Nemesis BUFF Idea?

CamscamPlaysTV Member Posts: 18
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I had a thought as of late regarding Nemesis, that thought was: What does the Contamination status effect even do? Is there really any use in applying it to people? It's already been talked about that his ability to hit people is fairly easy, it can be avoided by high-skill survivor movement which is excellent because it enables skill from both sides of the coin but the time it takes to down a full HP non-contaminated survivor is abysmal. So I thought again: What does the Contamination status effect even DO? And the answer to that is—honestly—nothing. You get the hindered status effect but it's so weak that you can't even tell the difference, and in recent testing it's MUCH MUCH faster to simply M1 them if they're not holding easy loops. So I thought of ways we could improve Nemesis by giving survivors a real fear of being Contaminated.

My idea is this:

Mutation Rate 1 = stays the same. It's fine as-is and I don't think anyone has an issue with the progression of it.

Mutation Rate 2 = able to break pallets/walls. IN ADDITION, it also applies a plague-like effect to which survivors would have to get the vaccine in order to stay healthy. If they don't, the timer slowly ticks down until they lose a health state, however the timer stops ticking once the health state is lost.

Mutation Rate 3 = extension to tentacle strike. IN ADDITION, the additional effect from before is amplified. The timer to lose a health state is quicker (not by an insane amount), but the real value is that once that health state is lost another timer will begin to count down much slower than the first. This is the DEATH timer, if this expires before you get the vaccine you will die and your body will turn into an additional zombie that will stay on the map.

This would of course mean that the Mutation Rate charge would have to be slowed so that the killer won't be able to get straight to tier 3 immediately, however I believe it would give enough incentive to not stay contaminated throughout the entire trial. This would also mean that they would have to reflect this change on the way you obtain the vaccine, possibly no longer a one-time-use but a cooldown on how long it takes to respawn maybe?

This might be overkill, feel free to let me know in the comments, however I'm simply trying to bounce ideas off the wall so that we might have a discussion about ways we could improve Nemesis and make it more exciting to play him and play against him. Currently Nemesis just feels like a weaker version of both Plague and Pyramid Head, even playing against him if you know how to run loops on him and avoid getting "hentai tentacled" you can just make him look like an absolute fool of a killer.

Please feel free to throw ideas out there, I'd love to hear them!


  • CamscamPlaysTV
    CamscamPlaysTV Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2021

    Another buff idea is for the zombies in his kit to be more unique and skillful rather than complete RNG. That'd really help him and make him feel much better without an entire rework to his kit itself.

    Either a.) make zombies spawn only on incomplete gens and powered exit gates after gens have been completed.

    Or b.) force zombies to always be walking towards the nearest survivor/inactive gen/exit gate (if powered). That way Nemesis will know the general direction where one survivor is and be the "ever-present, unstoppable force that's always coming after you" like he's designed to be in the original Resident Evil games OR he can at least have some control over the RNG that the zombies provide.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    The hindered effect I believe only applies for a LAUGHABLY small duration and only on the initial infection slap, which doesn't even matter since you can't capitalize from the status effect due to it essentially being negated because survivors get that speed boost applied them like if you M1'd them instead.

    These are the stats for the contamination effect. Oh damn, looks nice -20% strength to survi- oh what's this? It only lasts 0.25 seconds...well damn, it's a shame that in a quarter of a second the survivor is already gonna be halfway across the ######### map after being infected.