A way to change up gameplay without adding new game modes.

I was thinking about a fairly simple way that gameplay could be changed without adding new game modes that would effect matchmaking. I was thinking about how everything is being changed to simple skill checks i.e. generator, struggling and now wiggling, and how this might become a repetitive process.
I think a neat fix for this would be to swap out generators/exit gates for different objectives on different realms.
Autohaven: Instead of repairing generators which power the exit gates, instead survivors will need to find car parts around the map. Once they find one and pick it up, they need to take it to one of the two cars that spawn at the edge of the map (replacing exit gates). When survivors walk with car parts, they cannot run and random skill checks will be triggered which they must complete otherwise they will drop the car part and it cannot be picked back up for 8 seconds. Once the cars are fully repaired, survivors can start up the cars and escape. However, as there are only two cars, if say one survivor takes one car and two survivors take the other, then the fourth survivor can only escape via the hatch.
I think this would add some interesting gameplay as you try to stealthily manoeuvre the map without being seen by the killer. Maybe at the start of the match the killer sees the locations of all the car parts for 10 seconds to give them an idea of which direction to go to.
Coldwind Farm: Similar to Autohaven, but survivors need to repair tractors.
Hawkins: Two portals spawn on the map instead of exit gates. These are open at the beginning of the match, but instead of escaping through them, you would just teleport to the other portal. The objective for survivors is to close the portal using the Key which is powered by generators around the map.
Red Forest: Instead of repairing generators, survivors would need to perform rituals to five statues that spawn across the map. Whilst this is quicker than repairing the standard gen, each statue requires you to bring a specific object to it in order to perform the ritual. These objects can be found around the map, and each individual object will only be accepted by specific statues.
Yamoaka Estate: Similar to Red Forest, but Survivors perform rituals in the Minkas across the map.
Mount Ormond: Two cable cars hang above each side of the main building in the middle. Survivors must repair generators to power these, climb to the top of the building and escape via the cable cards. If two cable cars have been used, the remaining survivor(s) can only escape via the hatch.
Racoon City Police Department: Similar to Resident Evil 2, survivors would need to locate five medallions and place them in the centre statue to escape via the elevator below. Medallions can be found throughout the map, and work the same as car parts in Autohaven (you carry them whilst walking and complete skill checks).
The remaining maps could remain the same with the standard generators and exit gates. I know it sounds like it might be a lot of work for the devs but I think this would be the only fun way to switch things up as I don't think we'll ever get other game modes.
Im all for new objectives but this would render half the perks unusable for killers and survivors unless things are tweaked which would take the devs months if not years to preform with their small team compared to most major developers. We can hope but honestly I would like to see a 8 man vs 2 killer mode where there are 10 gens and no hatch. Kind of like a last man standing wins scenario. Plus we could have Bubba and Michael working together! OR GHOSTFACE AND MICHAEL
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I am in favor of new objectives in the game, but escaping by a tractor in Coldwind makes me laugh, however I like the idea of new escape modes or new deaths, in license maps like Haddonfield they could repair the energy of the houses or find a phone to call the police or in Gideon, repair generators and search for obtects through similar traps in Saw. but I like the idea.
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that could work basically a generator re-skin for maps that would logically not have generators on them but still act the same? or would you have 15 traps and 5 keys and have to search the traps for keys to insert into the gate to unlock it and move on to the next test (trail)?
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Gen re-skins would be cool to start off with just to vary things up and then they could make it more interesting with the above suggestions.
They wouldn't need to change many existing perks because they could keep the gen perks as gens will still be dominant and they could introduce new perks for the new objectives. Then it makes map offering more interesting because you might have a build suited to one type of map / objective.
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"Then it makes map offering more interesting because you might have a build suited to one type of map / objective."
Have you ever seen Balance Landing teams on Haddonfield or jumpscare Myers in indoor maps? No, specific builds should not be extremely advantageous on specific maps