This games is so unbelievably survivor sided its a joke

They get:
infinite pallets
infinite windows
infinite loops
speed boosts
fast gen speeds
how much more hand holding do these kids need. Literally about to uninstall this trash game already due to how much bias there is to 1 side. Give killer more power ffs
I hope you feel better after getting it all out.
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learn to play
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Posts: 1
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Ever heard of lerys, dead dawg saloon, midwich and shelter woods?
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Its survivor sided....but you're grossly exaggerating in this post.
Infinite loops for the most part got fixed....except for a few maps ######### BHVR cmon you guys said you'd fix this...
Infinite windows? Since when does the entity just let you pop over windows indefinitely? Other than an infinite loop its not possible. But if it is, and I'm missing something, it should probably be brought up cause you could use that to make some serious exploits.
Infinite Pallets? Theres 1 perk that lets you reset them, and thats assuming the killer didn't just break it, and the requirements for charging that perk up make it not that appealing unless you've built an entire strat around it....which is fine imo.
Stuns, blinds, and speed boosts have always been a thing, and after they added exhaustion....its not that big of a deal.
Fast gen part of a huge problem that makes killers across the board completely imbalanced and out of touch with each other time wise. To the point where I don't think the devs realize the full scope of this problem and just create killers without considering this as a factor.
But yeah outside of the gen speeds and rare infinites, your post is grossly overexaggerated.
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To be fair, even with all the pallets they added, most survivors are potato and don't use them optimally (in solo anyway), so The Game just isn't fun for anyone lol
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You need to play solo to understand that it's not as easy as it seems.
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This game isn't as bias as it's made out to be.
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lol at everyone saying bait. Youre just delusional. Killers get ran round all game flashlighted everytime they pick someone up, 40 seconds in and 3 gens have popped etc.
this game is extremely survivor biased. Their jobs are simple, they just have to not screw up. Killer actually have to make an effort to get any value.
1 survivor can loop the killer for 2-3 mins around pallets and windows. All while the 3 others get freedom to do gens. Its disgusting and they need to nerf survivors simple as.
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Play as survivor. See how powerful it makes you feel.
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Survivors got nerfed for the last 5 years.
But apparently, there are still people out there who are not able to kill them.
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Sure, everyone is delusional but you. Sounds rational.
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I have lol. Escaped most games. Those that i didnt i was the one the killer was busy being looped by while everyone else did gens
its so easy to get chased for minutes by abusing pallets and windows. Shack for example is broken. That 1 window on the side adds 30-40 seconds to every chase because the killer has to constantly go back and forth between the doorways and the window.
good players know that survivors are broken. They get too much value too easily and need to be brought down a peg.
Its just unfortunate that the devs are survivor biased and wont do anything about it :) why shouldnt the killer be allowed to get kills????
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If you get flashlight blinded every single time you pick someone up (which is impossible anyhow), you're not aware of your surroundings.
"Killers actually have to make an effort to get any value". What, you just expect to win chases without any meaningful decision making? That sounds rather dull to me.
If you get looped for over a minute without any real value, consider switching targets.
Why does the game have to be biased in some way? The game wouldn't have gone on for 5 years if they really were biased.
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Yeah I get your point. The game is still pretty killer sided though.
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I'm sorry to say this but these baits are so bad sluzzy and Tony were original ones all others are low baits
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Yet queue times for killers have plummeted while survivors are long af. I wonder why? Almost like killer isnt fun to play hmmmm
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Youre just delusional if u think survivors are balanced lol
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And ur just bad if u think they're op
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Yeah, yeah, 110% escape rate, we know. Next bait please.
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Yes, solo Survivor is my power role.
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Uh oh someone had a bad game or just doesn't play as good as he or she thinks they do
Infinite windows barely exist anymore
Infinite pallets have a break option crazy I know
Gen speeds bring slow down perks
Blinds face a wall or bring lightborn also check for flashlight users before picking up the survivor
Speed boosts exist for killer aswell they even give you one the longer you chase someone
Stuns if I have to tell you how to avoid pallet stuns then you're rank 20 and should play the game longer before complaining. Just walk towards it then back up survivor drops it and then chase resumes.
