Survivor perks ideas:
Survivor type: Cautious Lord
Just a little preparation - You are aware of that after a job is done is when comes another. After each generator repair you get a token. For each token you can open the exit gates up to 1/3/5 seconds. However this can only be done as long as there is at least 15/12/9 seconds reamining from the total exit gate opening time.
A Noble Sacrifice - You know that to survive you must work as a team. Press the activate ability button during an unhook animation to keep the survivor from dying by sacrifcing your own hook counter. This can only be done once per survivor. The chance of getting your hook counter increased is affected by luck with a base chance of 98/97/96% and cannot go below 50/45/40% by any means. Using this ability and failing luck after 2nd hook state will expose you, reveal your aura to the killer permamently and allow the killer to mori you.
Overpriced - You know that sometimes items have less value than what they were told to have. Giving a survivor an item and getting it depleted will give you a token. Each token increases your luck and altruism speeds by 3/6/9%.
Do you get tokens for each generator you finish? For doing x % (like Blast Mine or flashbang). Can you get 4-5 tokens to completely finish a gate at tier 3?
What do you mean by "keep the survivor from dying" - do you mean that the next time they're hooked it won't kill them? And why is there random luck in this perk? You're already using your hook state to save another survivor and you're STILL getting even more punished if you fail a RNG?
And this one looks pretty nice :> Although soloq could be almost impossible to proc.
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- For each generator finished you get a token(like bitter murmur), you have to be present tho when it is active. Also it is limited so you can open 2 exit gates up to 50%, but none of them completely. That is what i meant by the 15/12/9 second must remain, meaning you can maximum open a gate up to 55% and the only way to get more is if the killer has a perk like remember me.
- When you use the 2nd perk i mentioned it would upon activation give you 1 state to your hook and remove one from the unhooked. however depending on your luck there is a chance none of you gets any which is capped at 40% at tier 3, meaning that it is like as if no one was hooked, however since this depends on luck if you use it on all 3 people, you will have 0.6*0.6*0.6 = 21.6% chance even with capped luck to not receive any hook state, but this is with 4 perks and all. without luck bonuses your chances of not getting any hook state from this is: 0.0064%
- not impossible, just give people a toolbox, they will use it completely.