Survivors Finish Matches Too Quickly - And What to do About It.

Product Member Posts: 108
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think all of us know the drill, good survivors can very easily finish 5 generators in the same amount of time that the killer can only get 4-6 hooks. (except for really high tier killers). This leaves a lot of killers feeling like they need to both play high tier killers and slap on a minimum of 2 slowdown perks. (Corrupt, Pop, Ruin, or even all 3 of those). The game is not fun when the exit gates are powered within 5 minutes.

Therefore, the game needs a solution, something that the survivors must do in order to finish the game. Many players have suggested just increasing the amount of time it takes to complete a generator. (Most people suggest making them take 90-100 seconds instead of 80).

The main issue with simply making generators take longer to repair is that repairing generators is the most boring part of playing survivor. Another issue with making generators take longer is that it also buffs the already strongest killer perks in the game. (Pop, Ruin).

The best solution for this problem is to add another objective that survivors MUST complete in order to open the exit gates. Think about it, Survivors only have 2 objectives, hold m1 on a generator and then hold m1 on an exit gate. Chests, healing, and totems are all side objectives that most good survivors just ignore.

My idea for some new survivor objectives are the following:

Broken Exit Gate Levers:

Exit Gate Levers are very simple right now. When all of the 5 generators are completed, you can hold m1 on an exit gate lever for 20 seconds to open the exit gate. My idea is that the exit gate levers will now spawn broken, and the survivors must search the map for the detached levers. Once a detached lever is found, the survivor must equip it as an item and bring the detached lever over to the exit gate. You then must re-attach the lever to the exit gate in an animation that takes 5 seconds to complete. If you are interrupted while in the middle of the action then the progress will be completely reset. (Like totems).

Detached levers will emit a small electric buzzing sound on the map, making them easy to find if you are nearby. (like a hex totem makes a fire sound). A total of 3 detached levers will spawn in the map (in case one is hard too find or a teammate is trolling etc.) These levers can be attached to the exit gate at ANY TIME during the match, not just when the generators are completed.

I think this is a good solution because this will slowdown survivors from immediately opening the exit gates if they didn't bother to find the levers during the beginning of the match. If the survivors find the levers before all the generators are completed, then that will naturally slow down generator progression. Another bonus to this idea is that in makes the survivors run around the map for a necessary objective, instead of just staying in one spot and holding m1 until the killer is nearby.

Generator Wires:

Does anyone else find it weird that every generator just magically powers the exit gate levers that are halfway across the map? I think that the generators should not power the exit gates when they are finished being repaired. Instead, every generator will have a large spool of black wire right next to it. The survivors can then pick up the wire spool and run with it all the way to the exit gate lever and connect it there. Each exit gate lever will need to have 5 wires from completed generators hooked up to it in order to be powered.

Picking up and connecting a wire to the exit gate happens instantly (just takes one click to pick up and connect). This task will also have survivors running around the map instead of just being stationary for the majority of the game. This could also leave some room open for the survivors to take calculated risks. An organized group of survivors could agree to only hook up wires to one exit gate to save time. However, the killer could recognize this and guard that exit gate much harder until the hook up the wires to the second exit gate.

Final Note - Generator Speeds

If these changes are made (or similar changes), I think we could take another look at generator speeds. A good amount of the time you spend as a survivor is just sitting on a generator and watching your teammates have fun. The only reason why generators take so long to fix is so the survivors don't escape the trial too quickly (which doesn't work too well). But this means that if there are other objectives in the game that survivors must complete, then generator speeds could possibly be reduced (something like 70 or 60 seconds).

I still think that the game progression for survivors should be slowed down, but if the other objectives are a huge slowdown, then toning down generator speeds would make the game much more fun.

In Conclusion, Survivors need more mandatory objectives to slow down the game.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited June 2021

    I've been running the following build at rank 1 and I've been winning 75 percent plus of my games.

    Furtive Chase, Nemesis, Dark Devotion, Rancor

    I'm absolutely love running an obsession based build that's made the game enjoyable for me. So, I downright disagree with your premise, slow down perks are not a requirement to do well in this game.

