Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

My honest thoughts about the new killer, as a veteran dbd player..

snakestrike92 Member Posts: 17
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I got 4k+ hours in dbd so i kinda have an idea of what am talking about here, I think that the killer needs some buffs for sure and here are the reasons.

huntress+deathslinger ( which can still be looped for 3-5 gens ) at least can counter shack, double windows, and all strong loops in general and also can mess up survivor movement by right clicking and scaring them and also have a lower terror radius especially on Deathslinger with monitor and abuse and they even have much stronger addons than nemesis in general and have insane range attacks, when nemesis only gets 5% m.s increase and 2 almost useless zombies that are glitching a lot of the time ( and that i've seen them do nothing in like 70%+ of the games i've watched especially in open maps ) and thirdly he breaks pallets abit faster but that's after some time and he is still slowed down quite a lot when he does it, so these killers are obviously way stronger than him and they are even stronger than that because nemesis needs 3 hits to down survivors ! and gives survivors 2 sprint bursts instead of 1!! ( which can waste the killer time by an extra 20 seconds by just holding w and that's with out any looping being done ) and his attack range is like 4 meters or 5 not to mention that his hit box is not as good either, do i need to go on ? well he is taller than other killers so he is easier to counter in certain loops so here you go, oh one last thing btw don't mention the level 3 thingy cause its just an extra 1 meter and u get it when the game is basically over so it basically does nothing at all.

So please buff him, and that's coming from a survivor main, I don't even play killer much at all.


  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406


  • Niko_
    Niko_ Member Posts: 5

    Im a killer main and i feel the same, its ridiculous to 3 hit to down someone with the power, I really prefer to use M1 only instead of waste time with the power

  • snakestrike92
    snakestrike92 Member Posts: 17

    don't forget the free sprint but the hit box isn't like the other killers either, what if they add some kind of a gen pressure side ability tho, i think that would be cool.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    Tentacle can cause gen regression, done.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    Yes, seriously, he is just a weaker executioner right now. Requires 3 hits and doesn't go through walls.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    I think they just need to remove the sprint burst from the infection hits, because all that does is actively discourage you from using his power in the early game and instead pushes you to play as man with raw fists to get any semblance of map pressure going. After that I would say he would be fine, assuming they tighten up the programming for the loops hes 'supposed' to hit over, but overall the rules of his power seem to be vague at best thus far. I can already see the youtube videos about which loops nemesis can hit over coming.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    I would make it so that being Infected with Contaminated Effect for the first time, would give you not a speed boost, like a regular injured state would! Being injured with the Contaminated, with Tentacles would definitely would give you a regular speed boost as if you were hit twice!

    Also, would be nice if while Contaminated, you have 60 seconds of the infection making you weaker then before; like it applies Blindness, Exhaustion or Hindered, or even Broken effect; unless use a vaccine soon! They can also compensate this, by adding a 2nd Vaccine per chest, so you can have up to 8 total! This will incentives Survivors to used the vaccine more frequently; as being Contaminated will greatly reduce your ability to Survivor better or progress the game without heavy risk while Infected!

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Really the only buff I want to see is just make it so that an infection hit doesn't give a speed burst do that see where he's at then we can talk about wider buffs to his kit or maybe nerfs in some areas who knows