New player perspective of MMR

sumps1 Member Posts: 66
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I’ve been playing about 2 months casually with 117 hours under my belt. My main game is destiny 2 so I’m not worried about a hard grinding game. Huge horror game fan and love objective based games so I finally decided to give dbd a go. Huge learning curve for new players and I’ve been getting on fairly well although some maps are trickier to get to grips with than others.

I thought it was hard enough climbing out of the face camping ranks and I managed to get to rank 5 recently… then MMR came along. I’m still learning the game, perks, what killers can and can’t do etc but I’m also not a potato so I don’t expect easy games every single game.

I gave it a fair chance with over 15+ games. It was a very mixed bag of getting people who didn’t know what they were doing and being 4K within 2 minutes against a rank 1 killer with 1000s of hours play, or going against a killer who didn’t get a single hook the entire game.

Both types of games I learned nothing at all. It wasn’t fun and I can’t imagine it would be fun for the killer either.

Like I said, I gave it a fair shot of over 15 games to even itself out. But after continually getting put against god like killers I can do nothing against, I’m not sure I want to invest in this game at all now (I’ve put off buying any dlc whilst I decide if I want to commit fully to the game).

I hope they improve the mmr system if they are going to implement it in the game permanently. As is, I would not continuing playing and I am now hesitant to buy any game add ons.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    MMR has been a vast improvement for me. I'm purple ranks for both killer and survivor.

    Used to face constant red ranks as killer, lot of 2 hook games. Now it's more even. Averaging 2-3 kills a game. (Still get some he's that are over in a minute with one gen done, and some where I don't kill anybody, but they are much rarer now.)

    As survivor, MMR still thinks I'm better than I am, as I still face a lot of red rank killers, but I do survive a little more often. I'm not that good at looping, so I go down pretty fast, but I'm not facing the top tier killers anymore, so I think it's better.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    I'm glad it works for you, as someone with about 100 hours and rank 15 killer, I have only gone against red ranks (incuding multlple rank 1s) in EVERY GAME for about 15 games. If this is the new MMR, then I'm not going to play this game anymore.

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    It's AMAZING what experience can show you with many, many hours in this game. I think I'm still at the low end, but I have fun now just gauging how the killer is playing and which perks they might be employing. You come to admire those killers who can really viciously destroy a survivor team (although it's frustrating and can be boring from the survivor perspective), and sometimes you can tell the player is inexperienced with a killer and play accordingly.

    I still don't have huge hours in the game but I can see why people get more and more into it. Eventually the little here-and-there single match issues aren't worth worrying about too much and the overall experience of say, an evening all put together, is what's fun. Just sucks ending on a sour note if you get a really good killer and stomped right before bed!

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    During those 15 games did you get the same killers or were the killers different?

    I was wondering that maybe there is a separate rank against each killer which needs to separately adjust. (If it is like this, it should be improved so that all the rank adjust faster).