This games is so unbelievably survivor sided its a joke
At the highest level? Absolutely survivor sided. When the killer is completely new to the game? Survivor sided. A good SWF? Sure, survivor sided. Anything else? Otherwise, you probably just didn't play at your best which is far and away the most common.
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Survivor has a huge advantage over the Killer, yes, namely Teamwork, however that doesn't mean the game is obscenely shifted in their favor.
Good players also know how to predict and adapt to Survivor tactics, as well as utilize their powers and perks to outsmart even some of the sweatiest of loopers.
Im not saying I'm one of those, mind you, I have a long way to go, but even still, I have plans for most of the loops I come across, including shack.
So yeah, survivor advantage? Yes. Survivor sided? Hardly.
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In other news water is wet, I think BEhaviour makes the Survivor side easier because 4 players are needed for that side while only one for the Killer role, not saying the game is fair for killer players, even far from it but I don't want Killer players to get easy kills without putting any effort in. I want to 4k if I capitalize on survivors being bad and making mistakes, it's when survivors who played badly still wins with broken mechanics like keys that triggers me
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Can we not just all agree that the game is designed to make both sides angry? And that the world is out to get us and everything is unfair? Then we can stop arguing about this topic, right?
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
What are you babbling on about? It's a hard game for Killers, but a breeze for survivors who think the killer shouldn't even be able to hit them when most maps are literally designed for survivors to use and escape killers, survivors have overpowered perks to counter killers while Killers' somewhat powerful perks are HEX totems that can be destroyed by you all spoiled brats. A good killer can only 4k if the survivors play badly and makes a lot of mistakes and still survivors can escape with keys that spawns after 3 gens are done. SWF is also a big advantage for survivors to make the killer have a even harder time to get a kill. You're talking just like privilege people you can never understand the misery minorities go through
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I'm mostly with you, but calling people "kids" is (ironically) immature.
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Where? Each map has removed pallets, boarded up windows. The 4K ratio is over 70% across the board. The majority of games are 4K outside red ranks. Games massively killer sided. Fortunately this forum is all killer mains so you’ll get plenty to agree with you.
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Folks, the following has been well established: Killers are stronger at lower ranks and MMR and survivors are stronger at higher MMRs. Why is this still a topic on this forum.
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Watch tournament footage and you'll change this tune quickly.
If a Survivor doesn't make mistakes in their fundamentals, the Killer cannot "mindgame" a Survivor. It is impossible to do so, since they will always be too well positioned. They have to use their power to end the chase, which is why Nurse and Spirit are so popular, and why they get complained about.
Even if you leave the Survivor, it doesn't matter, since you need them to get downed to prevent them from doing gens.
The game IS in their favor at the higher levels, 100%. If you watch footage, you'll see what I mean. 10-20 second chases are mandatory.
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Who cares about tournaments, 99.9% of survivors don't play on that level. How is DBD survivor sided if kill rate is 70%?
I play Killer once in 2 years, I made an experiment and played Wraith before he received all his updates and most of my games were 4k and 3k. It was EXTREMEY easy. Rarely would I get a seal squad and have 1k or 0k. And I'm so bad at mindgames as killer. I posted all results of that experiment with screenshot on Steam forum about a year ago. If you can't win as a killer you must just git gud. Killer has never been as easy as it it now. Right now DBD is killer sides with official killrate of 70%. Learn to play.
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I'm not the best killer player, but thanks to the crappy matchmaking, I often find myself up against red ranks-
And STILL manage to get consistent 3-4ks as a console killer. This can't be the case, plain and simple, because, again, I'm far from professional level.
The game isn't survivor sided. Maybe you're just letting the game frustrate you too much to get better.
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This game is crow sided. They just sit there, judging you. Then when you get to close the scream out your location to their friends and fly away.
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Imagine being a main and not playing both.
Survivor main vs killer main goes brrr
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Your experience is certianly valid for the level where you play, but at the very top skill levelssurvivors (or at least SWF groups) do indeed dominate. Personally i hope MMR works as it should clean up the current joke that we have for a rank system.
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Yes, all of them survivorside.
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In my understanding of the current dbd version its sort of:
Survivor > Killer
If you guys always try to get skill involved it all gets messed up. In fundamentals, the survivor side has a lot higher possibility to escape the trial than the killer has to kill all survivors.
I would recommend to play a custom game without any perks, items and addons to see the core game. Then one by one add things to see how busted and unbalanced it can get :D
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You have to be joking with me, on top of all these killer sided maps I mentioned we have the killer sided Hawkins too.
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The only map one could even remotely call survivor sided is the Game, and even that isn't the case when you're Doc, Freddy, or are using Spirit fury and Enduring.
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They need to do something with these maps, nothing is survivor sided in this game.
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I dislike playing against troll survivors far more than playing against a troll killer.
But both are highly obnoxious.
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Most maps are tho
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No they aren’t, with the recent map reworks stealth has been heavily nerfed, my p3 Claudette is visible from across the map on autohaven. They removed most pallets too and breakable walls give god windows no point in existing.
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I have no issues on most maps, as Survivor. The only one I loathe getting is Hawkins.
And as to your statement that nothing is Survivor sided, that is a bold faced lie. This game is nowhere near as Survivor sided as people say, but Haddonfield and Badham are insanely Survivor sided.
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And how much do you play on haddonfield and badham a day? I haven’t played on these maps in weeks.
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That's literally just RNG. I've had days where I get Badham three or four times in a row. Days where I get Haddonfield twice in a row. And I've had days where I get nothing but MacMillan maps.
That's how RNG works. If you haven't played on those maps, it's literally just luck.
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Luck? More like unluck. These are the only maps survivors have a slight chance of actually surviving.
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I have no problem surviving in most maps.
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This is a really low quality troll, put some more work into it!
Anyone who seriously thinks solo queue is stronger than killer needs to play it more, SWF is a totally separate issue that is almost impossible to deal with, unless you want to make the game unplayable for solo survivors. The only way to bridge the gap is to make solo queue stronger, not SWF weaker.
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only RPD has an infinite and thats when playing Michael
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Your definitely a newer player. Play the game more and learn it properly before complaining. The reason it's obvious your a new player is because your complaining about flashlights. Every good killer loves seeing flashlights.
Once you get better perks and learn the maps better then games will be a lot easier.
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I would have agreed if we talked about the game 3 years ago, saying that there's infinite pallets when bad RNG can make a map spawn with like 5 pallets (most of them unsafe) and with most windows being disabled (look what they did to haddonfield) it's kinda ridiculous that people still complain, all those tweaks over the years made the game go from survivor sided to killer sided, it's just that since they were small tweaks over the years people never realized exactly when the game switched sides from survivor to killer sided.
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You're joking, right?
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How to tell if someone truly does not play Killer at all 101
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I think that overall the game is balanced for survivors. But that is like the old joke about how if you have one hand in boiling water and one in a bowl of ice-cubes the average temperature is perfect. Likewise here SWF > Killers > Solo but the gap between SWF and solos (~15+ informational perks) is so great that any killer that has even a half-decent chance against equal skill SWF will absolutely crush solos.
So DBD need massive buffs for solo survivors that doesn't also boost SWF and large buffs for low tier Killers.
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lmao yeah
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honestly it's more killer sided. my teammates usually suck and rage quit instantly. idk how it's survivor sided when you get ruin, corrupt, pop, noed. and most of the time they camp.