Unable to get a flash grenade

Equus Member Posts: 324
edited June 2021 in Bug Reporting

Step 1 : Boot the game

Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match

Step 3 : In-game, activate the perk flashbang by working on a gen

Step 4 : the second flashbang activates stop working on the gen and miss the skillcheck

Step 5: Get in a locker and you get no notification to get a flash grenade

I tried several lockers and tried to work on a gen again, it never gave me the opportunity to get a flash grenade. I pushed the ability button for it but no I got nothing. I started the recording after flashbang got bugged so it doesn't include the part were it activates (gives the sound cue). I never got a grenade all game it was on the first activation of the perk.

  • Character played; Leon
  • Perks played flashbang/bond/resilience/visionary (all tier 2) + a brown medkit
  • Map; Haddonfield
  • Frequency of the issue; once
  • Platform; PC; steam


  • Cvz
    Cvz Member Posts: 14

    You can't create the flashbang if you have something in your hands, you need to enter in the locker without any objetcs.

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