I just gave you alot of helpful tips on how to not be a noob and better yet I saved you 20 mins because YouTubers do explain this in videos that are overly complicated and have ad breaks every 5 mins.
Also I recommend using YouTube for learning mind games I can't explain that one even if I tried.
The devs are not survivor sided if anything they're killer sided look at huntress she gets a stupid add on that allows her get up survivors [BADWORD] and Insta down while she also has excessively large hit boxes, and just so you know alot of the devs play her so they can't be survivor sided.
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Game favours survivors at the highest level but overall its pretty balanced now, get a grip
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Funny. I play both sides and see no significant difference in strength from either. As a Killer, I get 4 kills almost every time because I know how to play the Killer and understand how to loop windows and pallets. As a survivor, I can hold on my own in a chase well enough to buy my team precious time to do objectives but in no situation against any killer do I feel superior (except Trickster because he is super weak right now and needs a serious buff).
The way you speak sounds like you are pretty new to this game and do not understand the basics of it and simply feel powerless when facing skilled survivors, because let's face it, Dead by Daylight's matchmaking puts you against red rank players even when you might be just a beginner.
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I was about to say that.
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This is some 2016/17 resurrected thread or what?
Pray for SBMM if you feel Survivors are Titans, maybe your rank is too high compared to your skill as Killer.
Post edited by maaadinsomniac on0 -
You know I couldn't have said it better myself and I would suggest everyone to play both sides to learn opposite side... Once u know both roles technique you'll be decent in both roles those who play strictly one role can be good no doubt but they will likely fall for other party mindgames and tricks and will blame opposite side for being overpowered no matter survivor or killer they will tell their side is underpowered because ego doesn't let them to accept the fact they lost because of their mistake and not game design
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It favors survivors when they work as a team. Having 4 survivors who synergies their perks, know how to stun, know how to run tiles, and each take their turn on hook will beat a good killer.
However that is maybe 10% of my killer games. The other 90% there are always 2 weaker players and not every group is a 4 stack. Even having 1 solo out of the loop is enough to bring the whole team down.
So you are not wrong, but you are grossly extraviagting things.
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The Amount of lies i see in this post is abysmal
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You shouldn't be chasing anyone for 2-3 minutes. Find someone else.
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Wait wait. Is this our lord and savior the one and only Tony?
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Pretty. No joke, it feels powerful. I have a much easier time winning as survivor than I do killer
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I don't understand peoples complaints with Shelter Woods, what's wrong with it? Large dead zones? What do you expect from the second largest map in the game, to have the same pallet density as the smaller maps? Do you even get how horrible that would be in the other direction?
In my experience there is about the same number of pallets on the maps as other maps, just that the map is super large so the distance between pallets is larger, i.e. lower pallet density. Oh, the killer can see you from far away? The majority of killers still have to waste so much time walking across the map to get to you, just spread out and you can waste a lot of the killers time just walking.
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It's anti-sluzzy!
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The devs are in favor of neither side. You people just need to suck it up and actually learn to play or just try to come up with better baits than this.
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But... Survivors too op I lost
But.... Killer too op I lost
Nerf both to ground pls so we can play dead by roblox 😂
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Killers losing to SWF => Survivors OP. Solo survivors losing to Killers => Killers OP. Fix the ######### SFW already and it'll stop.
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So solo survs losing to killer and nerf swf so that killer only goes against solos and nerfed swf so they can win all the time? Yasss
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It's Sluzzy's evil twin.
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These two posts, when placed side by side, sum up the DBD forums in their entirety. An aggrandized duality, ever-raging around an unmeetable center. Yin and yang. It's beautiful, in a way.
