What is with Hook skill checks?

They said when they introduced the idea that it was to help people who had a hard time mashing a button for so long, and that it wasn't a change to make it harder. that they would be large easy skill checks, they never mentioned the fact that the checks would get smaller and smaller everyone. Like its not difficult enough timing great skill checks without having to keep an eye on what's going on when your on the hook. Plus some times the kids like to play and they could mash a button but are not hitting these small skill checks. so needless to say there dying a lot faster now. this seems like another hidden buff for killers lol I can't imagine what's going on for rank 20's getting into the game and trying to hit these.
Well it is just more practice to actually hit skill checks for newer players. Theres nothing wrong with them it it just takes time
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I've been playing for years and i still miss these skill checks sometimes, and if you miss 2 in a row game over.
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its not if you miss 2 in a row its if you don't even attempt to hit the skill check 2 times in a row
missing it only lowers the timer, skipping the skill check twice in a row kills you
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I much prefer big easy to hit skill checks over breaking my finger after playing DBD for 2 days as survivor
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I also have a hard time hitting the last few. They're practically overcharge-level small and I never hit those.
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That's the only issue I have with this new system, the last checks are too small and really hard to hit. Just slow the size decrease a little or put a cap on it.