Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Spinechill needs finally a nerv. Here is why

Member Posts: 1,415
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 2/4/6%

i find that 6% is alot...... and def. to much

  • Skill Check
  • Trigger odds are increased by 10 %.
  • Skill Check Success zones are reduced by 10 %.

10% ? is to less... for newer players ok...for exp one to less

Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when within 36 metres of you, Spine Chill activates...ok but

36 m ???? to much too, why ?... it´s not only that spinechill get activate with his it´s an big information for the current survivor that the killer is incomming too. Also it´s much more easier if you play with an swf ( sfw = voice = more information. With Spinechill = much more information ) wich is bad for the killer, specially if you want to play a stealty tactic, with some perks, offerings or killer´s ( example Ghostface ) and stuff like this. I mean we have alot of killer´s with 24m terrorradius, or some slower ones ect.

If you ask me....This Perk is good for newer players but not for the most of us, the experience ones.

Also the biggest problem is that this Perk destroying all the scare effects and jumpscares wich is bad for dbd, cause it´s an horrorgame. But that´s only my opinion. Any other opinions ? Let´s discuss

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 3,445

    Mfw Spine Chill saves less than 5 seconds on a generator

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    6% much cause it still doesnt matter if you injured or if you full and that´s an big diffrence

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    Just close your eyes 7head, if you have your eyes shut they can't get the speed bonus

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    no this perk is not one can tell me that this perk is fine atm....and there is a reason why so many ppl playing with this perk atm. Sry

  • Member Posts: 35

    Absolutely not. They aren’t out here just gutting killer perks just because we run into them nonstop.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    oh ok...well lets play an cant tell me that you dont scare or cry if an myers or ghostface or any other killer without a terrorradius grabs you instant from a gen or stay behind of you or hit you instantly....

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    It's not a big difference. Your gen progress goes from 1 to 1.06 charges per second. And you'll only get that for a couple of seconds. So... you're looking at TENTHS of a second saved.

    Like another guy said above I really hope you're baiting but I can't tell anymore, there's been so many threads about spine chill in the past.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    im not baiting no...theres no reason and dont forget you talking about 1 survivor...its another scenario if 3 or 4 of them playing with spinechill

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited June 2021

    I...can tell you that I don't get scared of GhostFace or Myers on indoor maps because I've played this game for over 600 hours. No amount of jumpscares, dark maps or stealth killers is gonna scare you anymore after you've played for such a long time. DbD is not a horror game.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    dbd is not a horrorgame? ok tell me another story pls

  • Member Posts: 1,282

    Prove thyself is the true OP perk that needs a nerf, not spine chill. The old DS was in issue since the killer could not pick you up for 1 minute if you were not being tunneled. I don't know what your point is, if you pass and a survivors is hiding then go look for another person. If you suspect someone has spine chill then look sideways 🐔 when walking up to the gen. Plus when I played killer I had survivors walk up to my face looking sideways, and I assume it's because their spine chill activated and were looking for the killer. I really don't know what you think is game breaking about the perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    it´s true but in another way pls. Not on the current way. Im a survivor main trust me.....spinechill is ez going. To ez if you ask me

  • Member Posts: 383

    I don't see many survivors with SpineChill nowadays, it was popular when the game was just released. How long do you stand next to survivors working on a gen and look at them?

  • Member Posts: 1,415
  • Member Posts: 1,576

    The problem I have with Spine Chill is it enables the most boring and effective survivor tactic, forcing the killer to hold W for 30+ seconds before a chase can even begin.

    I also find it takes away any tension of repairing a gen in a dangerous location, which kills the horror atmosphere for me as survivor.

    Idk what to do with it without gutting the perk though.

  • Member Posts: 266

    No one forces anyone to run it. If you find it too easy, don't use it. Switch it out for something else. I personally like Spine Chill, especially as someone who solo queues 99% of the time. It's an excellent info perk without being over-powered. It allows you to gauge whether you want to try and push what you're doing, or whether it's time to abandon and evade.

  • Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2021

    my wishlist ?

    Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 2/3/4%

    • Skill Check
    • Trigger odds are increased by 15 %.
    • Skill Check Success zones are reduced by 20 %.

    Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when within 28 metres of you, Spine Chill activates

    I belive this is much more balanced. What do you think guys ? Fair enough ?

  • Member Posts: 3,445

    Are you trying to imply that old Undying was in any way fair?

