Oni - no mither effect rework idea:

Since no mither makes a survivor a constant resupply for oni, I thought of a mini-rework that could affect how the oni's power works.

  1. idea: Blood orbs are not affected by oni's addons and cannot be seen with aura reading if the survivor has no mither. That seems like a downright nerf, but considering that it constantly resupplies oni and still gives a visible track if not through aura reading, i guess this is a fair chance.
  2. idea: When a survivor has no mither instead of blood orbs, they yield a full charge upon being downed by Oni. I think this is balanced as well, because players will have to make mistakes to charge the oni's power, like being downed by it.

The reason I don't like the current mechanics is because before Oni was released I regularly played no mither and it was fine with Dead Hard + iron will and other perk combos, however now whenever an Oni is in the game it is a sure lose, because he can see me across the map and without power just hit me. Without making any mistake I am punished more than my teammates and no, taking no mither shouldn't count as a mistake. You could say that "but it is a hardcore perk" but the problem is that I take it for the no blood pools when injured at all times and -50% grunts at all times. This with dead hard + iron will + random perk makes it possible to escape being cornered, however with oni this doesn't apply because he just sees a glowing orb and just starts walking there randomly.