Suggested Prestige/perk tier change

Xephox_Epoch Member Posts: 15
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Currently the game has so many perks that trying to grind out perks on Killers (and Survivors if you main multiple characters) is really horrible for most people who either haven't played in a while or just don't have much time to play 10-20 matches a day.

Prestiging also has an issue where all it gives you is some Bloody cosmetics for each prestige and very marginally increases the likelihood of Better items, add-ons and offerings by a seemingly unnoticeable amount.

An idea I had that I think would help solve the Prestige and Perk grind issues the game has are to make it so that Prestige 1 raises the minimum level of perks so all perks will be tier 2 when you first acquire them. Prestige 2 makes perks show up at max tier. Prestige 3 increases likelihood of higher rarity items, offerings and add-ons showing up on the bloodweb (not different that it currently is in Live).

This of course is just an idea and could use some refining but I wanted to hear everyone else's opinions on the matter or build onto the idea.

Edit: Clarification to rarities on Bloodweb.

Edit 2: Added missing mention of Survivors in first section.

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