Can we,Survivor mains, have a stupid Nemesis nerf? He is not even fun to go against.



  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    You can do everything you are talking about but why? Running away from him in a straight line to the corner is going to be far more effective and waste more of Nemesis' time than trying to loop him.

    ***In very very limited situations, like the killer shack, looping him would be more effective.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    How? At best you made me walk into a wall, that's all. May I ask where you got this... falsified tip at? Because it doesn't waste as much time as normally looping would be, trust me. I know this..

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    It always blows my mind when people claim subjective fun, which can change from person to person, and is usually being done from the view of playing AGAINST the Killer instead of AS the Killer, is a legit reason for balance changes.

    If we went for 'fun', as seen by only Survivors, for every Killer; no Killer would be fun to play AS, or ever win.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I do not have raw data, so this is theory-crafting. (Since you are also theory-crafting too without data to back up your assumption, I think this is fine). Also to note is the fact that I don't think this is true of every killer or even half the other killers, just Killers that have several anti-looping abilities. For example: Nemesis can hit through pallets, has a ranged attack, can hit over short walls, can hit through windows and can break pallets almost instantly with his power.

    This is also based off a red-rank 1 Nemesis player.

    So on average, you are going to get hit through a loop wasting at least some of your 3 seconds of speed from a hit, every 2nd or 3rd time you loop him (Because he has several anti-looping abilities). Also, you are probably going to loop the killer, relatively closer to the center, so it will allow the killer to get to the next chase quicker.

    Now, again theory-crafting, if you run toward a corner, furthest away from your team mates, throwing pallets down between you and the Killer, then you are going to get much further with your 3 seconds of speed from a hit, which also means more time for the killer to catch you. Also, it is going to take the killer much longer to get into a chase, because you ran directly opposite from your team-mates (because you no longer have to worry about running toward pallets or windows). It's also going to make it easier for survivors to rescue you since you're off in the corner of the map. And it prevent the killer from camping you and a half done gen.

    The true test of either of these ideas would be to go against a tier 1 Nemesis. 5 times just running straight to the furthest corner (To the next furthest corner if you still have the speed boost or a health state) and seeing how long it takes to get back to the other survivors. 5 times looping the killer and seeing how long it takes to get back to the other survivors (Not including the killer shack loop).

    I'm almost positive that the straight run is going to be more time wasted for the killer than the looping.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    if anything he needs a buff

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
    edited June 2021

    Theory crafting? It's how I win my games. I have survivors fall for this falsified nonsense. It's why I got upset, because it doesn't work. It's hurtful advice that just kills people and teams much quicker.

    Did you take him to the other side of the map? Yeah, did it matter? Not really.

    I've had survivors do this "tech" against me. They're either running by themselves or I left them on the ground to die, or I hook them already because they ignored using loops.

    It's why I was so confused when I was told "I just do this."

    It's how you throw against him, especially if they're well prepared.

    Only time that... could work is against a Trapper and Hag because it goes against their power.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    The dev cant give nemesis more zombie. They said on the pbe feedback its because the game cant handle hit performence issue and thing like that. With the current patch we have i know this sound dumb but its the truth

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Don't understand these nerf threads for nemesis, he needs a small buff.

    - infection strike does not injure but allows you a burst of speed.

    - tentacle strike is really narrow.

    - 3rd stage does not really give anything beneficial

    - zombies can work when they want but can get stuck or seem to turn into your supervisor, monitoring your work on the gen through the window.

    - survivors have up to 3 or 4 chances to get out of infection, dependant on usage, which means yet another free sprint burst.

    There are other things but don't want the post to be too long.