  • Member Posts: 1,521


  • Member Posts: 1,415

    All i want to say is: That atm much ppl playing with this perk wich makes stealthkillers, perks offerings ect... less viable wich is bad. I hope my wishlist change is fair enough

  • Member Posts: 344

    only the 36 meters need to be changed and NOT work on stealth killers, that's it

  • Member Posts: 1,261
    edited June 2021

    Yeah, speed boost on actions, on loop and a counter to stealth killers, perks and addons.

    Seems a lot for one perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,069
  • Member Posts: 1,415

    i mean speedboost...well we all know that gens are flying atm....combine thees with a toolbox, prove thyself or other stuff like built to last, resilience ect.....cryzy stuff

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I'd suggest, remove the directional detection and make it a smaller radius.

  • Member Posts: 3,445

    Because Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer was literally free wins for any killer with half a brain cell, Spine Chill sometimes helps you avoid a chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,282

    He just posted about this yesterday, and he was trying to say this perk had the same power as pre-nerfed DS. I mean this just sounds to what in my opinion I think it is. Do you really think this an OP perk that has the potential to make people untouchable.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    If it wasn't for the existence of the new Wraith, Spirit, Nurse, and Blight... I "might" consider this but overall no. Right now if you start moving the SECOND Spine Chill flashes you "might" have enough head start to have a chance against these guys. :)

  • Member Posts: 383

    It reminded me of the old days when people were trolling about Deja-Vu being the most powerful perk in the game and that it had to be nerfed.

    That being said, I don't care if DEVs remove the speed boost from Spine Chill and just leave the detection, but Spine Chill is still a situational mediocre perk for most survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Thats 3 perks vs 1. Again how was Undying unfair? Also against decent survivors who know how to deal with it, its still no problem. Sure, same could be said about Spine chill but that doesnt change the fact that BOTH of them were and are kinda problematic in some scenarios. But you are too biased anyway so i just stop talking at this point.

  • Member Posts: 2,025
    edited June 2021

    Spine Chill does not need a nerf. And here's why:

    • It counters stealthy killer yes. But there are other perks that counter other killers. But there are also killer perks that counter survivors perks. I know it's not really the same. But you can't really counter survivors because they don't really have something special that can be countered.
    •  Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking speed are increased by 6%. It's not a lot no. It saves around 5 seconds on gen I believe. And it's just for a short period of time. Because either Spine Chill is blinking. Or you'll have to run away soon. Resilience does the same but 9% faster, and it's more viable because you don't have a killer running towards you and resilience doesn't turn on and off all the time.
    • And the increased chance of getting skill checks and the success zone reducer is not really that noticeable because like I said, either Spine Chill turns on and off or you'll have to run away.
    • It does give good information and that information will get stronger in SWF. But that's only if both of you are doing the same gen. And that should not happen especially often. Sure, if you're doing separate gens then you can tell your friend that the killer is coming your way. But if the killer already is heading towards you, you can just tell them when the killer is chasing you. And there are other perks that will give you stronger information, like Object of Obsession.
    • The main usage of Spine Chill in my opinion, or how I use it. Is to know when the killer is heading towards you to get a head start and prepare yourself, and to help you to decide where it's safe to go and when. I can agree that 36 meters are a lot. But I still think the detection distance should be further than 32 meters due to the "normal" Terror Radius.
    • All of this combined is strong. But not strong enough to deserve a nerf. Because some things Spine Chill do, don't really affect the trial.

    Some of these arguments are not the best, they might be bad. I'm not good at arguing/discussing and I try to avoid it because I don't like to argue and discuss things with people. But this was fun and I wanted to defend Spine Chill because it has a special place in my heart. And as a Spine Chill user... or... a Spine Chill half time user, I know the strength of this perk.

    These are some of my opinions and I'm happy to discuss this with you guys. Have a wonderful day! ♥️

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    More skillchecks makes it even better for genrushing. I didn't even know that was a thing. That's not even a disadvantage once you get past low yellow ranks.

    It's amazing that this perk hasn't been reworked already. It's extremely powerful against some of the weakest killers on the roster, gives several general bonuses that can help out any player, regardless of their skill level, gives a bonus (no matter how small) that's specifically helpful to genrushers, encourages passivity, and gives survivors way more information than they already have with no input from either side needed.

    Imagine if there was a killer perk like this.

