The Nemesis debate is ridiculous


I've been reading the 50,000 threads on Nemesis and this is what I got from all of them:

So some Nemesis players want to have zombies pursue survivors that are infected, have more zombies depending on map size, Nemesis to have longer reach, have a wider hitbox on tentacle, hit survivors and break pallet while survivors are sliding over pallets, also infect and damage on the same hit. Did I get all of that?

You need survivors in the game to play and no survivor is going to play against all of that. This game needs killers that are balanced for the health of the game which is what we were given and some want an easy 4k machine.

I appreciate those that know Nemesis is balanced. This forum is full of complaints about game balance, killers like Nemesis are part of creating that balance.

I've seen people talk about the entitlement in this community and it's very obvious.



  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    I agree with this. I think he can use some QoL improvements but nothing game breaking. He is a very balanced killer that is around low A tier and high B tier. BHVR did a pretty good job so far with this killer imo.

  • BingBongMan
    BingBongMan Member Posts: 631

    Even then the zombies are heavily RNG. They can either be the sole factor carrying you through a match, or the dumbest things in existence.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    IMHO Nemesis is fine.

    I think Killer Mains are a little on edge given the state the last two launched in. Twins was just a bug-filled hot mess with an incomplete kit on launch and Trickster was so bad and ineffective, he was a complete meme killer on launch... and honestly, even after sweeping buffs, he's still arguably the worst killer in the game.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 911

    I think Nemesis's Mutation Tiers could be changed, personally.

    It takes a LOT of mutation to hit Tier 3, and your benefit is..........1 extra meter?

    In terms of everything else I think he is mostly fine, I just find tier 3 rather underwhelming. Maybe it should be like Myers where Mutation 3 gets heavy buffs but it only lasts a limited timespan before you drop back down to tier 2, etc.

    If Tier 3 is kept the same as is, maybe achieving it should be a little easier, like for each infected survivor, killing zombies gives more mutation than usual. (Making the "Gameplay Loop" being to try and infect all 4 survivors, then chasing down zombies to get mutation quickly, but survivors will vaccinate to prevent you from getting the extra mutation, so you switch back to trying to infect survivors, since infecting someone gives more mutation than killing a zombie or tentacling an already-infected survivor, and then you go back to targetting zombies again.)

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    I'll agree tier 3 is pointless. I'm fine with him having only 2 tiers but that's me.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    I mean, the infection makes the survivors make a lot of noise

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Not that I'm for or against nerfing them, but isn't it explained in RE at some point that the zombies don't bother X/Nemesis/Tyrants is because they are also infected with the T virus?

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think people would rather get outplayed by a killer then get into an unlucky no-win situation because an RNG zombie blocked their one path away from the killer. You literally can't plan around them on some maps.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    I just want another way to mori survivors.If their infected and or down by a zombie on the final hook Nemesis can walk over and trigger a second Mori like Pyramid Head, where the zombies would eat if you're not picked up in time

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Or it can be automatic

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    But the speed boost should go on the first hit @CornHub idea

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    You probably need four on a large map,smaller maps would be to oppressive

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    Best thing I could think of right off the bat would be, that for every infected survivor, a zombie spawns. There are none initially. If a survivor vaccinates, then the zombie would not respawn after killed unless the survivor gets infected.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 568

    You need survivors in the game to play and no survivor is going to play against all of that. This game needs killers that are balanced for the health of the game which is what we were given and some want an easy 4k machine.

    Conversely though, you also need killers and nobody is going to play a weak killer that just gets bullied in red ranks by any mediocre SWF because they're underpowered.

    He doesn't have to be Nurse or Spirit tier but currently the speed boost from getting infected makes him take way too long to down survivors and zombies are useless on any outdoor map, especially the bigger ones yet oppressive on indoor ones.

    Look at Trickster (who I think is underrated a little bit tbh) or Clown. How often do you see them played and on top of that, do even moderately well in a match? I for one would like to see killers other than Huntress, Nurse, Wraith, and Blight when I play survivor.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    In what universe is a 3 hit killer balanced? Killers are asking to not have to hit survivors 3 times with a power multiple times in a trial. That's not a tall ask.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    Yes they are all products of the T-Virus or the G-Virus so they all see each other as the same.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683
    edited June 2021

    So...I've said this before. Overall he's fine where he's at and could use some little tweaks. The zombies are very RNG to where they're either the best thing ever, or they're pretty much useless and serve no purpose. They still do dumb things, like lag on hits when survivors hug up close to them, or they'll get stuck on walls or something. The three hits with his power is a little much, especially since the initial infection hit gives survivors a speed boost as if they had just taken damage. Honestly the three hits and speed boost on infection hit are probably the biggest glaring issue that needs to be touched on first and soon hopefully. If they want to keep him to where he needs to 3 hit with his power, ok but then take away the speed boost from the initial infection hit. I'd be cool with that, especially since he still has to go through a cooldown when he hits with his tentacle too. Then yeah his T3 is just....severely underwhelming for what's supposed to be your max tier power. That either needs to be reworked entirely or scrapped and just keep him to two tiers and add the little Itty bitty range boost he gets to the pallet breaking ability because that pallet breaker is where the real value of his power is at.

