Why survivors with Victor on their backs are able to just ignore him?

Got me surprised when I saw a survivor stunning me with a pallet while screaming with Victor eating his brain out. I wanted to see what they could do and they can vault pallets, windows and drop from heights, I’m pretty sure they can also dead hard even if I didn’t saw this last one.

LMAO!!! I started to love this killer until I saw this, literally no sense at all, the time to remove victor is already short, why making the survivors be able to do everything with a baby demon lacerating their back?


  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Because the alternative is forcing survivors to drop Victor ASAP, and that strategy makes Twins incredibly oppressive, since it allows Victor's non-existent cooldown to pressure survivors extremely easily. Before I realised you can kidnap Victor, I found Twins horrendous to play against. Almost as bad as Hag, even.