stop alienating the majority of your playerbase

I play both killer and survivor, killer in inherently easier for me personally, and good lord yall have nerfed survivors into the ground. I get tunneled almost every game (not an exaggeration, i played 3 days in a row a couple weeks ago and got tunneled every single game except for 1. part of it was on stream i can literally show yall) and camped a decent amount too.

we have next to nothing to fight back with since yall nerfed decisive strike when it wasnt even strong enough to counter tunneling to begin with. literally, killers could already avoid it by just slugging us until the timer ran out and the only counter to that was unbreakable, which only works once.

I get it, yall think "tunneling and camping are valid strategies" which first of all, is absolute BS. they objectively ruin the game for survivors and the only players who dont mind it are killer players or top tier survivor players who can outrun the killer for minutes at a time. BUT IGNORING THE FACT THAT CAMPING AND TUNNELING LITERALLY JUST STOP US FROM PLAYING THE GAME BECAUSE WE MIGHT AS WELL JUST DIE ON OUR FIRST HOOK: just because youre okay with your players being toxic doesnt mean you should encourage/promote it.

You took a baby step towards fixing the issue with pyramid heads cages (which like, i appreciate the effort but oh my god that did NOT fix the problem). Cause 1. pyramid head has to walk all the way across the map AND 2. has to find the cage in order to camp it so its far far far FAAR less of a problem than hooks, but you 1. made it so that unhooking perks dont work with cages (decisive strike, deliverance, second wind, etc) and 2. you made camping cages more viable because if survivors are trying to save from the cage and the killer is camping, the cage just moves and they have to run to the new location before the timer runs out.

Literally, you can be like "ya okay you can camp and tunnel if you want to" but also make it harder to do because it literally makes the game not fun/not playable for survivors. Make the game pause the hook timer if the killer is within a certain distance of the hook and not in a chase (not a perk. killers dont need to waste a perk slot to camp or tunnel, we shouldnt need to waste a perk slot to counter it). and i mean like, 20+ meters. facecamping isnt the only issue its proximity camping that almost every killer i see does.

Maybe get rid of borrowed time and make its effect inherent because again, they dont need to waste a perk slot to tunnel, why do we have to waste a perk slot to counter it.

instead of taking away a couple points from the killer for camping, give them an automatic 0 in sacrificing if they camp/tunnel because they didnt play the game properly to earn it.

I play killer, i go out of my way to not camp or tunnel and i still get pretty consistent 3k and 4k games. I havent been hit by more like 4 decisive strikes in the last year, if i follow scratch marks and it turns out theyre from the person who just got unhooked, ill leave (or ill slug them if i need to apply pressure but ill leave the area until theyre healed up), If im destroying the survivors and all of them recently got unhooked to the point where chasing any of them feels like tunneling, ill walk across the map to like "reset" so i dont feel as scummy. like its *so easy* to do well without camping and tunneling, there is objectively no good reason for you guys as the developer to make it such an easy thing for killers to do without punishment when you know that it ruins the game for survivors. Maybe dont use my examples maybe do your own things to fix it but oh my god the road yall have been on for the last year and a half or so has been so ######### up and toxic for the games quality of life its not even funny.


almost every game that im not camped/tunneled i get left to die on first or second hook because my teammates are either a. on a generator and refuse to get off. b. hiding in a locker. c. literally 10 feet away behind a wall and wont save me even though im about to die and theyre not even dead on hook. d. afk. or some other dumb reason.

yall gotta do something to encourage survivors to play as a team. I dont have friends that play this game so im stuck solo queuing and its utter torture. so i have some ideas

  1. if a survivor is on hook and another survivor enters a locker, automatically spawn crows on them if they stay in there for more that 15 seconds and are outside of the killers terror radius
  2. if a survivor is on the hook and the killer is more than like 20 meters away from the hook, slow down gen repari speed until they get unhooked
  3. add an automatic speed boost when running towards a hooked survivor (not much maybe like 5% or 10%

just like with killers, itll still be an option to be a toxic player/bad teammate, but itll just be a lot harder to do so.

Do these things or dont, obviously i have no control over you as a developer but its blatantly obvious you balance the game based on "top tier killer vs top tier survive with friends group in voice chat" and it ruins the game for the rest of the playerbase. im not saying yall should ignore the top tier players but like, you buffed the doctor last year because he wasnt viable in top tier play, but he was already ridiculously strong for mid tier play. Now hes good in top tier play and utterly broken for mid and low tiers.

The way yall are developing the game promotes a toxic playstyle from teammates who feel like "######### everyone else, I need to worry about myself" and killers who feel like they can do whatever they want with no consequences no matter how much it ruins the game for everybody else; but even more than that it alienates new players. ive talked to dozens of people who tried the game, felt like they were bad at it and never tried it again because they couldnt do anything. (of course you shouldnt make the game super duper easy for new players cause then it would just be unbalanced in the other direction, but it should be welcoming and fun for players whether they win or lose)

TL;DR Yall are making the game more and more unbalanced with every update cause you only pay attention to top tier players and ignore the actual issues that are objectively hurting player experience, like camping, tunneling, and random teammates not helping each other.