A change I think everyone could agree upon

In the game we all know how fast gens can pop. Let me propose this question what if on lager maps or maps considered "survivor sided" the gens speeds are affected by how many gens are left in the map (i.e. say 8 gens starting on a large map they take 3 min to complete, but when there is only 3 gens they take only one minute) this makes it fair for the survivors who made it to the end of the trial but gives killers on larger and more complicated maps better pressure in early game to not be completely steamrolled. The same goes for killers on killer sided maps where the map is smaller and maybe there's only 6 gens that spawn gen speeds starting out at 2 min to complete and at the end are reduced to 1 minute. This in my opinion would make games feel more fair if you made it to the end and outplayed congrats if you cant loop or survive you die. Everyone would get to use their perks, everyone gets a chance.
Please comment below so we can try to make this game better :) be kind please also there's enough hate about this game and its the only one we have so far like it that's this established.
The time increments are not concrete just as a demonstration of the difference it would take. I am just trying to think of ways to brings killers like trapper, hag and such back into the fray to be played more than spirit, nurse and the such that make traversing the map easier. I see a lot of nerf spirit posts so I thought maybe if we made it a bit easier on bigger maps to set up a 3 gen strategy maybe those killers would see more play and a wider more diverse cast of frequently faced killers.