don't know how to counter the killer and luckily most killers do have counters, the only killer I personally would say that needs a slight nerf is probably Spirit and that's because I literally have no clue how to loop her and believe me when I say I have watched every single YouTube video possible.
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Nobody is toxic for playing a killer, well except them rank 20 noobs that just play Wraith so they can face camp those kids are pretty toxic and if you counter them with BT they go mental in chat saying either I was T0xiC or hACkiNG.
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No not at all, you didn't read my comment.
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I mean some stuff is pretty overpowered though you have to admit, for example Iridescent Head and NOED. When it comes to killers I think the killers are either pretty balanced or underpowered. When it comes to toxicity I don't think using Iri Head or NOED makes you toxic it depends on how you use them although I have little respect for anyone that uses NOED because to me it shows that you are planning for every generator to be popped which is planning for failure.
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I love NOED and i run it when i see 2+ toolboxes. It's very balanced since survivors can counter it in 2 ways, 1 adrenaline, 2 totems.
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Well playing a killer really isn't toxic have you ever considered you just don't know how to counter or loop Freddy? You can't just say something is OP without an actual reason. I do fine against Freddy players.
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Well then your clearly not very good at the game are you. Anyone who uses NOED is planning for failure and I don't respect that, the goal of the killer is to stop generators being done and killing the survivors in the process not letting every generator get done and then quickly killing everyone. Also totems aren't really a counter for NOED because not many people are gonna spend all game looking for totems and find them all while doing the generators. The fact that you use NOED makes you think you are around rank 13 - 20 and you only started playing the game a couple months ago.
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Freddy has very little counters objectively, that's why he has the highest kill rate in the game. Killers are designed with 2 things in mind. Anti-loop and mobility. Some killers have just anti-loop and no mobility like Pyramid Head and Deathslinger, and some have all mobility and no anti-loop like Legion. Freddy has both and he's amazing at both of them. His blood pools can be guaranteed death if the Freddy is patient enough and can also teleport to any generator he wants. There's a reason he has the highest kill rate in the game by far and even the devs stated he was overtuned and needed a nerf. Most people also find him boring to play as and against, he's just in general a really toxic killer.
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Yeah totally I think you just don't know how to counter him because I do ok against Freddy players and so do most red ranks. Look your probably just not good at looping Freddy and that's fine I am terrible at looping Spirit but I don't sit here telling everyone how Spirit players are toxic and how the killer needs a massive nerf.
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Yeah that's exactly how it is. I don't know what i'm talking about and I just don't know how to loop a Freddy. 1300 hours and I don't even know what Freddy does. How does his power work?
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You get less value out of using iri head then no add ons mate how is that OP
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How the hell is wanting to win toxic? It's a game, why wouldn't you want to win?
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They're mechanics in the game. If you can't handle it, don't play.
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Or to win. Which isn't meant to ruin other people's game. You can give yourself whatever advantage you want. It's in the game, you have a right to use it, and no, it's not toxic.
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No i'm pretty terrible at the game. I did hit rank 1 but that was mostly tunneling, camping and slugging. Recently i switched to twins to make that so much easier but since victor can't use noed i switched it out for tinkerer, the new toxic perk. When i need a break from twins i switch to my stridor spirit or freddy.
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Which makes this post toxic
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Face camping isn't toxic, trash talking someone who does it because you don't like it is.
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Today I learned that going against the other side in a pvp game is toxic and ruins their experience.
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Your exact words:
they play him because they know they can get 3/4 kills every game especially with builds that make it even harder to play against. Those people are toxic,
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In my opinion any game with pvp even mario kart changes how the human brain functions causing "toxic" behavior to come out. This is most likely do to in nature when competing with each other for food/women/etc having empathy for your enemy or even peers when it came down to surviving wasn't very beneficial. So we evolved to be sociopaths when nature called for it and unfortunately videogames involving competing with others can bring out the more tribal nature where by simply existing on the opposing side (killer/survivor) you are evil and deserve to suffer and have pain inflicted upon you. Pain in this case sense its a game being toxicity. Obviously not everyone is like that but even that can most likely be attributed to having ancestors with plenty of resources never having to compete amongst one another.
TLDR: Its not anyone's fault its because of evolution!
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Oh yeah, I agree 100%. Asymmetrical games are super hard to balance and I don't think things will ever be perfect. Say what you want about the skill level of people who exclusively use overpowered stuff, if they rely on it then it's definitely a crutch. I just don't like when people call it toxic, that's all.
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Acting like killrates mean something ๐
May I remind you that Nurse has the lowest killrate in the game?
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Devs confirmed on the anniversary stream Moris are toxic, anyone who says dbd isnt toxic can refer to that stream. It is official.
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Yep 100% accurate.
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It really is though
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First of all, I don't use iri head or NOED.
Now with that out of the way, why should I care about the other sides fun, when they don't care about my fun?
When I notice that the other side is clearly weaker, I go soft on them. Might even let all 4 escape after getting 8 hooks. Unless they are cocky.
But when they teabag at every pallet, Flashlight spam and finish gens in front of me, then I'll play accordingly.
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I'd say that's being toxic. Just because you can do those things doesn't mean it can't be toxic.
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You got some loose definition of what toxic is. You can find the real toxicity in the endgame chat, where someone will wish cancer upon your family just because they lost in a video game.
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It isn't though. It's a game. Trying to win isn't toxic
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Oof so toxic if survivor or killer repeatedly pushes certain button. Endgame chat or console messages are toxic. Killer camping basement isn't because it's legitimate strategy. People have different playstyles which not make them toxic, the whole word is overused nowadays because people are too sensitive. I got called "toxic survivor main" just because I did everything I can do to survive, see that made me toxic.