Spirit Rework Concept


Spirits a hot topic these days because she's problematic in her power's design. So I wanted to take a shot at trying to come up with a concept that's fun and creative.

The idea is to obviously change up her power so what if instead of phasing she can change into a human form? The point of this is that she would have no terror radius in this form and she couldn't be detected by spine chill. She can get into lockers just like a survivor could too. I would make her speed 4.2 m/s in human form and when she goes into her spirit form she's 4.6.

I think having a sound cue for her when she's transforming would be a good thing to add for counterplay and it would be heard around the entire map. Adding the sound could keep survivors on edge the entire trial. I feel there is a fair amount of counterplay for survivors and stealth for spirit with this concept. Transformations should take somewhere between 2-3 seconds and there should be a cooldown but I'm not sure how long it would take. I don't want it to be too short for survivors or too long for killers.

As of late I personally feel there have been too many killers that are not fun to play against and/or feel like recycled powers just not as useful. Maybe this idea can shake the game up a bit on both sides and it can lead to some fun games.


  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    They already said they don't want a killer that disguises as a survivor in any way.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    I forgot to clarify that, when i said human I meant Spirit's human form. Spirit would look like the way she was when she was alive and I would make her somewhere around Ace's height so that she can't be confused with the other female survivors. She could even have the marks on her arms and legs like she does in her Spirit form. The best idea would be for her to be around a survivor's height for her to hide behind things that a survivor could hide behind or if BHVR wanted to they could make her the same height she already is. This is just a thought to have a different power that isn't what we've already seen.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658
    edited June 2021

    I'll be blunt and perfectly honest. This power would be terrible.

    Spine Chill immunity should be for all Undetectable killers. Idc the reasoning. It's absurd that perk hard counters them.

    The power does 0 to help in chase, when even Wraith at least has the uncloak lunge.

    You'd completely take away her mobility.

    Hiding in lockers does nothing to help you. You want to be proactive and pressure survivors, not hiding in a locker to ambush.

    The stealth itself is mediocre. She's slowed T1 Myers and... has no real benefit. It's basically the power to become T1 Myers at will, which is pretty bad. Could shine on some indoor maps, but you're better off just playing Wraith.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    Without spine chill killers would get free easy hits which leads to quick downs and that leads to even quicker games with no one getting pips. I'm ok with an idea to make this rework be useful in chase. If someone wants to add a bit of tweaking to the power so that it could work I'm fine with it. This is just a rough idea.

    My major focus with it is so the game and the chase are fun on both sides. This game has far too much focus on being sweaty and not enough on fun.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    This doesnt make any sense to her power, story or character design. Maybe on a whole new Killer concept but not as rework for her. Also I dont see any reason why Spirits power need a full rework? Its not like she is completly broken or not functional.