Matchmaking tests Feedback

Dear all,

I dont know how you feel about it, but the new matchmaking change nothing.

Survivors are without skill even after couple thousend hours.

You need like before 10 to 20 rounds, to receive a challanging match. (Most times perfect gen placement, strong random juke spots and no surv. Skill)

The best matches was Ranking with Survivor BP and Killer hook counter.

They change it becouse it was to simple and try to stop the tunneling and camping. (Works fine 1 out of 5 matches. killers lose more and more there brains becouse easier upranks trough new matchmaking and killer buffs before someone learn how to play the killer)

If you want to improve everithing, try the old matchmaking with equal +/- 2 rank opponents and lower the random map build with jungels and pallets.

Yes there will exist someone cry becouse they lose "important " ranks but one time reaching the rank depends on skill level they will conform with that.

Currently every Survivor reach a rank what doesnt fit to there skill but give them positive response even when they play only trash.

To 50% 2 survs will escape?

I Look at my past 50 killer matches. Iost 3,5% and 5 out of 7 becouse the map gives me 0 control.

As Survivor I escape 75% and die most of the time first and final hook after everyone is dead.(and have multible chaces)

BHVR can change everthing to make it more easier for every player with buffs, matchmaking changes ... it will ends up in every one reach top ranks again and dont get even opponents.

They want for every killer on skill based ladders? Cool I play 23 killer well and got only beginners becouse killer rotation.

Sry I need to write this. It was important to me before my pants explode. XD


  • S1niato
    S1niato Member Posts: 3

    i've been playing this game for 3 years, I have 5000HRS. i've never had so much fun in this game as in the last 24hrs.

    I've been playing online against bad killers for over a year and when i'm a killer, only bad survivors.

    Today, I have fun playing both sides, it's never nice to always win.

    When I played and ket killing the 4 with 5/4 gen up I wasnsn't having fun anymore in the game.

    Congratulations and I'm looking forward to the MMR coming in soon so I can play the game again with consistency. TNKS AGAIN! put the MMR soon! TNKS