Across the Board Lag for PC Players Since RE Update


I know there are a bunch of posts about lag already but all of them seem to be misattributing them to specifically being chased by Nemesis or only on PS4 or any other number of reasons.

Across the board, for myself and dozens others I've personally heard from, PC is an unplayable lag-fest since the RE update. We're talking rubber banding every other second. Frames in the single digits. Survivors walking through vaults and teleporting back to drop pallets in your face or behind you. On the survivor side it's just as bad, you're getting chased by what feels like a hyped up Nurse with every killer- just blinking around everywhere.

Based on what else I'm seeing on the forums I'm assuming it's across the board on all platforms. I don't claim to know why these issues are caused but they are clearly:

A) Issues effecting many users in a wide array of network/pc spec conditions.

B) Definitively since the new RE update on 6/15/21.

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