Kicking Generators Should Regress Them Instantly

I think kicking a generator should instantly regress the kicked generator some small amount (like failing a skillcheck does) in addition to regressing its progress over time.

Currently kicking a generator makes it regress at a fourth of the speed that survivors repair generators at. Let's say you kick a generator and leave, and it regresses for 20 seconds. Then a survivor comes and starts repairing it again. That 20 seconds that the generator spent regressing will be undone in 5 seconds of repair time. 5 seconds! I just played a game against a Huntress, she chased me away from a gen, kicked it, and left. I was able to undo that lost progress in less time than it took for her to go out of her way to kick the gen in the first place.

And because of that kicking generators is basically useless without perks unless you intend on staying near the gen and guarding it, because the second a survivor sees that you've kicked a gen you might as well have not kicked it at all with how fast it'll be back up to what it was before you kicked it. You spend your precious time kicking a generator just for it to be undone in mere seconds in most cases.

Even as little as 5% instant regression on kick would be good. It would mean that even if a survivor goes right to repairing the gen you just kicked that kick wouldn't have been for absolutely nothing because it'll stall them for at least a few seconds. Obviously this isn't foolproof, I can already see how it could be abused, but it's better than nothing and I think that abuse of the mechanic could be overcome with some effort.

TL;DR: Kicking gens is basically worthless without perks due to the fact that a survivor repairs gens 4 times faster than those gens regress, meaning any regression allotted will be wiped out in a fourth of the time it took to regress in the first place. A small amount of instant regression could help with this, as it would then take longer to undo gen regression.