    Spine Chiller

    Your Action speeds in Picking, Dropping, Hooking, Vaulting, Pallet breaking, Breakable-Wall breaking, and Generator damaging are increased by 3/5/7%

    Your red stain is 20% larger.

    Whenever a survivor is looking in your direction when within 36 metres of you, Spine Chiller activates.

    The speed would almost be as good as Fire Up because you get it from the start even if you don't get as much, plus tracking with a larger range and more accuracy than Whispers. While the red stain increase would be a minor hindrance to newer players, but could be actually utilized in mindgames by more experienced players.

    You really think survivors would be fine with that? You wouldn't be able to even look in the direction of the killer without him being at least somewhat aware your location.

    Survivors already get massive amounts of information in basekit. The only thing the killer has on them is generator auras (object permanence makes up for this on it's own) and the locations of Hex totems (but current totem spawns make that worthless). Oh, and they can see hooks, but only while carrying a survivor. So, Counterforce, Visionary, and Saboteur give you killer abilities basically. The main reason no one runs most of these is because survivors already have a huge FOV and a third person camera and can tell how close the killer is at almost all times and can tell which direction they're looking.

    The fact that survivors feel like they need a counter to Undetectable is insane. All Undetectable does is make it so that the killer doesn't necessarily call out their location constantly. Even then, basic audio cues such as the the insanely loud breathing pretty much every killer has or killer specific sounds such as pounding footsteps and dragging blades should be enough. That's not even mentioning how many killers are almost impossible to miss visually. Ghostface and Wraith are the only killers that are actually stealthy at all beyond undetectable.

    The only reason scratch marks are a thing is because killers would have almost no basekit tracking whatsoever. The horrible killer FOV and absurdly loud chase music makes it so that survivors can escape chases by turning their camera. Blood pools are pretty much impossible to see without running Bloodhound or playing as Victor. Without Stridor, breathing noises are... unreliable to say the least.

    You don't need or deserve Spinechill, and the killer absolutely should not have to deal with this #########. Reduce the range to something actually reasonable, completely change the "disadvantage," and then we're good. Some actual skill required or interactivity would be nice though.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Let's just remove survivor perks from the game. Survivor too op they don't need perks :(

  • Member Posts: 35

    Mettle of man, saboteur, decisive strike. Welcome to the club. If one side can just moan, and complain resulting in perk nerfs, the other side can too. I’m not an SWF person, and that’s what this entire game is made around. You guys constantly complain about 4 man SWF like it’s the most prominent thing in the game. Then guys like me getting stuck with random self serving idiots get stuck in an unbalanced one sided game. I’m pretty damn decent as a survivor, and I die waaaaay more than I survive. I don’t constantly come here bashing killers because it’s mostly survivors that ruin the game for me. At least 2 matches per day I’ll have a teammate that spams the repair button to make gens explode, and then constantly vaulting over stuff, hell I’ve people 99% tue damn door, and just sit there til the killer is right on us, downs me, and then opens the door. Those of us that play alone have a totally different experience than some of y’all, and it’s quite annoying that we are given zero consideration in anything done with this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Nowhere i complain about SWF. Also i am a Survivor main. I play 60% Survivor and 40% killer. When i play survivor i ALWAYS play solo, since i dont have any friends who play Dead by Daylight.

    I got almost 3000 hours playtime.

    Both sides got perks and other things that HAD to be changed (moris, DS, MoM..) and there are still thing that NEED to be changed. (Keys and Spirit for example)

    Dont act like everyone who says some survivor stuff needs a change is a biased killer main.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    Also the biggest problem is that this Perk destroying all the scare effects and jumpscares wich is bad for dbd, cause it´s an horrorgame

    This is how feel about aura reading perks also it's way to informative Kindred and OoO and breaks the immersion of horror from the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    Spine Chill is perfectly fine. I play the stealth killers all the time, and it's an annoyance, but it nowhere near overpowered.

    People really need to stop asking for every single viable perk, on both the Killer and Survivor side, to be nerfed. It's beyond ridiculous the complaining that goes on. Perks are SUPPOSED to be -- actually useful, duh. 🤔

  • Member Posts: 1,684


  • Member Posts: 267

    It shouldn't completely counter Ghostface and Myers though.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    It's fine for the most part but I also don't think it should work with undetectable. I do use it until I get my main build on survivors then I replace it.

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