    Edit: added screenshot. The DC was to get his friend hatch. It was after I had already won.

    Post edited by konchok on
  • Product
    Product Member Posts: 108

    What Killer do you use, do you use any addons, and how many hours do you have in the game?

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Also what does Konchok define as a win? Kills or hooks, how many of each, or a different win condition?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited June 2021

    Yes, please, increase generator times, as if I don't 4K enough of my matches I definitely need to 4K all of them 😴

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited June 2021

    Killer Blight, I consider 3-4k a win, 2k hours. I play survivor and killer about 50/50, but lately I've been digging Blight so I've become more of a killer main.

    Post edited by konchok on
  • Product
    Product Member Posts: 108

    You didn't even read the thread. I literally said we should reduce gen times. Just because you have an anecdote that you 4k most matches doesn't mean the game is balanced.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    As a filthy gen rusher I can say discordance or (insert perk here) is a light fix but fixing matchmaking is the true answer.

    I'm only rushing gens bc of how horrid survivors are that I'm being matched with and my inability to trust them to pull their weight. No offense to killer but I've been killed by team more often than not.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited June 2021

    The issue, if there even is one at this point, isn't with the exit gates. It has nothing to do with anything towards the end of the match, it's the beginning of the match that can be a problem. The game slows down and becomes even when killers actually get to a survivor, chase them, down them and hook them etc. And if the killer can't keep pressure after that or they make more critical mistakes than the survivors do, then they lose. Doesn't matter if you let gens take longer, shorter, make exit gates take longer to activate, they'd lose anyway. It's the free pressure survivors get right at the start of the match (Spawning on gens, takes way too long to get across some maps, bad mobility options, corrupt being useless) that's the issue.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    Yeah i used to be on the "gen times are too fast" boat, b ut after talking about it with some friends and seeing what high tier players had to say about it. I think the problem is more "most killers can't deal with 4 survivors hanging out on complete opposite sides of the map doing gens" and "sometimes the game spawns survivors in that ideal scenario".

    At the very least, the problem IMO is in the early game, gens don't feel to fast to me when t here's only 3 left, especially if they are close to eachother. When gens FEEL fast it's always i n the early game where they can feel ABSURD. I have had some of the best TimeToFindFirstSurvivor followed by the best chase of my life and STILL lose 3 gens right before/after the hook. And when that happens it's very clear that survivor skill had nothing to do with it, The one i found/chased did poorly, and everyone else just spawned within a few seconds of a different gen and held M1. It's a hard problem to fix I think, but it's one of the things that cause me to have the least amount of fun in the game. I'm fine with body blocks, and flashy saves, but there's nothing more dishearetning than being like "Man I did awesome downing the first survivor this quick" *2-3 gens pop*.

  • LeQuack
    LeQuack Member Posts: 6

    Congratulations, you are the top 1% of the Killer playerbase. Have a medal, and go flaunt elsewhere.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Generators take longer regardless, draging wires across to every door (5 of them per your writing) will more than make up for the 10 seconds you've removed from generators, not to mention the small but still additional amount of time to fix the gate levers.

    Also, say there are two survivors left, which happens very often, how do two survivors keep the killer distracted while also dragging five wires to a door as well as open the door and also there's perks that increas door time, this essentially when it boils down to it just increases gen times while adding impossible tasks to complete depending on how many survivors are dead. you know if theres two people and you're chasing one, you have enough time to down the survivor before the other survivor could have gotten 5 wires to the gate and opened it.

  • Product
    Product Member Posts: 108

    If there are only 2 survivors left alive then they are pretty much gonna lose regardless of how many gens are completed.

    Games need to be slowed down because any good survivor swf can easily run circles around almost any killer and have their teammates finish all the objectives in 4 minutes. Even random good survivors can do all of the generators really quickly

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    If there are only 2 survivors left alive then they are pretty much gonna lose regardless of how many gens are completed.

    This is absolutely not true even in the slightest? three people left, one goes on hook and dies, then theres two left with all gens done, then these survivors need to drag TEN cables to the door to even consider opening it, how are the "gunna lose" regardless, of course they'll lose if they have to lug cables around and repair doors after the gens are done.