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single trial challenges upgrade add a condition counter

Midnght Member Posts: 65
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So your challenges are not so clear cut in what one has to do sometimes especially when we have to do this 6 times in a single trial.

So you either need to offer an initial challenge of the same but only need to do it once so we can figure out your condition to win or better still in session add a counter so we know we got it right.

A good example of this is the challenge for the the newish Egyptian gal The Plague

you want us to spit on them then they need to be injured you don't indicate if we must spit and wait for them to be injured by the spit or simply hit them this makes it pretty damn hard to get 6 in one session when we have no idea if we even got the condition correct once let alone 6 times

Seriously a counter in such challenges etc will make it easier to figure out what to do when your conditions are confusing to us or too vague this allows us to try variations and see which works then make that happen for us to meet the multiple conditions in a single trial

Post edited by Midnght on


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Just out of curiostiy, what challenge are you talking about?

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65
    edited June 2021

    Let me power up and get the specific name and condition that seems too vague or confuses me.

    this ones not bad its only a single condition so i can test both ways in different matches

    Refusal To break

    Escape 1 trail(s) while using the perk unbreakable

    Using is vague do you mean get hit and actually use the perk or just have it equipped on the survivor

    like i said this ones not too bad as its only do this once in a trial so you can test both methods but when they do things like this and they want ya to do it 6 times there's no way to no which is right.

    The one that's tricky like this 6 times is

    Spread the Sickness

    Injure a survivor 6 time(s) with the Vile Purge as the Plague

    Complete this challenge in a single trial

    This could mean spit on the survivor and wait for the sickness to injure them or spit on them then smack them and injure them

    IF your not a very good killer this may never get done since you don't know exactly what to do. :/ a counter would help aid this

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Okay so - when BHVR means "using" it just means having that specific perk, item or whatever. If it said (for example) "Get yourself up once using the perk Unbreakable" then the game is requiring the usage of the perk BUT you can get yourself up in other way (even thought with Unbrekable it doesn't work that well as an example)

    If the perk itself does something that the challenge wants it's pretty obvious.

    And it does mean injure WITH the Vile Purge. Not M1. When you puke on survivors the sickness progresses quicker and it eventually leads to damage. The only problem with this challenge is that you can't complete it if survivors don't cleanse.

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65
    edited June 2021

    That's what i was figuring is they had to be sick then get injured sick. But again it does point out even like you said they need to cleanse a counter would make it much easier to know if your don't or not. It'd be an added game value not necessary sure but would be a nice to have :D

    And yeah i got that first one done they really should say equipped not using using means you need to use it not just equip it. Maybe they'll read and try to word things better dunno.

    Thanks for your assist though.