nemesis is the new worst killer in the game

already left me so unimpressed in the ptb, even worse in live, garbage killer, trickster is a 1000 times better than this crap
people are putting him in b to low a tier idk what your talking about
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He isn't a good killer but he definitely isn't the worst, not by a long shot
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0 map pressure, 0 multi target, 0 range on his power, tiny hitbox, ultra long cooldown, extremely easy to dodge, 3 hit power, taller killer in the game super easy to spot from far away, he is F tier, played him a few times on ptb to notice this and my first match confirmed his uselessness and how weakly trash he is.
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There is no way nemesis is worse than helpless boy trickster.
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you know that this list reads like what people demand the changes for deathslinger to be to make him 'fun'?
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At least he's a 4.6
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Apparently zombies can't generate free map pressure despite being Ai controlled agents that can infect, injure, even down Survivors. Sure they aren't super dependable, but they can 100% generate pressure.
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i think hes c tier.... bad earlygame which is the worst possible trait for a killer, walmart pyramid head power, LOUD, tentacle is inconsistent af... but he's still better than trickster and myers.
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you wish, trickster in perfect hands is high B
he's D-C tier for everybody else
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Myers can sneak up easily and insta tier 3 getting 1-2 survivors easily when possible, I once got all 4 in 1 tier 3 without duration add-ons, nemesis will NEVER be able to do this, and trickster doesn't have to worry about 1 tiny pixel of wall to block the his knives, he can throw as many as he wish without a cooldown and without allowing survivors to get distance and reach another safe loop
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Still think Legion is the worst
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If that's your way of retaliating then you really need to grow up.
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Dude, Nemesis just came out and you're already calling him the worst killer in the game?
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Nemesis is great.
Ranged ability.
Easy tracking (contamination)
Moving hazards that can catch survivors in compromising positions (Zombies).
What’s missing here?!
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Well considering the fact that you believe trickster is high B, I don't think your input on killer strength is very valuable
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Most tier lists I see put Pyramid Head in A tier.
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I personally don't think he's strong. C tier imo. But he's also nowhere near the worst killer
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This question is the answer to why you can't win
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This but need to add he is so large he gets stuck on stupid things.
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Well clearly he was expecting Nemesis to come out with his rocket launcher and just nuke the survivors from the other side of the map with ease.
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No way he's A tier. B at best. Nem is just a watered down version of Pyramid Head.
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Delete the map. Iz 2 big and unfare.
Delete all indoor maps while you're at it.
Nemesis needs to be buffed.
Nemesis needs to be nerfed.
BHVR hates its customers.
BHVR is incompetent.
BHVR has no right to change anything in this game.
Yet another terrible update.
This game is a ripoff.
I'm going to quit playing. I don't know why anyone else still plays.
Everything sucks.
I will never be satisfied with anything, ever.
...I think that covers just about everything that I expected to see today. Glad to know that this place is consistent, at least.
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Nemeis is actuall really strong. Killer need to realise that you need skill to win
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Nemesis is fine right where he is. Everyone wants an easy to win killer. Many people hate the killers that came out after Oni (Slinger, Pyramid Head, Twins). BHVR had a streak of creating killers that made downs too easy and made play for survivors miserable (solo). I believe those killers were created in response to all the swf teams making killer play miserable.
I think they are trying to release more balanced killers now. Trickster was the start of it and now Nemesis in response to possibly kill rates for killers being too high. Killers tend to dominate solo queue from what I've seen but I don't know the kill rates. Honestly balancing gameplay itself would've been better, probably not easier but better. Instead this is what they came up with.
That's just my theory.
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I remember the good ol' days when Blight and Spirit were the new worst killers in the game.
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I think it's a bit early to draw conclusions.
BUT the lack of "Nemesis OP" threads speaks for itself. When survivors don't see the killer as a threat, then it's because he isn't one.
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if pyramids in a tier nemesis is in b
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Name 1 person who put him in A tier who isn't a BHVR sponsored streamer like Otz.
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every tier list I've seen has had him in a tier. I don't really look at tier lists all that much so I'd say about 10
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ngl I'm awful at tier lists
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Knew I recognized your name somewhere.
It’s okay to admit you like playing the worst killer buddy.
For context, this guy is a so-called rank 1 1% Trickster trying to prove that Trickster is actually a good killer.
Not sure when you lost all reliability in your argument by claiming Nemesis can’t generate map pressure but Trickster can.
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Um. I got adept on my second try. I think he's pretty good. Really difficult to time his tentacle at places. I do better with hom than Pyramid Head.
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Never thought I'd say this but.....its actual licensed killer thats worse than Trickster. At least trickster has range.
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Hell nah, Legion is fast AF, and about the best killer in the game as far as spreading damage and pressure out among survivors.
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Which is even crazier to me, as to how you create a bootleg pyramid head...thats worse than the actual pyramid head and has the help of zombies...
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To be fair, PTB Blight and Spirit were abysmal.
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I'm doing fine with him.
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I see you are willfully ignoring the glaring issues with trickster. Fair enough, I would also rather forget that mistake...
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Hey man, he is new. Just learn to play him. I think in 1 or 2 Weeks in the right hands he gets annoying to survs. Trickster is not that good. The right Perkbuild is the key for Nemesis.
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ah yes, played one match, got dunked on, so it's time to complain and overexaggerate on the forums
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You've got to be kidding me. He's definitely far from the best killer but.. the worst? I don't think so. Placing him next to Legion & Trickster (imo) is just satire.
He just came out, people are going to learn new techniques and perks that synergies with his power. He's basically a weaker Pyramid Head/Plague and with a few minor buffs, can be moved from B tier to A tier easily. Hopefully the devs see that.
His "infection" needs to actually be threatening other than it allowing him to injure, and it shouldn't give survivors a Sprint Burst. On top of that, his "tier 3" is a joke and needs more to it.
If we got all of that, he'd be top tier imo. He'll have chase power, as well as map information (vaccines & zombies). Speaking of zombies, I had to leave a gen multiple times today because they wouldn't leave me alone and kept pushing me off of it. They're also extremely good in indoor maps.
Main point is, give him time. I personally think he has the potential to become one of the best killers if he's properly taken care of by the devs.. which is probably not likely, but we can hope.
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He isn't the worst killer, but there is almost no situation where pyramid head doesn't do the job better, easier and more efficiently. I'm going to hold off playing him until hopefully they buff his power, otherwise it's just needless frustration I can't be arsed with.
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I think I can answer the question that is your name if you genuinely believe that Nemesis is bad.
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Nemesis has a longer effective open-terrain range due to PH's POTD travel speed. PH gets people who are animation locked at longer range, Nemesis gets everyone no matter what but at shorter range.
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Just had a match against Nemesis with Devour. I was surprised how i got the exposed notification, when i got hit by the tentacle and kept running.
I know, exposed only applies on basic attacks. But then don´t give the notification to survivors...
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Well tbh, everyone's awful at tier lists because DbD is an awful game to make a tier list for, so you're fine lmao.
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The best pressure is the ability to enc chases Legion can't do that. And his "mobility" isn't that good.
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You literally just described a lunge attack....EVERY KILLER IN THE GAME HAS A LUNGE ATTACK. That doesn't make Nemesis special that makes him basic....
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he can still deal damage at range and make survivors let go a gen sooner than nemesis will, I do some snipes sometimes with trickster, not easy but not impossible, nemesis can't do that even if you tried, also trickster as a small TR and he's short, Nemesis is a massive monolith
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I wasn't aware that other killers had a lunge range of 6m, instant travel time, a 2.5 second cooldown, and the ability to hit over low obstacles.