New offering idea: pick your killer

Basically what the title says: Just like offerings to increase the chance for a certain map, add an offering that increases the chance of meeting a certain killer. I think this offering has to be rarer than the map one.
It could be good to be able to train against a certain killer using this. Also when I meet Wraith for the 5th time in a row, I could try to do something about it.
What do you think about it?
I think it would make the matchmaking for killer and survivor longer.
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Let's say this was a thing.
I would make every killer play Nurse. I either have an easy game 90% of the time or give up on 1st hook the other 10%.
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This can't really work for DBD's systems, since killers are chosen during matchmaking and offerings are enacted upon entering the match, which comes after.
Not to mention everyone could just keep throwing Trickster offerings out.
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Yes, but only IF you actually pick the offering. That's why I want to make them rare, so they won't be in every game.
It's not like you see map offerings that often
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You don't make the killer play Nurse, you are matched with a killer, who picked Nurse. If you enjoy playing against Nurse, go ahead. If the matchmaking works well, if you are a good player, you will me matched with strong Nurses OR strong killers playing Nurses.
Also you would not be able to pick every time Nurse, unless you invested insane amounts of Bloodpoints into it. If the offering is rare, and there are 24 killers, getting specifically Nurse ones for every game would be literally impossible
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You are actually correct, I didn't think about it. That's such a shame. :(
The trickster part I did answer in another topic.