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This is just a quick question involving mmr.

Ok so lets just get to the point, what was the real reason for the idea of mmr. How I see it, correct me please if I'm wrong. It really doesn't help. I see it as being punished as a casual player for having a main. You get punished more for constantly using someone you like. It's not about having easy survivors as some players would think. I just don't understand why I have to try and sweat just to play my main. It honestly baffles me since if we really look at the game, it's not really suited at all for comparative play. It also doesn't help since we have literally no clue is for a real win in dbd. What gives you more mmr, what give you less for survivors and killers.

Also for me playing now it's extremely easy for me to tell if the survivors that I'm going against are there beard on my "mmr", it's literally if I load into a match with extreme speed then it's harder survivors. If it takes awhile it's survivors that aren't necessarily picked because of my "mmr". At least those survivors I don't have to try my absolute hardest to kill or down, and occasionally give them the gate or hatch.

I'd love to hear other players thoughts on this subject. Although I would love it more if it is explained in a reasonable and well thought-out way...

Best Answers

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452
    Answer ✓

    It's not about having easy survivors as some players would think. I just don't understand why I have to try and sweat just to play my main

    I'm skeptical about the implementation of the mmr. However, what you describe is easily avoided. If you constantly 4k with your main, you'll start getting better survivors, rightfully so, and you DO will have to sweat more. The easier survivors are not skilled enough and they don't deserve to be outmatched just because you want to relax (and neither does a new killer against pro survivors, for the record).

    If you want to avoid the issue altogether, just kill 2 and let 2 escape. Even if bhvr didn't give us the details of the algorythm, we know that 2k2e is their balance goal and you're almost assured that your mmr won't go up, keeping you at a sweat kevel you're comfortable with.

    For everyone in general, so not targeted at you, if the argument is that one doesn't want to sweat but wants to 4k still and mmr will prevent that scenario, that gets no sympathy from me. It just tells me that someone wants easy wins and wins 100% of the time. Which in turn makes me support the mmr, if it worked (big if).

  • Horrid_Squire4
    Horrid_Squire4 Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2021 Answer ✓

    You see I love that answer actually. Although I wouldn't say I'm trying to get 100% easy wins. To me a games in dbd that I enjoy are chill games, where it's not a high chance I'll win and not a low chance I'll loss. It's hard for me to explain, but some will get that. Basically where both sides can have fun without sweating.

    That aside I absolutely adore your response. Wish more people I talk to could be like you. Hope we could have another convo about some other topic in the future.

    Thank you and have a great day.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452
    Answer ✓

    Hey, much appreciated. I'm glad for once I could convey a sense of positivity, which is not always easy in written form over the Internet. With that being said, you have a great attitude. This community needs more of that. Now, let's just hope mmr improves the game.