    Overall I'm having fun with him and enjoying him, but I agree that he does need some touch ups before he can be perfect. He's fine, but he could be better too.

  • aroell
    aroell Member Posts: 477

    So you can’t play a normal killer? Only busted ones? And yet you guys complained about decisive strike even though it was anti tunnel.

  • killer_dog20
    killer_dog20 Member Posts: 6

    I think he is a bit unbalanced cuz his tantacles can destroy pallets and hit survivors. I mean it's a bit op don't you think cuz he doesn't need to get close his tentecles are a mid-range weapon so he doesn't get stunned and destroys the pallets. if you think that is balanced. plus he can just power up his tantacles and damage survivors over corners because of hit box of his tantacles.Buff, no, he needs a nerf.

  • CrazyMage
    CrazyMage Member Posts: 100

    You're acting like nemsis isnt underpowered garbage.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Did i? I wanna old DS back and i was complaining about it nerf times. I can show my comments for that. DS was fair and good and it is weaker perk now.

    And no, i am also playing as PH, Myers, Leatherface. This killers are not strongest killers in game, normal killers.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,146

    Nemesis needs like one, maybe 2 changes.

    • When you infect a survivor (not damage them) they should not get a speed boost.
    • They should nerf the infection rate addons, and give him some of that base kit. Not like a lot, but just a small like 15-25% boost so those addons don't feel required.

    The problem with the first point, is that if survivors just hold w (ah yes the amazing holding of w) they can waste about 1 minute of the his time before they go down. Goodbye all the gens. Survivors already get 3 health states on the m2, outside of that, he is an m1 killer. Zombies are cool but unreliable. Given that he has 0 mobility and map pressure, he needs his counter to not just be "hold w" without any thought put into it.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    He’s low-A, but they’ve got to work on the A.I and how it prioritizes certain things, while also making it so survivors don’t get a sprint burst when they get infected.

    That and he’s perfectly fine.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,021

    Personally i wish T3 nemesis equiped his rocketlauncher

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,810

    In regards to the zombies I recall Janick saying they chose two as it was what the game would support and it wouldn’t relegate too much of the threat the killer poses to bots which essentially are rng.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    No offense here, genuine question. Do you really think 5 meters is too long? 6, if he's tiered up all the way?

  • aroell
    aroell Member Posts: 477
  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    The PTB was exactly like this. One thread wanted Nemesis nerfed, the next thread wanted him buffed. I just assumed that it was like this every time they released a new killer. This community can't come together on anything, lol.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    I think my issue is that at times he can land a hit across debris which makes him kind of hard to deal with. Maybe if he was more consistent with what he can actually reach across. I was hit standing behind a crate that was taller than my survivor but with a flat table between us he couldn't land a hit. I guess it's more his hit inconsistency than his reach. So to answer I guess it really isn't considering Huntress can actually cross map survivors.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Yes, I understand that completely, since I see many people complaining about his hitboxes being inconsistent when trying to hit over objects. But you have to think, even a killer like Pyramid Head can just hit completely through any solid wall. Nurse can blink them. Spirit can just phase around and listen for you while you can't see her.

    I'm glad you ended up realizing it's not so much the reach though. When people refine their ideas about killers' strengths and flaws, we as a community can voice our complaints more thoroughly and hopefully get some good changes. I'm personally of the belief while he may not be absolute garbage, he is on the lower end of killers for sure. I think he could use a slight improvement in some area. Even if it's just his hitbox consistencies.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    I appreciate you asking respectfully. I feel like certain killers take too many options away from survivors like the killers you named and I just want a balance for the game. Maybe I'm looking for the impossible but you and I came to an understanding so an equal understanding on both sides might be possible.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,624

    I think he needs to not give Survivors a speed boost when he infects them.

    I think they need to fix fhe Zombies AI.

    I think they need adjustable amounts of Zombies, 2 of Red Forest isn't enough but two on Hawkins is awful.

    I think Tier III needs an extra bonus.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    This is unacceptable. You shouldn't be winning that much!

    Now Nemesis is new, you have to learn him. You shouldn't be getting a 4K all the time upon release. He also has intense map pressure, he has 2 helpers on the map giving you info too. He definitely needs no buffs, maybe some nerfs!!