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What? Where did I say "nerf SWF"? It can't be nerfed. It's been said a thousand times already: buff solo and tweak killer balance accordingly, buff them if needed. It's the extreme games that make people upset, when SWF teams stomp Killers or when Killers destroy solo survivors.
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The fact that the map is second largest yet so killer sided is embarrassing. It feels like the smallest map. And yes, the dead zones are ridiculous. The middle is a whole dead zone with maybe 1 pallet? Just a large boring tree without anything else. It needs a change.
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Shelter Woods has extremely weak pallets, high visibility from across the map, zero loopable structures besides the jungle gyms and shack, non-chained structures, mostly exposed gens, and no main building. The large size doesn't end up being much help to survivors when the killer has an unobstructed walk from every point A to point B; there's no walls or buildings in the way. Chases are generally very short on this map due to the lack of resources.
The other two main buildingless bland maps have more going for the survivors - Wrecker's Yard has more pallets, loops, and hiding spots, and Rotten Fields has corn to block LoS and more chained jungle gyms in my experience.
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Only thing that needs nerfing is swf.
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Oh than my mistake for misreading it
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The main issue with SBMM is that it’s probably really unfair, although in theory, it should be fair. In a 4v1 situation where the same objectives need to be done every game, 4 skilled players will 90% of the time beat the 1 skilled player, them being the killer.
That’s why I still stand by random matchmaking being the best route. Dead By Daylight isn’t competitive enough to be taken seriously.
Although maps in the past have been reworked to give the survivors fewer tools to work with, the issue still persists. 4 equally skilled players compared to the killer will most likely win.
There’s BS on both sides and really stupid mechanics that should’ve never found a way into the game to begin with, but there’s no denying that the survivors have far more to work with than the killer.
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I wouldn't call the majority of the pallets on that map extremely weak, none of them has both sides being so short that you can lunge around them from one side to the other. And when it comes to places to hide, the side without the shack has plenty of rocks to hide behind on either side of a jungle gym, where you can force a killer to waste time searching.
And not to mention how you can use one of those rocks to waste a few seconds before getting hit by just simply looping around it, since the smaller survivor hitbox makes it so the survivor is almost on par with a 110 killer in the time it takes to travel the distance around the rock.
And by my calculations, it takes roughly 30 seconds from point A to B across the diagonal, and roughly 20 seconds just straight across. That's quite a long time for the survivors to work on gens. While a survivor takes roughly 35 seconds and 18 seconds respectively.
So if survivors just spread out properly and don't work on generators right next to each other they can set up a rough end game for killers on the map because of the size. No coordination is really required, just ask yourself if you should complete the generator you're working on whenever you see another generator be completed. If you have played for awhile you should have an idea of how the generator layout is on the maps.
About the other two maps: Wreckers Yard is fine, a bit dark like all the other Autohaven maps, other than that I think it's one of the more balanced maps in the game, like Coal Tower. Additionally of course Wreckers Yards seems to have more pallets, it's the eleventh largest map in the game, roughly 2 000 square meters smaller than Shelter Woods. Like I wrote pallet density, smaller maps will appear/feel like they have more pallets since they are closer to each other to make up for the map being smaller.
Rotten Fields is the complete opposite of Shelter Woods with zero line of sight and the killer constantly having to guess where survivors are. Also similarily to Wreckers Yard, it is smaller than Shelter Woods and in turn has more chainable pallets/tiles.
In the end all maps have roughly 11 - 13 pallets on them, other than maybe The Game, which is an abomination in it's own right.
I never said Shelter Woods is perfectly balanced but it sure isn't an automatic loss for the survivors, just like Haddonfield/Any Farm map/The Game isn't an automatic loss for killers, just that it might be more difficult, but not completely unreasonable.
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mob mentality, probably watching tru3talent.
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It is and will always be survivor sided if the survivors actually know what to do. Good survivor team will dominate most of the killer's with ease. Luckily most survivor don't play that efficiently.
You can not say its killer sided when nurse is basically the only killer that can keep up with the best survivors.