Original Killer

The Spider

The Entity is an all powerful being able to transcend time and space. In its own dimension the Entity has grown bored of the entrapped having all the fun. The Entity in frustration detached its own leg, it grew eight more with eight eyes as well. Please with its off spring the Entity revealed The Spider to the trials. With the entity linked to the Spider it too can now enjoy the suffering of others when watching gets boring. The Spider lives and breathes as a faithful servant to the Entity and acts as its right hand when choosing and killing prisoners' of the Entity and enjoys its meals as being eaten does not mean they escaped.

"Everyone has their favorite food"


The Spider gains the ability to traverse terrain and does not have to vault to go through windows. When activating your ability you burrow under ground. Reactivating your ability you burst from the ground and attack a survivor, if a grab is successfully preformed the survivor is taken underground with you as you traverse to a web. When at a web you must secure the survivor in a cocoon. There is no cooldown on underground traversal but the special attack has a base cool down of 8 seconds.

Iridescent Addons:

Carbon Fiber web: When survivors are rescuing friends from a cocoon, the time it takes to free survivors is increased by 6 seconds.

Lurking Hunter: When underground you have no terror radius.

Purple Addons:

Toxic Fangs: Hitting a survivor with an attack adds deep wounds.

Serrated Fangs: Hitting a survivor with an attack adds the exhausted status effect until healed.

Green Addons:

Hunters Stance: While on top of a wall you can use your special attack after a shriek if the attack lands acts as normal. Removes underground traversal.

Observant Hunter: While undergrounds receive glimpses of survivors while they are running.

Yellow Addons:

Nimble Hunter: Traverse walls moderately faster.

Silent Hunter: While traversing walls decrease your terror radius to 6 meters. Underground travel removed.

Brown Addons:

Sticky Web: Hitting survivors with a normal attack slows for 1 second.

Dull Fangs: Each successful special attack does not inflict damage but grants 200% bonus blood points.

Perk 1: Open Eyes

Killer POV is now in third person with limited vision by (16/32/60) meters.

"Use your eyes, See it all.."

Perk 2: Fly in A Web

Hooks are removed from the map, the entity wants you to have fun. Each time you hit a survivor you get a permeant stack. At max stacks (18/16/14) you now have the ability to dispose of survivors without need for hooks by your own hands.

"They are in your realm, remind them that."

Perk 3: Dinner Time

A time limit is now in effect starting at (12/11/10) minutes. For each survivor taking damage, dropping a pallet, getting hooked, or missing skill checks the time will be reduced by 10 seconds. When the timer ends all survivors are indefinitely affected by the oblivious status effect.

"You have earned it, we have been watching. Feast on your rewards."